World History
Day 45.1 - Muslim Civilization ~ The Origins of Islam
Goal 2.06, 2.03
Essential Questions
• Why did early civilizations develop?
• How did global civilizations organize and grow?
• How and why do civilizations change overtime?
• What aspects of civilizations are common across time and location?
Five Pillars of Islam
Starting the Lesson
Students will view the map of Arabia on p.256. Students will then answer the following questions:
1.The Arabian peninsula lies near the intersection of what three continents? Asia, Africa, Europe.
2.Why does Arabia have little agriculture? Harsh climates
3.What flourished in Arabia during the AD 600’s? Trade
4.What geographical features may have benefited trade in the Arabian peninsula? Access to the Red Sea, Arabian Sea, Persian Gulf, and Mediterranean Sea.
5.What geographical feature may have hindered trade to this region? deserts
6.From Arabia, in what directions did the religion of Islam spread? West to Spain
Students will trace a map of Arabia onto a large sheet of poster sized paper while it is taped to the wall. (I will project a map using the projector and overhead.) Students will label the following areas and color code correctly according to the rubric.
TraceMiddle East
Color lightly the land and sea
Label the 3 continents that intersect here
Label the following Sea’s: Red, Arabian, Mediterranean & the Persian Gulf
Label the ALL deserts
Draw a large arrow going west & write “expansion toward Spain” with.
Students will use Chapter 9, Section 1 of their text Human Legacy to locate and retrieve information about the origins of Islam. (textual information on p.256-261)
I will show a video on the beginnings of Islam. Start @ 3:10 in video. Stop @ 20:00. Make questions! (ALL)
Guided Practice
Students will create a bubble map that lists the 5 pillars of Islam and what they mean. (ALL)
Independent Practice
Students will create a sequencing map to list events, in order, that led to the spread of Islam.
Students will create a poster about “Muhammad the Messenger” and tell 10 facts about him and give a visual image to represent him.
Students will answer several teacher-selected questions about the origins of Islam. They may work in mixed-ability pairs. One student can be the writer-recorder while one student locates and retrieves information. (textual information on p.256-261)
Students will complete their classroom “Exit Cards” answering the following questions: “What did I Learn?” “What did I not understand?” “What do I need to review?”
World History
Day 46.1 - Muslim Civilization ~ The Spread of Islam
Goal 2.06, 2.03
Essential Questions
• Why did early civilizations develop?
• How did global civilizations organize and grow?
• How and why do civilizations change overtime?
• What aspects of civilizations are common across time and location?
Abu Bakr
Starting the Lesson
Students will read the introductory paragraph on p.262 “The Inside Story.” Students will then answer the following questions:
1.How did the first Muslims view Muhammad? God’s messenger and the leader of their community.
2.Was Muhammad really a God? No, he was a mortal man.
3.What did Muhammad predict would happen to him note long after he regained control of Mecca? his death.
4.When did Muhammad die? 632
5.What threatened the Muslim community most after Muhammad’s death? Disunity
6.What was needed in the aftermath of Muhammad’s death? Strong leadership
Students will use Chapter 9, Section 2 of their text Human Legacy to locate and retrieve information about the spread of Islam. (textual information on p.262-267)
A power point on Islam will also be shown.
Guided Practice
Students will view a 20 minute clip introducing Islamic practice. A questionnaire will aid the students in following the film along.
Independent Practice / Evaluation
Students will develop a map for the spread of Islam between 632 and 1482. Students should include significant events and landmarks discussed in the section. A rubric will be included.
Students will complete their classroom “Exit Cards” answering the following questions: “What did I Learn?” “What did I not understand?” “What do I need to review?”
World History
Day 47.1 - Muslim Civilization ~ Muslim Society and Culture
Goal 2.06, 2.03
Essential Questions
• Why did early civilizations develop?
• How did global civilizations organize and grow?
• How and why do civilizations change overtime?
• What aspects of civilizations are common across time and location?
Ibn Rushd
Ibn Sina
Ibn Khhaldun
Starting the Lesson
Students will read the introductory paragraph on p.270 “The Inside Story.” Students will then answer the following questions:
1.Who was the first Persian scholar to master philosophy and religion? Ibn Sina
2.Who was Ibn Sina also known as? Avicenna
3.What other two professions did Ibn Sina pursue? Medicine and Law
4.Ibn Sina mastered all of these accomlishments before he reached what age? 16
5.What did Ibn Sina do at the age of 17 that brought him fame? He cured a powerful local leader of a disease
6.What were four other accomplishments attributed to Ibn Sina? Mathematics, poetry, astronomy, music
Students will view a video on Jihad (the men & ideas behind al-Qaeda). They will answer some follow along questions as they watch.
Guided Practice/ Independent Practice
Students will create a Bubble Word Timeline (just a line with the word on it in bubble letters/ all information is contained with the bubble word) using the vocabulary from the notes. Vocab-lines will be hung from the ceiling.
Students will use the information in their text to complete a chart listing types of art and Islam’s influence on those types of art.
Students will complete their classroom “Exit Cards” answering the following questions: “What did I Learn?” “What did I not understand?” “What do I need to review?”
World History
Day 48.0 - Test on Muslim Civilization
Goal 2.06, 2.03
Essential Questions
• Why did early civilizations develop?
• How did global civilizations organize and grow?
• How and why do civilizations change overtime?
• What aspects of civilizations are common across time and location?
Starting the Lesson
Students will review their material from Chapter 9 on Muslim civilization
Independent Practice
Students will complete a cut and paste foldable diamond for pre-test practice and recall.
Students will test on Chapter 9.
Students will complete their classroom “Exit Cards” answering the following questions: “What did I Learn?” “What did I not understand?” “What