Instructor Guide

LENGTH: / Approximately 50 minutes
RESOURCES: / LCD projector and screen
White Board or rip chart and markers
One general meeting room - capacity 20-30
Pencils and note pads - 1 each participant
OBJECTIVES: / Learn how to match talents with positions
Describe some of the ways Members can participate
Discuss other ways Members can help
INTRODUCTION: / Discussion topics include:
Who is this for?
What are your talents?
Match talents with opportunities
Other ways to help
Slide 1:
Title Slide / Introduce yourself and welcome the participants to: How to Participate in GWRRA. Let them know that questions can be asked at any time during the presentation.
Slide 2:
•Learn how to match talents with positions
•Describe some of the ways Members can participate on the team
•Discuss other ways Members can help / The objectives of this seminar to look at different ways Members can actively participate in a Chapter. Members do not have to be part of the Chapter team or Officers to be involved.
Slide 3:
•Who is this for?
•What are your talents?
•Match talents with opportunities
•Other ways to help / This seminar can help new Members, current Members and Officers.
To find the right people for the position or task you have to ask. Find out about the Members. What do they like to do? It may not be what they do for a living. They already do that for a paid job.
Keep track of these talents so you can match the member to the position.
What if they don’t want to be that involved? Are there other smaller, less time consuming things they might want to do?
Slide 4:
Who Is This For?
•New Members
–What can I do in the Chapter?
•Current Members
–How can I be more involved in the Chapter?
•Chapter Directors
–What talents to look for in the Chapter participants / Who can benefit from this seminar?
New Members can get an idea of what positions might be a fit for their talents.
Current Members might want to take on more responsibility or a new position.
Chapter Directors, and other Officers, can see which specific talents work best with the different positions.
Slide 5:
What Are Your Talents?
•Do you have talents that you feel confident using?
•Would you like to use these talents to benefit others in GWRRA?
•Chapters depend on members willing to share their talents and abilities / If you are looking to be more involved in the Chapter let the Director and the other Officers know. Let them know what your background is. What education do you have in certain areas?
Sharing your knowledge supports the TEAM philosophy. Together Everyone Achieves More.
A volunteer organization is heavily dependent on its people stepping up and taking on a position, a challenge, and opportunity for growth.
Slide 6:
Match Talents With Opportunities
•Social in nature, upbeat, outgoing, friendly
–Door Greeter, Hug Collector or Sunshine Person
•Safety minded, conscientious rider, likes to share knowledge and set a good example
–Chapter Educator / On the next several slides talents and abilities will be listed and then matched with an appropriate position.
See if you can guess the position before it appears on the slide.
The slide animations are set to show the talents on one click and the positions on the next.
Slide 7:
Match Talents With Opportunities
•Good with maps, directions, familiar with places of interest and good restaurants
–Ride Coordinator
•Computer savvy with inclination towards management and data
–Membership Enhancement Coordinator
–Chapter of the Year Coordinator
Slide 8:
Match Talents With Opportunities
•Mechanical aptitude
–Technical Advisor
•Communication (Telephone) affinity
–Phone Tree (Coordinator or Helper)
•Leadership skills with benevolent nature
–Chapter Director or Assistant
Slide 9:
Match Talents With Opportunities
•Skills in arranging social events
–Events Coordinator
•Computer savvy with graphic arts and publishing experience
–Newsletter Editor
•Financially inclined, good record keeping skills
Slide 10:
Match Talents With Opportunities
•Computer savvy with graphic arts and web experience
•Inclination toward nostalgia
–Chapter Historian, Scrapbook Coordinator
•Leadership skills related to riding
–Road Captain
Slide 11:
Match Talents With Opportunities
•Are you a shutterbug?
–Chapter Photographer
•Writing skills or simply enjoy writing
–Newsletter Contributor
•Others? / Ask the participants if they have an example of other unique circumstances where someone’s talents were helpful in a situation.
Slide 12:
Other Ways To Help
•Volunteer to help on a committee
•Provide your pictures to the newsletter editor and/or webmaster
•Organize an act to enter into a talent show at a District or Region Convention or Wing Ding / If you don’t want to commit to a position on the team there are many other ways you can help. Volunteer for the Anniversary committee, or the Christmas Social committee.
If you take pictures at an event or on a ride you can share them with the Chapter Newsletter Editor.
Put together a skit for a talent show. Design a Chapter shirt for the Best Dressed competition.
Slide 13:
Other Ways To Help
•Plan a single ride such as:
–A scenic ride
–An historic ride
–A scavenger hunt
–To an event, festival, convention….
•Share knowledge of interesting roads / Chapters are always looking for new destinations for their rides. Help the Ride Coordinator with new ideas. The Chapter can only go to Braum’s/Dairy Queen so many times.
Slide 14:
Other Ways To Help
•Be a positive influence
•Discourage negativity
•Recognize and thank the team and volunteers for serving the Chapter
•Exhibit Chapter pride / If you don’t feel comfortable assuming the duties of a position or working on a committee at least be a cheerleader for the Chapter.
Be positive and upbeat about plans for an activity even if you aren’t going along.
You don’t have to be the Director to give praise for a job well done. People like to get the pats on the back. It keeps them active and involved.
Participate with the Chapter by wearing Chapter colors, shirts, hats, and other means of identification with the Chapter. Fly a Chapter flag on your antenna.
Slide 15:
•Who is this for?
•What are your talents?
•Match talents with opportunities
•Other ways to help / Review the discussion point of the seminar.
Slide 16:
Questions / Take questions to conclude the seminar.
Revision History
Originally written by / John Simonick (date unknown)
Revised by / Dave Aikens (4/11/07)
Edited and Formatted by / Ed Nahl (2/8/12)
Revised by / Tommy Wilson (12/8/13)

Version 12.13 1

Copyright © Gold Wing Road Riders Association 2007