Date Created: / 3 SEPTEMBER 2015
Review Period: / 3 YEARS
Previous Review: / 26 MARCH 2009, 29 MARCH 2012 (Action Plan 19.07.12)
Next Review Due: / SEPTEMBER 2018
EIA Screening: / -
Review By: / equality and diversity working group
Responsible Director: / CHIEF EXECUTIVE
Approved By: / BOARD
Associated documents:
All YHA Strategies/Policies and ProceduresEquality and Diversity
Policy Statement, Strategy and Action Plan
York Housing Association (YHA) is committed to promoting equality and valuing diversity as an employer, in the lives and homes of our customers and in our local communities. Our intention is to integrate equality and diversity into everything we do so that we meet our customers’ and potential customers’ needs, remain an excellent employer and promote inclusion within neighbourhoods. This strategy outlines our approach to achieving this and our action plan, appendix 1, identifies our current achievements and key priorities for the next 3 years.
This strategy has been developed within a challenging wider landscape. The UK housing crisis continues, with only half the required homes being built. We are striving to meet the needs of our diverse customer base as well as responding to changing migration patterns. Austerity measures and changes across the health and social care sectors have led to many people losing state support, facing restricted access to benefits due to welfare reform, and experiencing cuts in mainstream services. Further public spending cuts will impact on income levels and care provision for our customers. In addition, implementation of the recent Care Act is bringing significant reform of care and support, and while the Act heralds the principles of choice and control for people and their carers, its operation will be shaped by the wider context of austerity.
These are changing and challenging times. YHA will continue to engage in policy debates, both local and national, that affect housing, and our commitment to equality and diversity will underpin our responses. This commitment is embedded within our mission statement and values:
Our mission is:
To be an excellent landlord, providing high quality housing and support services, making a positive contribution in the communities with which we work.
Our values are to:
Ensure that customers are a driving force behind the business.
Be pro-active in finding ways to support a diverse range of individuals and local communities.
Treat all those with whom it is associated equally, fairly and with respect and actively challenge any form of discrimination.
Use creativity and innovation to achieve continuous improvement.
Maximise the positive environmental impact of our activities.
This strategy has been developed with regard to our following legislative duties:
- The Human Rights Act gives people protection for a range of human rights, several of which are relevant to housing providers
- The Equality Act 2010 brings together anti-discrimination and equality legislation to protect employees and customers across nine protected characteristics: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation
- The Public Sector Equality Duty requires housing providers to give “due regard” to the need to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations where they exercise a public function.
- Changes to the regulatory and inspection framework in social housing means that the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) are adopting a more reactive approach with less guidance to support best practice.
YHA is committed to ensuring equality for customers across the nine protected characteristics. In recognition of the links between housing and issues such as health, income and employment, we are equally committed to widen the equality and diversity agenda to include work on tackling social inequalities and achieving social inclusion.
We recognise that:
- Our customers, and potential customers, are diverse - valuing and responding to this diversity is key to delivering a good customer service
- Our employees are diverse – responding to this and making best use of their different talents is key to York Housing Association’s success
- The communities in which we operate are diverse - as landlords, and providers of support, we play an influential role in challenging prejudice and combating discrimination against individuals and groups
- Housing providers are community anchors – we have an influential and long-term stake in the local communities which we serve and can foster good relations between different groups
There are many ways in which our work benefits from a positive approach to equality and diversity, including:
- Being able to recruit from the widest pool of applicants to attract and retain themost talented staff and Board members
- Creating a confident, skilled and highly motivated workforce
- Making best use of the diverse talents of workers and Board members
- Achieving better performance and outcomes for tenants
- Becoming the employer and provider of choice in the locality
- Making the best use of resources by avoiding the provision of inappropriate services.
YHA currently holds around 90% of customer profile information across the nine protected characteristics and have plans in place to collect 100% over the next 3 years. We have collected some profile information on staff.
This information is gathered to enable us to better tailor services to needs and understand and address the barriers which may be faced by certain individuals and groups. There is also an opportunity for YHA to link future service development to the major demographic trends locally and nationally.
