The South Carolina CBM Branch follows the following NRPA By-Laws…








Revised Feb. 2007



Manual of Operating ProceduresPage 1

Citizen Branch MembershipPage 2

Membership Definition

Types of Membership

Citizen Branch MeetingsPage 3 – 5

Annual Branch Meeting

Special Branch Meeting

Board of Directors Meeting

Special BOD Meeting

Conducting Branch Business

Standing Rules

Citizen Branch Board of DirectorsPages 6 – 7


Term of Office

Filling Vacancies

Citizen Branch OfficersPage 8

Branch Officers


Election and Term of Office


Nominations and ElectionsPage 9 – 11

Non-Professional Citizen Eligibility

Citizen Branch Board of Directors Officer


Procedures for Nomination

State or Regional Director on the Board of Directors


Procedures for Nomination

Citizen Branch CommitteesPage 12 – 13

Standing Committees

Special Committees

NRPA Citizen Branch Staff LiaisonPage 14

Representation to NRPA National ForumPage 14 – 15

NRPA National Forum Representation


Procedures for Nominations





This MANUAL OF OPERATING PROCEDURES (MOP) is an internal working document for the Citizen Branch (CB) Board of Directors. It is designed to:

  1. Complement the Citizen Branch Charter and NRPA Branch and Section By-laws, further describing the operation and procedures for conducting Citizen Branch business.
  1. Provide general information to the membership of the Citizen Branch and Board of Directors.
  1. Provide a consistency of operation on a year-to-year basis.
  1. Expedite the business of the branch as it deals with the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) Board of Trustees (BOT).

This manual can be revised at any time by a majority vote of the Citizen Branch Board of Directors. The By-Laws and Documents Committee will review the MOP at least once a year and appropriate changes may be made periodically with approval by the Citizen Branch Executive Committee and Board of Directors.

A current Manual of Operating Procedures will be distributed to every member of the Citizen Branch Board of Directors and available at

When the information on a page, or portion of the page, is updated or revised, the page shall include the work revised with all dates of the former revision as well as the original date.

Example: Original 10/01

Revised 10/02

Revised 10/03


Membership Definition

Membership in the Citizen Branch (CB) is open to all persons active in recreation, park, conservation, and leisure services in a non-professional capacity who hold membership in the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA).

Types of Membership

NRPA offers both group and individual membership packages. Those selecting the Citizen Branch as either their primary or secondary branch, are eligible for membership and voting privileges in the Citizen Branch.


Annual Branch Meeting

There shall be an annual meeting of this organization at the NRPA National Congress for receiving reports, elections, and the transaction of other business. The incoming President shall prepare the agenda for the general membership meeting. Members present at any meeting of the organization shall constitute a quorum.

The most important business to be conducted during the meeting concerns the Branch elections. The four (4) Citizen Branch officers and any Branch representatives (Trustee or National Forum representatives) elected by the Board of Directors at the Mid-Year Meeting should be introduced and their election ratified by the Branch members attending the meeting. New Citizen Branch State Directors and Citizen Branch Regional Directors that have been nominated should be introduced and elected. No nominations are accepted from the floor in accordance with the criteria described in the Manual of Operating Procedures (pg. 14).

It is suggested that Citizen Branch Committee Chairs (or their designees) report on their major accomplishments during the past year.

The Branch Secretary shall provide the sign-in sheet for attendance and take minutes of the meeting.

Special Branch Meeting

The Board of Directors may call special meetings of the organization. Upon the request of twenty-five (25) members or 50% of the current State Directors, the Board of Directors shall call a special meeting to consider a specific subject. Notice of special meetings shall be communicated to each member at least thirty (30) days in advance, with a statement of time and place and the subject or subjects to be considered. All other guidelines for Branch Meetings apply.

Board of Directors Meetings

There shall be two (2) regular Board of Directors meetings each year. One meeting will be held prior to the Citizen Branch General Membership Meeting at the annual NRPA Congress. The second meeting will be held at the National Legislative Forum on Parks and Recreation meeting. The President shall prepare the agendas for the Board of Directors meetings at National Legislative Forum on Parks and Recreation and Congress. One-third (1/3) of voting members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum.

The immediate Past President (Chair of the Nominating Committee) will call the roll at the beginning of the two Citizen Branch Board of Directors meetings held each year and will state whether or not a quorum is present.

The minutes of the Citizen Branch Board of Directors and Executive Committee shall be taken and written up by the Branch Secretary. After the President has approved the minutes, they should be distributed according to the President’s direction.

The Citizen Branch Board of Directors shall use the most recent edition of “Robert’s Rules of Order” to govern all debates business, and procedures when not in conflict with the Branch and Section By-laws of NRPA. A majority vote is essential to pass most motions of the Board of Directors.

Special BOD Meetings

The President may call a special Board meeting upon request from six (6) voting members of the Board of Directors. Notice of special Board meetings shall be made to all voting members of the Board of Directors at least thirty (30) days advance of the meeting. The notice shall include time, place and subject(s) to be discussed. One-third (1/3) of voting members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum.

