City of Bloomfield Council Meeting

Regular Session

November 16, 2015 at 6:30pm

The meeting was called to order by Mayor Bill Aslin. Those present were: Donna Deardorff, Pat Wilson, Bonnie Blue, and Attorney Northern. Absent: Frank Sifford. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a moment of silence.

Public Comments: Marilyn Gill asked about eliminating parking space between Sweet T’s and US drive thru bank. Also between Welborn Law Office and Corner of Shawnee and South Prairie. Sweet T’s has been notified. Police Chief Chamberlain and Mayor Aslin will talk to Briney Welborn. These 2 spaces are a hazard to pull out of.

Guest: Rita Batchelor talked about health insurance. Our present policy with Assurant will expire December 31, 2015. Assurant is getting out of the health insurance business.

The 3 employee insurance companies that Rita told us about are: Coventry, United Health Care, and Anthem Blue Cross.

The United Health Care is similar to what the employees have now. Decision was tabled until city clerk can get 2-3 sealed bids on other health insurances by our December 21st meeting.

Consent Agenda: Ald. Deardorff made a motion that was seconded by Ald. Wilson to approve the consent agenda. Motion passed all ayes.

Old Bus: Over time hours for Justin Bell for 21.50 hours. Motion made by Alderman Blue and seconded by Alderman Deardorff to approve the hours. All ayes.

Jeanie Armes stated she had received another bid for the remodeling of the library. This one was from Jim Gingerich for the amount of $120,000.00 to renovate the library. This amount was lower than the bid from Walker construction. Alderman Blue made motion to accept bid and was seconded by Alderman Wilson. All ayes

Alderman Deardorff mad motion to have H&H Seamless Gutters to do work at the Police Department. H&H was the only bid. Seconded by Alderman Blue. All Ayes.

New Bus: Attorney Northern should draw up contract for renovation. Attorney Northern will also draw up contract for rent and utilities on the building where library will move while work is being done. The library is scheduled to move November 30, 2015.

Motion was made by Alderman Deardorff and seconded by Alderman Wilson to refund $10.00 to Terry McNew for one extra city motor vehicle sticker that was not needed. All ayes.

Motion made by Alderman Deardorff and seconded by Alderman Blue to have December 24 and 25, 2015 as paid holidays for City Employees. All Ayes.

Sherrill Raymer told the council that District 5 needs to replace a board to repair their system and that process could take another 4 months. MS Raymer was thanked for updating the council.

Motion made by Alderman Deardorff and seconded by Alderman Wilson to pay balance due to Med America Fire Apparatus Inc. for $11,812.99 for repairs on Engine 2. All ayes.

Motion made by Alderman Blue to purchase (1) set of turnout gear and seconded by Alderman Deardorff. All ayes.

Fire Chief McCollom is to get bids for new tires for Engine 2.

Request was tabled to purchase a 2004 Chevrolet Suburban for a command vehicle.

Police Dept. to check out debit/credit machine for their office. Attorney Northern said that their department is required to have one. Motion made by Alderman Deardorff to approve Matt Julius as a reserve for the police Department. Seconded by Alderman Wilson. All ayes.

Alderman Deardorff made the Motion to adjourn and seconded by Alderman Wilson. All Ayes.

Next meeting is set for December 21, 2015 at 6:30

Minutes recorded by: ____________________________

Donna Deardorff/ North Ward Alderman.