The current staff and customer profile is in the table below:
Customer profile % / Staff Profile%
Male / 42.8 / 35
Female / 57.2 / 65
Disabled / 31.5 / Not asked
Transgender / Not asked / Not asked
LGB / 1 / Not asked
BME / 4 / Not asked
Religion / 43.8 / Not asked
No Religion or belief / 21.1 / Not asked
Question not answered on religion or belief / 35.1 / Not asked
Age 16-24 / 5.2 / 2
Age 25-54 / 49.3 / 72
Age 55-84 / 39 / 26
Age 85+ / 6.5 / 0
The Board promotes an organisational culture which promotes equality and values diversity by:
- Undertaking regular training on equality and diversity issues.
- Identifying a Board Champion(s) for equality and diversity issues.
- Monitoring performance in the delivery of this strategy through every service review, as well as through the three year review of the Equality and Diversity Strategy.
- Undertaking equality analysis (EA) of policies and practices, and Board reports that have a bearing on equality and diversity. EA outcomes will be reported to the Board and this analysis will be used to inform decision-making processes of the organisation.
- Monitoring information on Board members and working towards a membership that reflects the diverse communities that we serve.
Knowing our communities
Profiling information from customers, staff and partners helps us to deliver efficient, accessible services that meet diverse needs. We will tailor our services to meet the needs of individual customers and, where appropriate, develop schemes aimed at meeting the needs of a particular group of people, for example young people.
We will use customer profiling data and the tenant satisfaction survey to measure take-up of services and satisfaction levels amongst different groups of customers. We will move towards identifying and addressing factors that impact on take-up or satisfaction across different groups with protected characteristics.
We will also be proactive in seeking information about potential future customers for example through census data, information on individual communities (by area/ward, or type of community), and by continuing to work with Choice Based Lettings to monitor unsuccessful as well as successful applicants for housing.
Tackling social inequality
We have already begun to widen the equality and diversity agenda to address social inequalities, in recognition of the links between housing tenure and issues such as health, income and employment. In the current environment of austerity and uncertainty we remain committed to this approach whilst not underestimating the challenges. YHA will continue to engage in, and inform, national debate on these matters and will support initiatives in the following areas which contribute to tackling social inequality:
- Financial inclusion
- Digital inclusion
- Fuel poverty
- Homelessness prevention
- Supporting economic growth through worklessness activity, including skills and training of residents
- Meeting housing need through social investment
- Support services to vulnerable households, combatting loneliness and social isolation
- Community and resident engagement
Raising awareness of our services within our communities
We use our website, newsletters and relationships with partner organisations to promote our services, project positive images of diversity and to raise awareness of our approach to equality and diversity. We will use more case studies and stories from customers that demonstrate equality and diversity in practice and shows how we make efforts to treat all customers fairly, to tackle discrimination and to meet customer’s diverse needs.
Community Cohesion
We seek to work in a way that promotes community cohesion, where the diversity of people's different backgrounds and circumstances is valued;there is a sense of belonging for all communities and positive relationships exist between different groups. Residential segregation is a major factor in dislocating communities and networks and we are committed to building good relations between different groups. We have some knowledge about particular local circumstances; and will work with others to initiate local actions which will aid community cohesion. We will continue to develop these local actions and services, through work such as our customer involvement activities.
Influencing our services
We aim to improve and develop services that meet the needs and aspirations of our customers, both existing and potential. Key to this is consulting with customers and involving them in shaping our services. We currently do this in a range of ways, such as through our customer and scrutiny panels and we will take steps to reach a broader diversity of customers.
Allocation of Housing and other services
We will continue to advertise accommodation vacancies through Choice Based Letting Schemes and specialist referral routes for supported housing. Support is provided to vulnerable customers who need help to bid for accommodation.
Tackling hate crime, victimisation, harassment, abuse and bullying
Harassment and bullying have a significant impact on the quality of life of our customers and employees and we takes steps to prevent and tackle them. We have an Anti-Social Behaviour Policy incorporating a Hate Crime Policy and a domestic abuse policy. These policies have each considered equality and diversity implications. We ensure that staff are sufficiently trained to respond, we follow our procedures to deal with perpetrators and we support those affected to promote their safety and well-being.
