Interior Design Syllabus

Teacher: Ms. Robin Myers

R. J. Reynolds High School 301 N. Hawthorne Road, Winston Salem, NC 27104

Phone: 336.403-4145

1 Credit


Available to: Grades 10-12

Standard: Career and Technical Education

Course Description:

Research indicates that students learn better in an environment where there are hands on learning experiences. Housing and Interior Design encompasses this by using a lab environment and case study projects. Students also learn through multiple intelligences such as: Linguistic, logical, kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalist intelligence. We supplement other curricular areas as well, such as Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, Art, and Drafting through the skills that we teach.


·  Understanding how knowledge and skills related to living environments affect the well-being of individuals, families, and society.

o  Students will demonstrate an understanding of the life cycles and individual needs as they relate to housing.

o  Students will demonstrate an understanding of the evolution of housing styles and furnishing.

·  Understands important concepts and skills related to careers in the housing, interiors, and furnishing industry.

o  Students will have an understanding of the housing, interiors, and furnishing industry.

o  Students will be able to evaluate a client’s needs, goals, and resources in creating design plans for housing, interiors, and furnishings.

o  Students will demonstrate their design ideas through visual presentation.

o  Students will interpret and create plans drawn to scale.

o  Students will demonstrate professional practices and standards in the field of housing and interior design.

Course Outline:

·  Housing: A universal need-housing age project

·  Housing and Society

·  Choosing a place to live

·  Renting and buying homes

·  Childhood dream bedroom

·  Early homes/homes from the 18th century to today

·  Research project on homes and builders

·  Designing livable homes/floor plan project

·  The elements of design/the roles of color

·  Principles of design

·  Choosing a color scheme

·  Designing steps-decorating projects

·  Furniture Styles

·  Window Treatments/Wall coverings

Course Requirements:

·  Be on time.

·  Come to class prepared. Have all required materials and assignments.

·  Hand in projects, papers, and daily assignments in on time. Late assignments will receive a 5% reduction for each day that they are late.

·  Use classroom time appropriately and productively.

·  Respect classroom, equipment, classmates, and instructor.

Grading Procedures:

·  Participation Grade 10% :

based on the following items:

o  In class

o  Being on time for class

o  Having proper materials: daily (notebook, pencil or pen, folder) project supplies (poster board, graph paper, colored pencils, and markers).

o  Respectful behavior: no swearing, no food or pop, good listening skills

o  Appropriate use of time: staying on task at all times and during project time, using your own work and research

·  Tests and Individual Projects 30%

·  Group Projects 15%

·  Daily Assignments/Homework Assignments 20%

·  Final Exam 25%

·  Reading assignments and Essay assignments 5%

·  (In the event of cheating you will receive a zero for the assignment)

Text and Other Resource Material:

·  Housing Decisions: Glencoe/McGraw Hill 1997

·  Related AV materials, periodicals, and reference materials.

·  Decorating Samples, teacher developed activities and guest speakers.

Contact Information:

Mrs. Robin Myers

School telephone number: 336.403-4145

School e-mail address: