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Introduction Page 2
Options considered Page 3
Proposals Page 4
How to have your say Page 7
Timeline Page 7
Kent County Council (KCC) has undertaken a review of all care home provision. Following this review, KCC is consulting with the public on the future of four care homes in Kent:
· Dorothy Lucy Centre, Maidstone
· Blackburn Lodge, Sheerness
· Kiln Court, Faversham
· Wayfarers, Sandwich
When the above homes were built, people’s requirements were very different to what they are now. The buildings were not designed to meet the current and future needs of older people who continue to present with complex needs requiring more specialist modern facilities. KCC has to consider the needs and expectations of people and how it can best meet these.
The key drivers behind these proposals are:
· People are living longer with more complex conditions and they rightly expect more choice in care.
· People wish to remain in their own homes with dignity and expect high quality care.
· Residential care should be in high quality buildings. Several of KCC’s older buildings would require significant financial investment to allow for continued use.
· It is more expensive for KCC to deliver services in-house. Good quality care can be purchased for less money in the independent sector where investment and maintenance funding is more available.
· KCC has an Accommodation Strategy which seeks to secure the right type of accommodation in the right place and is provided in the most efficient way.
The proposals are not a reflection of the quality of the services or staff. It is recognised that the services and staff are of good quality and KCC is proud of the services offered. KCC is also very aware of the anxieties these proposals will bring to the residents, their relatives and staff. Staff will help ensure that the residents and service users receive support and assurance that alternative services will be provided to the current residents where closure is proposed.
The market has responded to the growing and changing demand for older persons’ care, increasing its capacity to provide an equal level of care and becoming providers that KCC can commission to deliver services. KCC is required to ensure there is adequate provision of care for older persons but is not required to deliver the service directly. The costs of commissioning the service are significantly lower than continuing to directly provide it via KCC staff and facilities and this has been considered carefully in developing options. An Equality Impact Assessment has also been undertaken to look at the wider impact of proposals. This can be viewed on the website or there are some copies at the four centres.
Options Considered in the Review
In order to meet the challenges that the Council is facing, both in terms of the needs and expectations of today’s older people and the financial pressures of changing demand and reduced central government funding, a thorough review is needed.
Several options were developed for responding to the above drivers affecting care home provision. Each option below was considered for each of the four centres to assess what would be the most appropriate proposal.
The options considered included the following:
· No change in service delivery (business as usual)
· Significant investment to refit or build facilities to meet changing demands in line with Care Quality Commission (CQC) standards (this means KCC would need to spend large sums to improve existing KCC facilities – between £1.4m and £2.2m per facility)
· Commission services externally but retain ownership of the facilities (this means paying other organisations to provide the care in the KCC owned buildings – this would also require significant investment to refit / rebuild the facilities)
· Sell the care home as a going concern (this means that another organisation buys the care home and takes responsibility for providing the service and maintaining / upgrading the facility as well as using existing staff. Alternatively, an external organisation may buy the care home with the option to sell the facility and provide the services elsewhere)
· Purchase services from care homes in the independent sector (this means that KCC would close the current facilities and commission other organisations to provide the services at other venues – the same level of care could be provided at approximately 66% of the cost to KCC)
· Support the market to develop suitable alternative services (this means working with other organisations to ensure adequate alternative services are available before closing a KCC facility)
Proposals for the Four Centres
Dorothy Lucy Centre, Maidstone
The Dorothy Lucy Centre is a detached 28-bed unit built in 1985. The Centre specialises in respite and other short term services and also offers a range of day care services across the week.
Proposal: Close the facility and purchase services from other local care homes.
This means that KCC will stop providing services at this centre and offer alternative places for existing residents at other venues with care provided by a contracted organisation.
KCC’s Accommodation Strategy has indicated that there is sufficient alternative provision available in the independent sector in Maidstone, allowing for current service users to be transferred to other facilities. Services will be purchased to accommodate the short term services that the Dorothy Lucy Centre currently provides, meeting the needs of service users more efficiently.
