Hotchkiss K8 School 2017-2018
January 31, 2018- Wednesday Newsletter
Dear parents/guardians,
Looking ahead at the first day of February, the big question will be if Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow on Friday, February 2nd. Will we have six more weeks of winter??? I know we are always anxious for spring but this year it might be nice to have a little winter since most days in January have felt like spring. We will be having scheduled parent/teacher conferences on Monday, February 12th from 4:00 -8:00 p.m. Teachers will be contacting you if they need to meet with you and conference. We will also
have our “Buy one Get one Free” Book Fair on Monday, February 12th – Wednesday, February 14th.
Winter Break will be the week of February 19th-25th, so we will be holding our February Pit Crew Meeting on Tuesday, February 12th at 3:30 p.m. in the K-5Library. K-5 classrooms will be having Valentine Parties on Wednesday, February 14th and the 6th-8th graders will have their Winter Dance on Thursday, February 15th from 2:30 – 3:30 p.m.
Mrs. Price wants 6th-8th grade parents to know that if you have any pictures of your child and their friends that are school appropriate, you may upload them for the 2017-2018 yearbook. You may contact Mrs. Price if you have any questions.
As you are well aware, we have teamed up with the American Heart Association (Jump Rope for Heart) program. K-5th grade students have been busy jumping rope, learning tricks with their jump ropes and learning about eating healthy in their P.E. classes
and have already raised over $1,000.00…WOW!!
There are just a few days left, as it will end next Tuesday, February 6th. Please have your child turn in all money and forms by this date to the office or their teacher. Your child can participate by gettingcash donations or online donations to help with this cause. Students that choose to participate receive most prizes during Bulldog Roundup although some prizes will have to be ordered and will be delivered at later date.
Hotchkiss K-5th grade students’efforts will definitely help with the research for heart disease and build awareness and education in Colorado, as everyone has a WHY…thank you!!!
Did you know that the Hotchkiss Libraryoffers free, weekly, story-times for babies and toddlers ages 0-5 and many other programs for all ages of children? Parents and caretakers can bring children to the library to enjoy stories, games, songs, activities, crafts, and more!Bring your child to the library for a wonderful introduction to books, everyWednesdayat10:30 a.m. Call the Hotchkiss Library at 399-7781 for more information on special programs.
Please remember our primary form of communication is our weekly Wednesday Newsletter through email, we are constantly putting up new information, so please check it regularly.You may also access the newsletter through our website: and please like us on Facebook, at You are always welcometo call the school office (872-3325) for questions and information. Hard copies are available by request.
January School Happenings:
Thursday, February 1st:4:00-7A/5:00-8A – 7th/8th grade girls basketball vs. Olathe
All games at home
Friday, February 2nd:Groundhog Day, will Punxsutawney Phil see his shadow??
Tuesday, February 6th:4:00/5:00 p.m.-7th/8th grade girls basketball vs. Cedaredge
7th grade away; 8th grade home
Wednesday, February 7th:3:00 p.m. – January Perfect Attendance-Ice Cream Celebration
100th Day of School
Thursday, February 8th:4:00/5:00/6:00 p.m. – 7th/8th girls basketball home vs.
Paonia Jr. High
Saturday, February 10th: Delta County Girls Basketball Tournament at Cedaredge Elementary – All Day
Monday, February 12th:4:00-8:00 p.m. K-8 Parent/Teacher (Scheduled) Conferences
(Buy one Get one Free) Book Fair
Tuesday, February 13th:7th/8th Grade Band Students at Young People’s Concert in
Ridgway- All Day (see attached form)
3:30 p.m. Pit Crew Meeting in the Library
Wednesday, February 14th:Valentine’s Day – K5 Parties in the afternoon
Thursday, February 15th:2:30-3:30 p.m. -6th-8th grade Winter Dance
Friday, February 16th:6th Grade Ski Trip to Powderhorn, bus at 6:45 a.m.
Monday, February 19th-Friday, February 23rd
NO SCHOOL - Winter Break
Saturday, February 24th: 7th/8th grade Wrestling Tournament at Gunnison
Tuesday, February 27th:4:00 p.m. -7th/8th grade Wrestling Match Day at Hotchkiss K-8
Community Happenings: Please continue to check out our bulletin board to the right of the HK8 office, it will have all information that is available to students from within the Hotchkiss community during different times of the year. Please continue to check out our website and like us on Facebook, for all school and community information.