Basic Membership Application for
NARC&DC’s Circle of Diamonds
Calendar Year 2016
Council Name: ______
Street Address: ______
City, State, and Zip Code: ______
Telephone Number: ______
Web Address (if applicable): ______
Council President’s Name (or other authorized official): ______
By utilizing the information gathered from this application and accompanying documents, the staff of NARC&DC will review each application to ensure full compliance with the requirements established. By submitting this application to NARC&DC, the above named RC&D Council certifies that it meets all of the requirements set forth on the BASIC application checklist and the NARC&DC website. Further, by submitting this application the Council agrees to allow NARC&DC staff to contact the listed references and review any and all necessary material listed below.
By signing below, I, ______, the Council President (or other authorized official), certify that the above RC&D Council complies with the criteria set forth in the Standards of Excellence Program, a.k.a. NARC&DC’s Circle of Diamonds. Further, by signing below, I agree that the applicant RC&D Council hereby gives permission to NARC&DC staff to review the material listed on the BASIC application checklist. I further agree to hold harmless the NARC&DC office, its members, board of directors, employees, and agents from liability from and associated with membership and failure of membership or continued membership and realize that this program is of a voluntary nature. In addition, I understand that all answers submitted in this application become the property of NARC&DC, and by submitting this application the Council agrees to allow NARC&DC to utilize this information in any way it sees fit. Further, I understand that the Standards of Excellence Program, a.k.a. NARC&DC’s Circle of Diamonds, may be changed at any time, without notice.
Council President’s Signature (or other authorized official)
The National Association of RC&D Councils, 444 North Capitol Street, N.W., Suite 618, Washington, DC 20001
Circle of Diamonds
Checklist for Basic Level
Yes / No / Not Applicable / Must be submitted with applicationGovernance:
Articles of incorporation and amendments / YES
Up-to-date bylaws / YES
Up-to-date annual report and listing of registered agent / YES
Conflict of interest policy and procedures
Council board of directors meets at least every quarter (in person or by teleconference), with a minimum of two in-person meetings annually
Human Resources:
Compliance with state and federal employment laws
Compensation documentation for board if funds are reimbursed and employees if paid
Workers compensation insurance
Compliance with Civil Rights Act of 1964 if 15 or more employees
Compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act of 1975 if 15 or more employees
Financial Management:
File IRS Form 990, IRS 990-EZ, or 990 PF
File IRS Form 990-T (for unrelated business income)
File IRS Form 1099-MISC if Council paid an independent contractor $600 or more
Prompt acknowledgement of donations, including compliance with gift substantiation requirements -- see IRS publication 1771
IRS Determination Letter is on file and publicly available / YES
Council has an operating budget and reviews it at every meeting
If Council’s expenditures of federal funds exceed $500,000: Council has an annual audit of financial statements performed and reports the results to the membership
If Council’s expenditures of federal funds are less than $500,000: Council has a CPA review or compilation conducted
Yes / No / Not Applicable / Must be submitted with application
The Council represents the geographic makeup of the RC&D Area (including ethnic, gender, and community interests)
Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action policies in place
Services of the Council are available to all constituents of the RC&D Area, including the underserved
Diversity policy is in place
Council is current on its dues to the National Association
A strategic assessment of the Council area’s needs has been carried out, and on that basis an Area Plan has been created and approved by the Council / YES (area plan must be submitted)
A current Annual Plan has been approved by the Council / YES
Outreach materials are published at least quarterly (e.g., announcements, press releases, brochures, website, meeting reports, publications, etc.) / YES
(Submit at least two examples)
Council has current membership and mailing lists / YES
Provide names and addresses of five references (outside of current Council sponsors) whom the Council has served / YES
Council has at least two partners outside of the current Council sponsors
Updated 1/2/2016