KCC wants to assure service users and their families that they will still have access to services if this proposal goes ahead, but the services would be at a different location.
Blackburn Lodge, Sheerness
Blackburn Lodge is a detached 34-bed unit (33 single rooms and one double with no ensuite facilities) built in 1982. It offers residential care, respite care, and day care.
Proposal: Transfer service users to alternative services over an agreed timescale prior to closing the KCC facility.
The Accommodation Strategy has shown that at present there is not sufficient alternative provision available in the area. This means that KCC will work with partners and the market to develop suitable services that better meet the needs of service users. The KCC facility will only be closed down once all service users have been transferred to more appropriate services.
KCC wants to assure service users and their families that if this proposal goes ahead, the centre would not close until services are ready to be provided from alternative venues. There will not be a gap in provision.
Kiln Court, Faversham
Kiln Court is a detached 30-bed unit built in 1988. It offers residential care, short term rehabilitation care and dementia care.
Proposal: Close the facility and purchase services from other local care homes
This means that KCC will stop providing services at this centre and offer alternative places for existing residents at other venues with care provided by another organisation commissioned by KCC.
The Accommodation Strategy has shown that there is alternative provision available in the independent sector close by, allowing for current service users to be transferred to alternative facilities. Services will be purchased to accommodate the short term services that Kiln Court Centre currently provides, meeting the needs of service users more efficiently.
KCC wants to assure service users and their families that they will still have access to services if this proposal goes ahead, but the services would be at a different location.
Wayfarers, Sandwich
Wayfarers is a detached, 33-bed unit built in 1983. The home is separated into two distinct wings; Hollyside and Cherry Way. Each has its own dining area and communal spaces. It offers residential care, both long and short term, and some day care services.
Proposal: Sell the facility as a going concern (service continued by the purchasing organisation using existing staff)
The facility is well maintained and situated in an area with good access to local amenities, making it an attractive option for purchase by an external provider. The purchasing organisation would be responsible for continuing to provide care services (currently dedicated respite services alongside a residential unit and integrated day centre). Existing staff would be retained on their current terms and conditions, allowing for continuity of care and service user support.
The Accommodation Strategy has identified that there is a continued need in the Sandwich area for this type of provision and the particular location of Wayfarers means that it is likely to attract a private organisation to take over and run the services. Recent market engagement indicates that there is some interest in the independent sector to take over the responsibility for this service from KCC. If a successful transfer can be secured the service would continue to offer care to older persons under new ownership and management.
Public consultation – how to give your views
Please visit to complete the online questionnaire.
Alternatively, complete the paper form and send it to Freepost OP FUTURES
or hand it in at one of the four centres.
Timeline for decision making
Consultation Period / 28 September 2015 to 20 December 2015Report to Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health for decision making on the proposals (including consultation response data) / Published on 7 January 2016
Recommendation reports presented to Adult Social Care and Health Cabinet Committee for discussion / 14 January 2016
Key decision taken by Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health / Week commencing 18 January 2016
Changes take place if agreed / From February 2016
Consultation Questionnaire
Q1. Are you completing this questionnaire on behalf of:
Please select one option.
Yourself (as an individual)
Yourself as a member of staff at one of the four centres
A relative of someone who uses (or has recently used) Care Home services
An organisation
Other, please specify:
Q1a. If you are responding on behalf of an organisation, please tell us the name of the organisation:
Q2. Please tell us which Care Home(s) you are responding about.
Please select one or more options.
Dorothy Lucy Centre, Maidstone
Blackburn Lodge, Sheerness
Kiln Court, Faversham
Wayfarers, Sandwich
Q3. Do you have any concerns about the proposals?
Q3a. If you have answered ‘yes’, please tell us what these concerns are.
