Honouring Our Youth
2017CEC Youth Role Model Awards
Nominations are now open for the City of Winnipeg’s Citizen Equity Committee 2017 Youth Role Model Awards. These awards celebrate culture, diversity and recognize youth in Winnipeg who demonstrate outstanding achievements. The Citizen Equity Committee works toward building a harmonious, vibrant, multicultural and inclusive society and is proud to celebrate the achievements of 16 extraordinary young people.
To mark this event, an Annual Award Ceremony is held every year in May to honour the future leaders of our City in eight categories and in two age groups: Junior (15 -18 years old) and Senior (19 – 24 years old). Do you know someone who by their contributions have become role models within their respective communities?
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible for any of the Youth Role Model Awards, a nominee must:
- Be a resident of Winnipeg;
- Be between the ages of 15 and 18 (Junior Achiever) or 19 and 24 (Senior Achiever);
- Be an outstanding achiever in one or more of the Award Categories, described below.
- *only the Wade “Kojo” Williams Sr. Award for Action Against Racism and Discrimination may be a group nomination
- Not have won a CEC Youth Role Model Award in the past 5 years.
Award Categories:
Community Volunteering
Any individual youth who demonstrates outstanding voluntary services in community activities.
Any individual youth with a record of excellence in one or more sport disciplines.
Education and Training
Any individual youth who achieves excellence in his/her academic or vocational studies.
Performing and/or Creative Arts
Any individual youth who achieves distinction in one or more of the performing and/or creative arts, such as: traditional dance; music (vocals & instruments); drama; acting and film production; traditional crafts and painting.
Any individual youth who demonstrates a high level of knowledge and appreciation of his/her spiritual beliefs.
Any individual youth who demonstrates consistency and maintains a track record in promoting current issues, e.g. human rights, social justice, environment, animal cruelty, etc.
Rosalinda NatividadCantiveros Award for Courage
Prospective youth candidates must be nominated by a School Principal, Guardian, Counselor or a community leader.That individual should have demonstrated courage, personal growth/achievement while dealing with life challenges.
Wade “Kojo” Williams Sr. Award for Action Against Racism and Discrimination
Any individual or group who demonstrates actions to build awareness and knowledge to achieve an inclusive and respectful Winnipeg, free from racism and all forms of discrimination. One award per annum will be presented.
Submission checklist:
Complete Nomination form
Photo of the nominee showing their face which may be used for the program and/or promotion.
2 Reference letters
Please submit all forms, letter and photo together either one email or mailed package.
Nominator should submit all materials by April 5, 2017 to:
Maria Morrison
Coordinator, Citizen Equity Committee
City of Winnipeg
1st Floor, 510 Main Street, Winnipeg, MB
R3B 1B9
TEL: 204-986-4167 FAX: (204) 986-8283
2017Youth Role Model Award
First Name / Last NameHome Number / Cell / Email
Signature / Age
Parent’s Signature (if nominee is under the age of 18)
Self- Identification (voluntary)
Your voluntary response to the question below will assist us in ensuring that the Awards are fully representative of the public it serves.If you are an Indigenous person of Canada, please specify the group to which you belong:
First Name / Last NameOrganization
Phone Number / Email
Signature / Date
Award Category(select no more than two)
[ ] Community Volunteering
[ ] Sports
[ ] Education and Training
[ ] Performing and/or Creative Arts
[ ] Spirituality
[ ] Advocacy
[ ] RosalindaNatividadCantiveros Award for Courage
[ ] Wade “Kojo” Williams Sr. Award for Action Against Racism and Discrimination
[ ] Junior Achiever: 15-18 years of age
[ ] Senior Achiever: 19-24 years of age
Rationale for the Nomination
Describe what makes the nominee qualified for this award and give examples of how the nominee has made a lasting and outstanding contribution to the development and growth of his/her community.
Nominee Biography
Please provide a detailed summary of the accomplishments of the nominated youth. It can be written by the nominee or someone else. (250 -1000 words).Page 1 of 5