How can you get the most out of AIR-FLOW Therapy?
We know that a lot of clinicians have misconceptions about AIR-FLOW Therapy due to negative past experiences with other air polishing systems – but this advanced technology is different…really! Here are 10 uses for AIR-FLOW Therapy that can immediately enhance your existing protocols, patient experience & clinical outcomes in your practice.
- Teeth polishing: Patients love that “just cleaned” feeling when they leave their dental appointments. AIR-FLOW gives patients a smooth feeling without the grit when they walk out the door.
- Stain removal: Using AIR-FLOW with sodium bicarbonate Classic powders is a great choice for removing heavy stain from tobacco, beverages and other staining agents.
- Supragingival plaque & biofilm removal: The versatility of AIR-FLOW ensures that plaque and biofilm are quickly and efficiently removed from supragingival surfaces. Once all of the plaque is gone, it is easier to detect calculus.
- Shallow subgingival biofilm removal: Even the standard AIR-FLOW handpiece with glycine-based PERIO powder can reach 4mm subgingivally for comfortable biofilm removal around the subgingival border for healthy patients.
- Site-specific biofilm removal: For patients with deeper pockets, including perio maintenance, the flexible PERIO-FLOW nozzles can get around the height of the contour to safely reach and remove subgingival biofilm, aiding in the prevention of periodontitis.
- Effective cleaning prior to caries detection, fluoride application and bleaching: AIR-FLOW cleans pits & grooves where biofilm and debris can “hide.” Biofilm removal in these crevices makes it easier to see the unobstructed surface for caries detection, and also allows for better uptake of the material being used in fluoride and bleaching.
- Implant maintenance: As clinicians know, implants must be cleaned regularly to prevent biofilm buildup and which can lead to mucositis & peri-implantitis, but care must be taken to not damage the implant while cleaning. AIR-FLOW PERIO powder can help gently remove the biofilm on all of the implant components without scratching.
- Orthodontic brackets: Plaque can build up on and around ortho brackets, and it is very difficult to maneuver a rubber cup around the wires. AIR-FLOW with PERIO powder can easily remove the plaque without interfering with the fixed appliances.
- Effective cleaning prior to bonding, sealants, and placement of restorations and ortho: AIR-FLOW Therapy helps remove surface impurities and smooth surfaces so nothing comes between the enamel and the adhesive for brackets, bondings, restorations, etc.
- Gentle cleaning on restorations (including crowns and veneers): Just like with ortho brackets, biofilm can accumulate on and around restorations. To preserve the restoration while achieving optimal cleaning efficiency, glycine-based PERIO powder is the answer.
With these ten different uses in mind, can you think of a patient of yours who might benefit from AIR-FLOW Therapy? Perhaps a perio patient in need of pocket reduction or a teen patient with braces. Whatever the case may be, incorporating AIR-FLOW into your clinical routine will give you more versatility to deliver the care your patients deserve.
To learn more about AIR-FLOW Therapy, visit