Chairman …………………………………………….


The Horam Centre

3 Bank Buildings

High Street, Horam

TN21 0EH

Sally Blades Tel: 07900 576236

Sally Blades - Clerk e-mail:

Horam Parish Council Minutes of the Meeting held on Wednesday 14th September 2016

from 7.30pm to 8.50 p.m. in The Horam Centre

In Attendance: Councillors Michael Cousins (Chairman), Andrew Lee, Mani Gilbert-King, Sue Lane, Len Parkyn, Virginia Roberts, Susan Stedman, Jonathan Webb and David Thurston.

Also in Attendance: Janet Fairweather, RFO.

Recording, including filming, audio recording, photography and using social media sites is permitted at Council meetings which are open to the public. However, anyone wishing to do so must speak to the Chairman prior to the meeting.

PUBLIC SESSION – 7.30pm. There were two members of the public present, Mr. Peter Tolhurst and Mr. Nigel McKeeman from the Little Arts Festival who provided a summary of the analysis to date of the festival outcomes. He also handed out a copy of the interim report and confirmed that a full report would be completed once the outcomes of the Festival were known.

491/09/16. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE were received from Councillors Graham Knight and Paul Noakes and accepted by those present.


493/0916. MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 10th AUGUST 2016 (previously circulated) were confirmed and signed as a true record.


·  Invitation to attend the 2016 Wealden Parish Conference on 30th November 2016 – Cost £30 per delegate. Councillor Cousins would be attending. Any other member interested in attending requested to contact the Clerk.

·  Invitation to attend the East Sussex Association of Local Councils Annual General Meeting on 4th October, entry free. Invitation open to two members of the Parish Council to attend, Councillor Cousins will be attending. Any other member interested in attending requested to contact the Clerk.


·  Council unanimously resolved to co-opt Councillor Michael Cousins to the Finance Committee;

·  RFO reported that Nationwide Bank account interest had decreased to 0.55%;

·  request from RFO for payment of 14.5 hours overtime incurred when training new Clerk was agreed unanimously;

·  concerns were raised with regard to recruitment assistance from SALC and an additional half days training has been included in the cost;

·  Grant reminders have been sent out and applications are due back by 10th October 2016;

·  PKF Littlejohn, external auditors will be making recommendations with regard to the presentation of the Annual Return;

·  Little Arts Festival – very successful ten days;

·  brief discussion on how Section 106 monies are used; and

·  discussions relating to the Community Fund; and

·  payments as shown below and signing of cheques were authorised as listed below:

Payee £ cheque number

SJ Blades (salary) 201153

JM Fairweather (salary) 201154

P Carter (wages) 201155

HMRC (PAYE) 326.50 201156

Horam Club Rooms 160.00 201157

Viking (office supplies) 97.73 201158

SSALC Ltd(Recruitment Assistance) 360.00 201159

496/09/16. CHAIRMAN’S REPORT: Noted. MC reported that:

·  a meeting had been held with Merrydown last week and he outlined the discussions;

·  IT - Several emails from residents requesting HPC have a “my-alerts” system for notifying residents about planning applications. On further investigation it was deemed unworkable as the PC doesn’t have the ability because the IT program will not be able to deal with such a request;

·  reminded Members about Macmillan Coffee morning on Friday, 30th September in the Horam Centre from 10.00 a.m. to 12 noon; and

·  a protocol meeting about the proposed crematorium in Horam will be held at WDC offices, three members allowed to attend. He would be attending and asked anyone else wishing to attend to contact the Clerk.

[Note: The RFO left the meeting.]


·  Planning:

Please note that Minutes of all meetings are published independently.

·  Finance:

Please note that Minutes of all meetings are published independently.

LP reported that:

·  Councillor Cousins had been nominated to serve on the Finance Committee;

·  Enhancing Horam:

Please note that Minutes of all meetings are published independently.

SS reported that the BHF bicycyle ride had gone through Horam and thanked those people who had manned the water stop.



Councillor Stedman reported:

·  that no progress had been made with regard to the trees in the High Street. She expressed her frustration at the length of time it is taking to obtain a licence from the County Council;

·  quote awaited from local builder for installing the stone memorial; and

·  a parliamentary boundary review was being undertaken by WDC. She would send a link to the documents in order so that the Clerk can forward to Members for their information.


The Chairman reported that a meeting with highway representatives had been held on 2nd September. Discussion included the state of Ballsocks and Laundry Lanes. He asked Members to report any further repairs required direct to the Clerk.

501/09/16. TO RECEIVE REPORTS FROM REPRESENTATIVES: please see attached reports and additional notes below:

·  Horam Centre Councillor Cousins reported that repairs would be taking place within two to three weeks’ time on the lentil over the front window at the Horam Centre.

·  Emergency Officer Councillor Parkyn reported that he would be revamping the Emergency Plan and thanked the Village Hall Management Committee for allowing the village hall to be used as a refuge should an emergency arise.

·  LAT (formally JAG) Councillor G Knight

·  Communications Officer Councillor S Stedman

·  Views of the Elderly Cllr V Roberts

·  Views of the Youth Cllr A Lee

·  Risk Assessment Cllr G Knight

·  WDALC Cllr G Knight.

·  Village Hall Cllr L Parkyn.

·  Allotments Cllr A Lee reported that three allotments are coming up for rent by Christmas. £40 a year for 125 square metres. Clerk to put notice in Parish Council window.

·  Speedwatch Cllr P Noakes

·  Manor Oak Surgery Patients Cllr V Roberts reported that a Nurse/Practioner,

Group not a doctor had recently joined the surgery.

Report from Cllr L Parkyn as School Governor Maynards Green School

Councillor Parkyn reported that:

·  there is a Governors meeting next week;

·  a safeguarding audit is being undertaken; and

·  there have been 69 applications for 30 places at the school.

502/09/16. CLERK'S REPORT: The Clerk reported that:

·  Parish Noticeboard - a quote of £300 to £350 had been received for repainting and drilling holes to help stop condensation. It was agreed that a further quote be sought for just the drilling of holes and cutting back of foliage.

·  WDC Proposals re Litter and Waste Bins – revised list with WDC who are collating responses from across the district. Awaiting further contact.


Notes of the meeting are now published on the Parish Council’s website.

504/09/16. INFORMATION FOR/FROM COUNCILLORS (for noting or inclusion on future agendas):

·  Certificate of Service to the Parish Council; and

·  Boundary changes.

505/09/16. DATES OF NEXT MEETINGS (all held in The Horam Centre unless otherwise stated):

Planning Committee - Monday, 26th September at 7.30 pm

Enhancing Horam – Wednesday, 28th September at 7.30pm

Planning Committee - Wednesday, 12th October at 6.45 pm

Full Council - Wednesday, 12th October at 7.30pm

There being no further business the Chairman thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting.

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HORAM – explore, discover, enjoy