By Rod

You gave up eating choc’late through forty days of Lent,

But have you ever wondered, “Just what, by ‘Lent’, is meant”?

“Never a lender be,” Dad said, “nor’s it good to borrow”.

Are we paying something back, with forty days of sorrow?

And then there comes Good Friday; it’s not a day of fun,

`Cept a little jam you spread, upon your hot cross bun.

Some sit in church from noon to three, no lunch nor sign of food.

By any definition, a strange idea of good!

And then the mood it changes; the Sunday’s full of zest.

Easter eggs are everywhere: a lovely Chocofest!

A time for hearty praising, “Three cheers for Cadbury,

And all makers ev’rywhere, of fine confection’ry!”

Does Easter mean we worship the glorious cocoa bean?

Or should we look beyond this, for something not yet seen?

P’rhaps it’s for the animals, furry, young and funny.

Is that why our Easter cards besport the Easter bunny?

Or are we saying “Thank you”, a sort of annual pay,

To Britain’s noble chickens, for all the eggs they lay?

Once a year they keep their eggs, we let them have their kicks.

That’s why the place’s overrun, with fluffy Easter chicks.

No, these are merely symbols, to help us all to see,

What it is that God has done, in love for you and me.

Jesus left His heavenly home, so forty days of Lent,

Help us all to understand, what cost for Him this meant.

And it was on a Friday, up a hill at Calvary,

When King of Kings, Lord of Lords, was nailed up to a tree.

For three whole hours He suffered, from noontime on to three,

Darkness spread across the Earth, to hide His agony.

It was for me He suffered, for you He shed His blood.

Truly you and I can say, “The greatest act of good”.

Giving up His life for us has shown He is our friend,

But His death upon the cross, was, joyf’lly, not the end.

Early on the Sunday next, first ever Easter day,

Empty tomb with body gone and stone rolled right away!

The King of Kings, Lord of Lords, had proved His Majesty,

Gained new life, but better still, had shown us – so can we!

This is what our symbols show: the bunnies that are rife,

Fluffy chicks and Easter eggs all point us to new life.

So for you to truly share in all the Easter fun;

Look beyond the Chocofest, and worship God’s own Son.

Easter eggstravaganza- 1 -Rod 15/2/02