
Physical Education

Curriculum and Assessment Guide

Elementary Assessment- Example 1

Student Name:



1. What is the purpose of Physical Education?

2. How would you feel if our school didn't have Physical


3. What do you like best about Physical Education?

4. What is one thing you dislike about Physical


5. What would you like to do differently in Physical Education?

Elementary Assessment- Example 2

Student Name:




Directions: Circle the correct answers.

1. When attempting to catch a ball that is thrown to you at a low level, you need to remember to

keep your together.



C. Pinkies


2. When attempting to catch a ball that is thrown to you at a high level, you need to keep your_____ together.




D. Thumbs

3. When using a hockey stick the correct grip is to keep the hand that you write with on top of the stick and the other hand goes below that hand.

A. True B. False

4. When dribbling a ball with your hand, it is important to use your______so that you can maintain control of the ball.

A. Finger tips

B. Palm

C. Finger pads

Whole hand

5. When kicking a ball for distance it is important to use the ______to get the ball to travel in the air and a long way.

Instep of your kicking toot

Inside of your kicking foot

C. Outside of your kicking foot

D. None of the above

6. It is important to understand the difference between Self-Space and General-Space because:

7. When punting a ball, remember to drop the ball on:

Your shoelaces

Your toe

Your shin

The ground

8. When throwing a ball for distance it is MOST important to:

Step with the same foot you throw with

Aim properly

Step with the opposite foot that you throw with

Make sure you follow through with the hand that you throw with

9. The purpose of a physical education class is:

10. Mirroring is:

Elementary Assessment- Example 3



Fill in the faces by drawing a happy face if you feel good or you agree with the sentence, straight line if you are unsure, or a frown if you don't feel good about or disagree with the statement.

1. Physical Education is only for playing games.

2. I like physical education class.

3. I am good at physical education.

4. I help and encourage others in physical education.

5. I like having physical education indoors.

This is a picture of me in Physical Education Class:

Elementary Assessment- Example 4

Student Name:


Physical Education Pre-Assessment

Your friend has never had physical education class before. Write your friend a letter explaining what physical education is and what you do in physical education. Remember to tell them what you learn! Then draw them a picture of you participating in your PE class.

Here is a picture of me participating in my PE class: Draw on back!

Elementary Assessment- Example 5

Student Name:



Directions: Circle ALL of the correct responses for the following questions. Therefore you may have to circle more than one answer for each question.

1. When you hear the signal, "freeze", it means you should:

Continue playing, but do it quietly.


Place any equipment you are using on the floor.

Line up at the door.

2. In order to treat classmates as you want to be treated it will be necessary for you to:

Work in your own personal space.

Be helpful.

Be courteous.

Keep your hands to yourself.

3. To move about the general space SAFELY you need to:

A. Wear tennis shoes.

B. Move very slowly.

C. Watch out for others.

D. Move under control

4. The correct way to line up is:

A. Run across the gym to the designated line up area.

B. To use a curvy pathway.

C. Walk slowly across the gym floor to the designated line up area.

D. To use a zig zag pathway.

5. The following items should NOT be brought into the gym:

A. tennis shoes.

B. pencils.

C. toys.

D. pocketbooks.

6. In order to participate in your physical education class you must:

Wear knee pads.

Wear tennis shoes.

Wear shorts.

Have three feet.

7. While in physical education you need to participate:

75% everyday.

60% everyday.

100% everyday

80% everyday.

Elementary Assessment- Example 6


Directions: Write a rap song about physical education class, sports, athletics, or physical activity. Do NOT put your name on this sheet.

Elementary Assessment- Example 7

Student Name:



Directions: Since you are unable to participate in PE today, please answer the following questions during our class.

Why are you unable to participate in PE today?

A. I am sick, not feeling well, or I am injured

B. I did not wear the right shoes or clothing

C. I am in time-out

D. Another Reason

Write a letter (or make a drawing) to the principal explaining what activities we did in class today.

3. Write down what CUES or HINTS your friends learned in class today.

4. Choose a friend to watch for 5 minutes during class. Write down what he or she was doing for those 5 minutes.

5. Write down how you feel about missing PE class today?

Elementary Assessment- Example 8




Directions: Please answer the following questions while you are in time out.

Why do you think you are in time out?

Is there anything you could have done differently so you wouldn't be in time out right now?

If you broke a rule which one was it?

4. Will you try to do better from now on?


5. Explain what you are going to do in the future to avoid being in time out.

6. Sign Your Name

Elementary Assessment- Example 9

Student Name:



The most important thing I learned about working with a group was....

My favorite challenge activity was....

This was my favorite activity because....

4. My definition of "teamwork" is....

5. Five activities or jobs where I can use "teamwork" are....

Elementary Assessment- Example 10

Student Name:



Directions:Circle the people who are not in their own self space.

Elementary Assessment- Example 11


Directions:On the left side of the paper write at least two different ways you use strong force to do something in your everyday life. Then, on the right side of the paper write at least two ways you use light force.

Strong Force Light Force

Elementary Assessment- Example 12




1. Give two reasons it is important to have good flexibility.

2. Give two examples of how flexibility is needed in physical activities and explain why it is important.

When should you stretch and why?

4. (T orF)

Stretching cold muscles is a good idea.

Explain your answer:

Elementary Assessment- Example 13



Color the person who is HOPPING.

Elementary Assessment- Example 14




What does it mean to dodge?

2. Dodging is a skill that should be performed at what speed?

  1. Slow
  2. Fast
  3. Medium

3. In the ready position for dodging, what part of the foot should you be standing on?

  1. Toes
  2. Heels
  3. Balls

4. Name three ways to dodge a thrown object.

5. In your opinion, what sport uses dodging the most?

Elementary Assessment- Example 15




1. If someone asked me to rate my jump roping ability, I would say that I:

  1. Am a Pro
  2. Need more practice
  3. Am just learning
  4. Just can't do it

2. What things would you tell a person who had never jumped rope before?

3. Is it important for kids to learn how to jump rope? Why?

4. List the many ways you can jump a rope (for example, backward).

5. If your friend was to ask you if you enjoyed jumping rope, you would say:

  1. It is Awesome
  2. I don't like it
  3. It is OK
  4. I don't know