All other guidelines for BOD Meetings apply.

Conducting Branch Business

If an individual (member of the Citizen Branch Board of Directors, branch member, NRPA member, NRPA staff, etc.), or group wishes to bring an item of business to the Citizen Branch Board of Directors, the matter should first be channeled through the appropriate Citizen Branch Committee(s) for discussion and consideration. If a Citizen Branch committee approves the matter, it can then be brought to the Citizen Branch Executive Committee for consideration. If the Citizen Branch Executive Committee approves the matter, it will be presented to the Citizen Branch Board of Directors.

If an individual or group has an item of business which they do not believe to be within the responsibilities of or relevant to one of the Citizen Branch committees, they can bring the matter to the attention of the Executive Committee. The Citizen Branch Executive Committee can refer the matter to an appropriate Citizen Branch committee or consider the matter as an Executive Committee. If necessary, the Executive Committee can ask the President to appoint an Ad Hoc Committee.

If an individual or group brings an item of business to the Citizen Branch Board of Directors meeting, it will be referred to the appropriate Citizen Branch committee.

At any time, the Citizen Branch Executive Committee may consider any matter relative to the Citizen Branch. During the process of consideration, the Executive Committee may or may not consult with a Citizen Branch committee, a member of the Board of Directors or branch, a member of the Board of Trustees or Forum, NRPA staff, other branches, or sources outside of NRPA to determine the appropriate position and/or action for the Citizen Branch.

The Citizen Branch Executive Committee has the responsibility of handling branch business in-between the two (2) Board of Directors Meetings.

The Standing Rules are the procedures, which have repeatedly been approved by the Board of Directors, to be followed at the Board of Directors Meeting.

Standing Rules- Procedures to be followed at Board of Directors Meetings

The presiding officer must recognize individuals who wish to speak.

If you wish to make a motion, state your motion when recognized.

Up to ten (10) minutes will be allotted for discussion on a subject. At that time, the assembly must vote to decide whether to continue.

A discussion period may be identified for important business with the allotted time for discussion to be determined and stated prior to that agenda item.




The Citizen Branch Board of Directors shall consist of one representative from each state, Canadian province, and the District of Columbia, one representative from each NRPA region, four officers, and active past presidents. Members of the Citizen Branch Board of Directors shall represent all citizens, commissioners, park and recreation volunteers, elected officials and board members of their state, region, Provinces of Canada and the District of Columbia. They shall also participate in and encourage their state Citizen Branch organization. The Citizen Branch Board of Directors, responsive to the membership, shall supervise, direct and/or conduct the affairs of the Branch. The Citizen Branch Board of Directors will work in partnership with NRPA Branches, Sections and Affiliates.


The Citizen Branch Board of Directors, responsive to the membership, shall supervise, direct, and/or conduct the affairs of the Citizen Branch by determining the policies or changes therein and actively execute the purposes of the Citizen Branch.

  • It shall promote educational programs dealing with the citizen volunteer.
  • It shall coordinate programs and activities with the other branches and sections of NRPA
    and with the NRPA office.
  • It shall promote membership in the Citizen Branch of NRPA in the state associations and regional councils.
  • It shall provide a communication link between the Citizen Branch members and the NRPA National Forum/Board of Trustees with elected members of the Citizen Branch Board of Directors. These persons shall express the interests of the Citizen Branch at a national level and keep the Branch informed of national developments. Citizen Branch representatives shall make periodic reports to the Citizen Branch Board of Directors.

Any and all of the above actions shall be in conformity with the constitution and Branch and Section By-laws of the National Recreation and Park Association.

Term of Office

Directors shall be elected to a staggered three (3) year term in accordance with the schedule in

this Manual of Operating Procedures.

  1. During term of office, Directors shall be active members of the NRPA Citizen Branch.
  2. It is assumed board members will attend and participate in Branch activities and attend all meetings or report absence. Board members with non-excused absences
    or otherwise inactive for two (2) consecutive meetings shall be removed from office upon recommendation of the Nominating Committee and approval by the Executive Committee.
  3. There shall not be a limit to the number of terms that can be served by a board member.

Filling Vacancies

When a Citizen Branch director's term expires, the vacancy shall be reported to the State, Region, or Provincial organization anda name shall be recommended to the Citizen Branch Nominating Committee for review and recommendation.



Branch Officers

The Branch officers are President, President Elect, Secretary and the Immediate Past President. All officers are voting members of the Branch. All active Past Presidents are non-voting members of the Branch Board of Directors and shall serve as board mentors, recruiters, and Citizen Branch advocates.


President - The President shall perform the usual duties of such office. The President shall appoint chairs of all committees.

President-Elect - In the absence of the President, the President-Elect shall perform the duties of the President and shall have those powers and duties assigned from time to time by the Board of Directors. The President-Elect shall automatically assume the office of president at the completion of his/her term.

Secretary - The secretary shall attend all meetings of the Board of Directors, Executive Committee and the General Membership meetings and keep the minutes of all such meetings. The secretary shall perform all duties customarily incidental to the office and shall perform all such other duties as assigned by the Board of Directors.