Suppliers and contractors
YHA is a major procurer of services through contracts and we ensure that we contract with suppliers who commit to our values. We do this by:
- Requiring contractors to provide a copy of their equality and diversity policy and provide appropriate training for their staff
- Requiring smaller firms who do not have their own E&D Policy to sign up to YHA’s and undertake training provided through us.
- Gaining feedback from customers on satisfaction levels
Working environment
We aim to provide an inclusive working environment free from discrimination or harassment, in which workers are treated with respect enabling them to give their best to the organisation and its customers. As such, we value our workers diverse talents and take action to identify and meet our workers’ different needs. For example, we are sensitive to cultural and religious needs; provide adaptations or appropriate equipment for staff; review working arrangements for disabled people; and are sensitive to the need for flexible working where this does not have a detrimental effect on service delivery.
Recruitment and selection of staff and Board members
In the recruitment process we value individual skills, abilities and experience as well as formal qualifications. This enables a diversity of people to apply and ensures that we do not unfairly discriminate.
Staff and Board members involved in recruitment are trained in equality and diversity. We ensure that more than one person is involved in the selection process and we aim to have a diverse selection panel.
We take positive action to publicise vacancies to groups that are under-represented at YHA, and use monitoring questionnaires to analyse participation in the selection process. The analysis of results is reported to the Board annually.
Staff and Board development
The Board, managers and staff receive training on YHA’s approach to equality and diversityand the duties placed on them with respect to implementation. Training begins at induction, is updated in regular refresher sessions and enhanced in workshops on specific issues.
All staff and Board members have a responsibility to implement this strategy.
We have an Equality and Diversity group, comprising of a range of staff members who have specific responsibilities around drawing up and implementing equality and diversity strategies and any member of staff with an interest in being involved. The group has a strategic role in implementing this strategy and action plan.
Strategy Implementation is monitored by the Board in line with governance requirements.
All members of the Board will:
- Understand YHA’s equality and diversity commitment and their duty to promote equality and value diversity.
- Ensure that consideration is given to mainstreaming equality and diversity in all areas of governance of YHA.
- Consider equality analysis before making decisions.
- Monitor the equality and diversity performance of all areas of YHA.
All employees of YHA will:
- Understand YHA’s equality and diversity commitment and their duty to promote equality and value diversity
- Demonstrate the values and behaviours that they have signed-up to as part of their employment with YHA
- Treat customers and colleagues with fairness and respect
- Value and respond to the diverse needs and experiences of people they come into contact with while working for YHA
- Contribute ideas for the advancement of equality and diversity in the organisation
- Take steps, with the support of managers, to identify ways to promote equality and value diversity in their day-to-day work
In addition, managers in YHA will:
- Promote a working atmosphere that values and responds to their diverse staff
- Support staff in appraisals and day-to-day working to promote equality and value diversity in their day-to-day work
- Contribute to implementing the attached action plan
- Ensure that unacceptable behaviour is challenged and individuals are supported to change
- Take action, in accordance with YHA procedures, where unfair discrimination or inconsistency exists
- Equality analyse policies and processes and report on analysis where relevant to decision making
This policy will be reviewed as required by changes in legislation or regulation. It will also be reviewed at least every three years as part of a rolling programme of Board strategy reviews to ensure it captures good practice.
- HCA Regulatory Standards
- Equality Act 2010
- Public Sector Equality Duty
- Human Rights Act 1998 ( Particularly Article 6 – right to a fair hearing in connection with civil rights and obligations; Article 8 – the right to respect for private and family life, the home and correspondence; Article 14 – prohibition of discrimination; Protocol 1, Article 1 – protection of property[1])
Knowing Your Customers
- Customer profile data is known for 90% of customers
- Data is updated at least annually in Customer Care visits / - Delay in inputting data
- Collecting some data is challenging e.g. gender reassignment. We have not collected data about marriage and civil partnership.
