Our Family Constitution (blank for family to complete)
(Mission, Values, Principles, Roles and Goals that Guide Our Conduct and Decisions…)
Our Mission (duty relating to God, family, church, community, etc.)
Guiding Values and Principles (e.g., vital morals, ideals, and standards)Things We Strive to BE… (e.g., virtues, characteristics, attributes)
ü / ü / ü / üü / ü / ü / ü
ü / ü / ü / ü
ü / ü / ü / ü
Things We Long to DO… (e.g., pursuits, lifestyle, ambitions, activities)
ü / üü / ü
ü / ü
Things We Want to HAVE… (e.g., relationship/family, talents, accomplishments, experiences)
ü / üü / ü
ü / ü
Family Member ROLES (e.g., position, capacity, pursuit, talent, interest)
Dad / Mom / Child / Child / ChildChild / Child / Child / Child / Child
(Detailed blanks through which Roles, Goals, and Activities are defined for each individual appear below, as does an example of a Christian Family Constitution and a Roles, Goals, and Activities sheet example.)
Our Family Constitution (example)
(Mission, Values, Principles, Roles and Goals that Guide Our Conduct and Decisions…)
Our Mission…
1. To serve GOD and share the love of JESUS CHRIST with others.
2. To invest daily in raising a safe, healthy, and loving FAMILY.
3. To serve God, touch lives, and grow professionally in a rewarding VOCATION.
4. To work to make a significant positive contribution in the COMMUNITY.
5. To grow in HEALTH (spiritual, emotional, relational, mental, physical, financial).
Our Guiding Values & Principles (and resulting Actions: inset)…
1. We fear, serve, and depend on GOD only.
ü We seek His presence/direction daily via worship, prayer, and Bible reading.
ü We place God’s Principles ahead of Feelings. (=SELF-GOVERNMENT).
ü We have FAITH in God, TRUST His timing, and WAIT/are still before Him.
2. We value our FAMILY (and other vital RELATIONSHIPS).
ü We invest DAILY TIME with family.
ü We treat others the way we would like to be treated. ( = GOLDEN RULE, Matt. 7:12)
ü The law of LOVE and KINDNESS governs our actions and speech.
ü WISDOM , REASON , and ORDER prevail in our home (not emotionalism).
ü We stand for TRUTHand INTEGRITY; our words and our actions match.
3. We value a meaningful and rewarding VOCATION.
ü We seek to grow in terms of GOD’S CALLING on our lives (ongoing learning).
4. We value making a contribution to our COMMUNITY.
ü We GIVE (food/resource/blood), SERVE, and WITNESS in the community.
5. We value HEALTH (diet, exercise, sleep) and BALANCED LIVING (work/play, save/spend, listen/talk, be active/rest, fellowship/solitude, give/receive, etc.).
We Strive to BE… Christlike!
·Loving/Kind ·Wise ·Servant-Hearted/Selfless ·Thankful/Content ·Holy/Pure ·Encouraging/Positive ·Orderly/Organized ·Joyful ·Faithful/True ·Generous ·Forgiving ·Teachable ·Gracious/Polite ·Humble ·Promise Keepers ·Healthy ·Balanced ·Courageous ·Good Listeners ·Excellent/Skilled ·Self-Governing!!!
We Long to DO…
·Witness for Christ ·Give a lot to God’s work (TTT) ·Serve at Church and in the community ·Live in a nice, safe community (weather, neighbors, culture, etc.) ·Enjoy a balanced lifestyle with meaningful work, regular family time, lifelong learning, and some travel ·Make music (voice, piano, etc.) ·Grow a garden!
We Want to HAVE…
·The Presence of the Holy Spirit (& fruits/gifts) in our home ·Healthy children and a joyful family · Lifelong friends ·A pleasant safe place to call home and share with family and friends ·Financial Independence and abundant resource to share with others ·A great sense of humor/fun!!
Family Member Roles
Dad / Mom / Daughter / Son·Bondservant of Christ / · Bondservant of Christ / · Bondservant of Christ / · Bondservant of Christ
·Husband/Dad / ·Wife/Mom/Teacher / ·Child/Daughter / ·Child/Son
·Priest/Channel of God’s provision / ·Household Manager / ·Student/Learner / ·Student/Learner
·Athlete/Reader/ Writer/ Musician / ·Artist/ Craftsman/ Gardener/ Reader/ Musician / ·Athlete/ Artist/ Reader/ Musician / ·Athlete/ Artist/ Reader/Musician
Roles, Goals and Daily Actions
For: Dad (example)
Roles / Goals / Activities·Bondservant of God / ·Invite His presence
·Hear His voice better
·Seek the mind of Christ
·Please an audience of One / ·Worship daily
·Pray daily
·Read Bible daily
·Husband / ·Grow our relationship / ·Pray daily for wife / family
·Daily time together (talk, sing, read, walk, etc.)
·Take vacation weekends
·Do dishes and special remembrances
·Dad / ·Grow relationships / ·Pray daily for children
·Daily time together (play, talk, sing, read, walk, etc.)
·Invest time and give full attention
·Priest / ·Lead the family toward Christ and His Word & principles / ·Lead the family in prayer daily (at mealtime, bedtime, and at all times when something matters to the family)
·Read the Bible out loud once a day (bedtime is good)
·Lead the family in worship (hymns, worship choruses)
·Channel of God’s provision / ·Grow/achieve professionally / ·Seek God’s wisdom/ direction
·Learn job well, serve clients
·Understand co.’s and boss’ motivation
·Continue to grow skills
·Athlete / ·Maintain physical fitness / ·Bike, run, walk, or swim every other day (stay healthy for the kids and grandkids to enjoy you and learn from you)
· Writer/Reader / ·Grow mentally / ·Read everyday (goal: one book every other month…)
·Keep active testimony journal
· Musician / ·Maintain keyboard abilities
·Improve flute abilities / ·Play/worship at piano (daily?)
·Play flute once a week.
· Community servant
· Advocate / ·Witness for Christ to unsaved
·Work to advance Christian principles and leadership in government – Exhort Christians to fulfill the Biblical mandate to select God-fearing leaders. / ·Give blood
·Teach, develop website, do talk radio presentations, facilitate Christian Public Awareness group
·Stay informed, write letters, be involved
Roles, Goals and Daily Actions
For: Mom (blank for mom to complete)
Roles / Goals / Activities·Bondservant of God
·Household Manager
· Garden Expert
· Musician
·Artist/ Craftsman
Roles, Goals and Daily Actions
For: Daughter (blank for daughter to complete if she’s old enough OR you can help her…)
Roles / Goals / Activities·Bondservant of God
·Athlete/ Artist/Reader/ Musician
Roles, Goals and Daily Actions
For: Son (blank for son to complete if he’s old enough OR you can help him…)
Roles / Goals / Activities·Bondservant of God
·Athlete/ Artist/Reader/ Musician