Nevada Academic ContentStandards- Resource Page

The resources below havebeencreated to assist teachers'understandingand to aid instruction ofthis standard.

CollegeandCareer Readiness (CCR) Anchor Standard / Standard: W.4.9b-Applygrade4 Readingstandards to informational texts (e.g., “Explain how anauthor uses reasons and evidenceto supportparticular points in atext”).
W.CCR.9 Draw evidence from literaryor informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. / Questions to FocusLearning
What is informational text?Howdoes a writerrespond to informational text?
Informational text consists of facts, details anddefinitions. A writersupports theirresponse to informational text with specific evidenceobtained from reading.
Student FriendlyObjectives
Iknow informational text structures.
Iknow howto search forrelevant information. Iknow thepurpose of mywritingis to inform.
Reasoning Targets
I can determinetask, purpose, and audience.
I can determinetext structureor format (e.g, compare/contrast, summarize).
I can determinewheretouse reasonand evidenceto support particular points in a text.
text structure

Teacher Tips

ELA-Language and WritingCrosswalk-FourthGrade—This CCSD document shows an exampleof how the writingand languagestandards mightbeintegrated duringinstruction.

Vertical Progression

W.5.9 -Draw evidencefrom literaryor informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. W.6.9 -Draw evidencefrom literaryor informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. W.7.9 -Draw evidencefrom literaryor informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. W.8.9 -Draw evidencefrom literaryor informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. W.9-10.9 -Drawevidence from literaryor informational texts to support analysis, reflection, andresearch.

W.11-12.9 -Drawevidence from literaryor informational texts to supportanalysis,reflection, and research.

The aboveinformation and more can be accessedfor freeon the Wiki-Teacherwebsite. Direct link forthis standard: W.4.9b