- Lack of clarity on how data is used / Input all data; aim for 100%
Produce Customer Profile
Board will consider a Customer Profile report annually
Include customer profile data in Board reports to assist with decision making throughout the year
Identify how staff will use data to inform practice / - 30 / 9/ 15
- By October 2015
then 6-monthly
- the current customer profile will be considered by the Board in November 2015 (although some data will be available for September Board around Welfare Reform) / Kath Graves
Managers Group
Excellent feedback from partner organisations about YHA’s reputation on promoting E&D e.g. JRHT, City Of York Council’s commissioning team
Sharing good practice and bench-marking E&D practice with other social landlords in the region
Board members bring excellent experience and expertise e.g. in matters such as safeguarding and mental health
Active Customer Scrutiny Panel influences Board decision-making
YHA champions causes e.g. Homes for Britain
YHA regularly fundraises e.g. for MIND; projects in developing countries
All employees are paid the living wage for York / - Board has limited involvement from younger people and members from BME and working class communities
- Communicating / demonstrating E&D commitment and good practice to customers and contractors
- All contractors used by YHA do not pay a living wage / Include positive statement about commitment to having a diverse Board in adverts for Board members
Develop an E&D webpage; Include examples and case studies/stories on the web-site & in newsletters that demonstrate good E&D practice
Broaden the language used to explain E&D issues
Review language used on website / documents e.g. use older people and disabled people rather than ‘the elderly’; ‘the disabled’.
Ensure YHA contracts with suppliers who pay the living wage / Julia Histon
Julie Burrows -
Draft case-studies
Involving Your Customers
Schemes use a range of ways to engage customers, including:
Regular guest speakers break down barriers e.g. from the LGBT Forum; Alzheimer’s Society; Race Equality Council
Residents regularly plan and lead activities.
Monthly resident involvement meetings inform practice.
Customers involved in procurement, as estate champions in recruitment of support staff; in social exclusion tender
Customer panel meets 3 times/year and is involved in reviewing Customer Service e.g. Complaints review process.
Active Customer Scrutiny Panel e.g. has reported on garden maintenance; mobile working
YHA facilitates consultation for partner agencies to ensure customers have a voice / Insufficient resourcing for customer involvement means that it can be ad-hoc and dependent on individual staff commitment rather than being systematic and mainstreamed as part of everyday practice.
Board has not recently received information from Customer Panel
Customer panel lacks diversity – would benefit from younger members. This can mean that the agenda is driven by interests of older people rather than the needs of a wider range of tenants.
Lack of feedback to customer panel on actions / Identify how to resource tenant involvement work.
Identify ways for the Board to maintain a connection with customers whilst retaining their strategic role, e.g. through annual narrative report on Customer Involvement
Develop a system to ensure that information on customer impact is included in Board reports that inform decision-making
Develop ways to gain views of a wider range of customers. e.g. hold meetings/events at different times & in different places; use on-line methods. (Consider suggestions from Customer Panel feedback)
Offer customer panel members training / opportunities to find out more about the work of YHA e.g. shadowing workers
Raise customers awareness of E&D e.g. article/customer story in newsletter; workshop/ event / Julia Histon
Julia Histon
Julie Burrows
Responsive Services
Effective policies and practice re hate crime; included in simplified ASB policy
Effective safeguarding policies approved by LA partners.
Effective at providing accessible services e.g. provide drop-in service; homeless prevention service; digital inclusion & financial inclusion work.
Providing information to BME communities to meet their needs
A support worker offers help to customers who need this
Regular customer care visits identify customers’ changing needs
Excellent staff awareness and practice regarding safeguarding children and vulnerable adults / It is not known if different groups of tenants have different outcomes / experiences as :
Satisfaction survey and moving-in survey data are not broken down by protected characteristic
Complaints and ASB data are not broken down by protected characteristic / Break-down satisfaction data by protected characteristics and analyse to identify any differences across customer groups.
Provide safeguarding reports for Board where these have impacted on YHA
Skilled & Committed Workforce
Investment in staff training & development – opportunities for career development .
All staff attend regular E&D training.
Staff understand the corporate vision, values & behaviours.
Staff members’ needs are accommodated as their health changes.
Excellent benefits re. Wellbeing e.g. Healthshield and specific training around Mindfulness.
Effective response to issues identified in the staff survey e.g. bullying training which has been undertaken by a member of staff / Recruitment process – job descriptions; wording of job adverts
Having diverse recruitment panels
Being active re. work-life balance / Add positive statement re equality to job adverts
Identify how well our workforce reflects the local community
include discussion of E&D practice in1:1s; appraisals & team meetings
Identify an E&D champion in each team (include these in the E&D group to ensure input from across the organisation)