Immediate-Past President - The Immediate Past-President shall assist the Citizen Branch Officers and the Board of Directors by providing necessary continuity to the new administration. As Chair of the Nominating Committee, the Immediate Past President is responsible for keeping the official attendance for the Citizen Branch Board of Directors meetings.

Election and Term of Office

The Board of Directors shall elect the officers and ratify election results at the National Legislative Forum on Parks and Recreation meeting of the Board of Directors. The term of office is one year and shall commence following the close of the BOD meeting at the NRPA Congress.


The President shall have the power to fill officer vacancies by appointment for the remainder of the un-expired term.


Non-Professional Citizen Eligibility

To clarify an individual’s eligibility for nomination and election to the Citizen Branch Board of Directors, the Citizen Branch Board of Directors approved the following definitions:

  • The individual must be an active member of the Citizen Branch of NRPA and may not hold a professional certification, as defined by NRPA.
  • Any certified person who is employed or any non-certified person who works 25 hours or more a week in administration or programming in the field of recreation, parks, and leisure services is a Professional.
  • If a member of the Citizen Branch Board of Directors becomes gainfully employed in recreation, parks and leisure services for more than 25 hours per week, the person relinquishes their seat on the Citizen Branch Board of Directors immediately.

Citizen Branch Board of Directors Officer


  • Be a non-professional citizen advocate in recreation and parks.
  • Be an active member of the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) and the Citizen Branch.
  • Be an active member of his/her state recreation and park association.
  • Have served as member of the Citizen Branch Board of Directors for at least two (2) years.
  • Have regularly attended Citizen Branch Board of Directors meetings and other Citizen Branch functions each year.
  • Have actively participated on at least one (1) Citizen Branch committees.
  • Be willing to commit to possibly serving on the Citizen Branch Board of Directors for the next one (1) to four (4) years.
  • Be elected as an officer each year; it is not an automatic progression.

Procedures for Nomination:

  • The Nominating Committee will consider suggestions and recommendations for Citizen Branch officers from any member of the Citizen Branch Board of Directors and will review the criteria for becoming a Citizen Branch officer as they apply to each person, eliminating any individual who does not fulfill the criteria.
  • The Nominating Committee will vote (if needed) by ballot to determine the number of nominees and/or names for that Citizen Branch office and verify that each person nominated would be willing to serve for one (1) or more years.
  • The Nominating Committee will present the names of the nominees for each of the three (3) elected Citizen Branch offices to the Executive Committee for review and approval.
  • The nominations approved by the Executive Committee will be presented to the Citizen Branch BOD for election at the Mid Year Governance Meeting in Washington, D.C. and ratification at either the CB Board Meeting or the CB General Membership Meeting at the NRPA Congress.

State or Regional Director on the Board of Directors


  • Be a non-professional citizen advocate in recreation and parks.
  • Be an active member of the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) and the Citizen Branch.
  • Be an active member of his/her state recreation and park association.
  • Regularly attend regional council meetings (For Regional Director) and be willing to attend

the two (2) Citizen Branch Board of Directors meetings held at the two NRPA national

meetings and other Citizen Branch functions each year.

  • Be willing to make a commitment to serve on the Citizen Branch Board of

Directors for three (3) years or for the balance of an unexpired three (3) year term.

  • A Citizen Branch Active Past President, Officer, or State Director cannot serve as a Citizen Branch Regional Director on the Citizen Branch Board of Directors. An individual cannot hold two (2) elected positions at the same time on the Citizen Branch Board of Directors.


Procedures for Nomination:

  • Have a written recommendation from his/her state recreation and park association or Regional Council sent to the Citizen Branch Nominating Committee Chair (the Immediate Past President).
  • Recommendations received by the Nominating Committee prior to September 15th will be considered for nomination and election at the Citizen Branch General Membership Meeting at the Annual NRPA Congress.
  • Recommendations received by the Nominating Committee after the NRPA Congress will be forwarded to the Citizen Branch President for consideration for temporary appointment to serve as a State or Regional Director until the upcoming election at the next NRPA Congress.
  • At the expiration of the term for the State Director, the state recreation and park association or Regional Council will be contacted by the Citizen Branch Nominating Committee regarding their interest in having their state or regional representative serve a second term; then the State or Regional Director will be contacted concerning consideration for nomination for renewal for another term of service.
  • There are no term limits for serving as a CitizenBranchState or Regional Director.
  • The Nominating Committee recommends the individuals to be nominated as State Directors to the Citizen Branch Executive Committee and the Board of Directors at the Annual NRPA Congress Citizen Branch Board of Directors Meeting.
  • At the Citizen Branch General Membership Meeting, the Nominating Committee nominates the individual to serve as State Directors.

State Directors are elected at the Citizen Branch General Membership Meeting at the Annual NRPA Congress and installed at the Citizen Branch National Awards Luncheon. CitizenBranchState Directors should be present at the General Membership Meeting when nominated and elected.