Q4. If you feel there would be any impacts (either positive or negative) on you, your relative or your organisation, please describe these impacts below.
Q5. Do you have any alternative suggestions to these proposals?
KCC has also completed an Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA) on these proposals. An EqIA is a tool to assess the impact any policies or strategies would have on race, age, disability, gender, gender reassignment, sexual orientation, religion or belief and carers’ responsibilities. To view the document, go to Copies will also be available at the four centres. We welcome your comments on this.
About You...KCC wants to make sure that everyone is treated fairly and equally, and that no one gets left out. That's why you’re being asked these questions.
The information you provide won’t be shared with anyone else. It will only be used to help improve services.
If you would rather not answer any of these questions, you don't have to.
Q6. / Are you...... ? Please select one option.
¨ / Male / ¨ / Female / ¨ / I prefer not to say
Q7. / Which of these age groups applies to you? Please select one option.
¨ / 0 - 15 / ¨ / 25-34 / ¨ / 50-59 / ¨ / 65-74 / ¨ / 85+ over
¨ / 16-24 / ¨ / 35-49 / ¨ / 60-64 / ¨ / 75-84 / ¨ / I prefer not to say
Q8. / What is your postcode?
Q9. / To which of these ethnic groups do you feel you belong? (Source: 2011 census). Please select one option.
¨ / White English / ¨ / Asian or Asian British Indian
¨ / White Scottish / ¨ / Asian or Asian British Pakistani
¨ / White Welsh / ¨ / Asian or Asian British Bangladeshi
¨ / White Northern Irish / ¨ / Asian or Asian British other*
¨ / White Irish / ¨ / Black or Black British Caribbean
¨ / White Gypsy/Roma / ¨ / Black or Black British African
¨ / White Irish Traveller / ¨ / Black or Black British other*
¨ / White other* / ¨ / Arab
¨ / Mixed White and Black Caribbean / ¨ / Chinese
¨ / Mixed White and Black African / ¨ / I prefer not to say
¨ / Mixed White and Asian
¨ / Mixed other*
¨ / Other ethnic group*
*If your ethnic group is not specified in the list, please describe it here:
The Equality Act 2010 describes a person as disabled if they have a longstanding physical or mental condition that has lasted, or is likely to last, at least 12 months; and this condition has a substantial adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities. People with some conditions (cancer, multiple sclerosis and HIV/AIDS, for example) are considered to be disabled from the point that they are diagnosed.
Q10. / Do you consider yourself to be disabled as set out in the Equality Act 2010?
Please select one box.
¨ / Yes / ¨ / No / ¨ / I prefer not to say
Q10a. / If you answered Yes to Q10, please tell us the type of impairment that applies to you. You may have more than one type of impairment, so please select all that apply. If none of these applies to you, please select Other, and give brief details of the impairment you have.
¨ / Physical impairment.
¨ / Sensory impairment (hearing, sight or both).
¨ / Longstanding illness or health condition, such as cancer, HIV/AIDS, heart disease, diabetes or epilepsy.
¨ / Mental health condition.
¨ / Learning disability.
¨ / I prefer not to say.
¨ / Other*
*If Other, please specify:
Q11. / Do you regard yourself as belonging to any particular religion or belief?
Please select one box.
¨ / Yes / ¨ / No / ¨ / I prefer not to say
Q11a. / If you answered Yes to Q11, which one applies to you? Please select one box.
¨ / Christian / ¨ / Hindu / ¨ / Muslim / ¨ / Any other religion, please specify:
¨ / Buddhist / ¨ / Jewish / ¨ / Sikh
Q12. / Are you...? Please select one box.
¨ / Heterosexual/Straight / ¨ / Gay woman/Lesbian / ¨ / Other
¨ / Bi/Bisexual / ¨ / Gay man / ¨ / I prefer not to say
Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire.
To return your questionnaire, you may hand it in at one of the four centres. Alternatively you may post it to: