Music of the Apocalypse Illuminated Passage
How can I illustrate my understanding of literature through illuminated passages?
Illuminated passages require the creator to explore the layers of meaning of a passage. Illuminated passages use images, videos, comments, and links to create layer upon layer of meaning. For this project you will be creating an illuminated passage from the novelThe Road.
Phase ONE: Tone Analysis
1. Locate a passage from Cormac McCarthy'sThe Roadthat conveys a strong and unified TONE.
The passage must be a minimum ONE PAGE in length and posted to a google document.
Google document must be titled: "The Road, page number of passage, your last name".
2. Complete Tone Analysis
Highlight all the words/phrases in the passage that have strong connotative meaning (emotional baggage)!
Choose at least FIVE of those words and using the comment feature EXPLAIN how the word contributes to tone.
Answer the question: How does this word contribute to the TONE of the passage?
Clearly identify the tone of your passage at the top of the google document.
PHASE TWO: Illuminate your passage.
1. Insert images that bring your passage to life. Where does Cormac McCarthy use language to create images? Locate those images and insert them into your passage. MINIMUM OF SEVEN IMAGES.
2. Using the comment feature, explain the connection between the image and the text. (CHOOSE 4 IMAGES)
Phase THREE: Music Analysis
1.FIND or CREATEone piece of music that fits the tone or mood of the chosen passage.
Place the link to the song AND the lyrics of the songTO THE BOTTOM OF YOUR PASSAGE.
2.Explain HOW the lyrics, instruments, tempo/rhythm contribute to its tone and mood.
WRITE a1-page response explaining the connection between passage and music choice.
This response should be included on song and lyric google document.Consider how different instruments, musical dynamics, tempo and rhythm, contribute to the tone.
STRUCTURE of Response:
Background of the song--if relevant.
Summary of the passage.
Connection between music and passage:
How does the tone of the song match the tone of the passage?
Consider how different instruments, musical dynamics, tempo and rhythm, contribute to the tone.
Phase FIVE: Presentation
1. In class presentations, students must share their passages with the class.
2. They must play their music selection and read the passage aloud.
3. Students must explain their choice and how it reflects the tone of the passage, considering how different instruments, musical dynamics, tempo and rhythm, and repeated musical motifs contribute to the tone.
Due Dates:
Passage Chosen and Google Document Created/Shared:
Tone and Syntax Comments on Google Document:
Music and lyrics linked to passage document:
1page music and lyrics analysis:
Illuminated Text Completed: Images, Image Comments, Vocabulary Comments DUE on scheduled presentation dates.