Honors Physical Science Course Syllabus

Mrs. Weimer –Room 816

Phone: 717-566-5310


Text: Science Explorer (series). Prentice Hall., ©2009.

Class Overview/Major Objectives:

The purpose of this course is two-fold:

  1. To learn the physical science curriculum at an accelerated rate while also constructing one’s own knowledge with a deeper level of understanding of the scientific concepts.
  1. To utilize inquiry as often as possible which is essentially“learning by discovery”. This would include making observations and predictions, gathering information, making hypotheses, planning investigations, analyzing data, making conclusions, communicating results, and proposing further questions for investigations.

These two overarching themes would present themselves in the following scientific topics:

  • the scientific method, measurement, and lab safety.
  • the relationships between motion, forces, and energy.
  • work, and the use of simple machines.
  • the nature of matter including an exploration of the properties of solids, liquids, and gases, and how matter is classified.
  • the atom, the periodic table, the basic principles of chemical bonding and chemical reactions.
  • organic chemistry (carbon chemistry).

Course Materials:

All students will be expected to have the following materials each day for class:

  1. A 3-ring binder WITH loose-leaf paper inside
  2. A 1 ½ or 2 inch thick binder should be sufficient for the amount of papers this year.
  3. Notebooks will NOT be graded, but it is your responsibility to keep them neat and organized.
  4. Tabs (I would suggest 5 tabs)
  • These will help you tremendously with staying organized this year and we will label them together
  1. Pencils
  • Pencils must be used for all assignments EXCEPT projects which will ONLY be accepted if they are typed or in black or blue pen
  1. Ear buds/headphones – not required, just suggested


The grades for this class are based on a weighted scale (not points) and will be earned on the following:

1. Tests/Projects = 65%

  1. Labs = 20%
  2. Homework/Study Island = 7% (see below for policy)
  3. Quizzes = 7%
  4. Bellwork = 1% (A question completed at the beginning of class each day)

Retest Policy:

Re-tests will be available for all unit tests throughout the year. Test corrections for the test that is being re-tested must be completed in advance of the test. Re-tests will NOT be announced or advertised. It is up to the individual student to approach the instructor to discuss when the re-test will be taken.

Homework Policy:

  1. Homework Policy
  2. Homework allows you to practice what you have learned in class and to prepare you for the next day’s lesson. It should be done in pencil.
  3. If homework is completed, 4 points are received for that assignment.
  4. If homework is NOT completed, a check will be given for missing that day’s assignment. If an assignment is made up at any time throughout the marking period, the 4 points will be given back, but the check will remain.
  5. 3 checks = lunch detention
  6. 6 checks = lunch detention and a phone call home
  7. > 6 checks = after school detention and phone call home
  1. Homework Calendar
  • You will keep track of your homework assignments on a homework calendar that will be given to you each month.
  • Each time you complete a homework assignment, the assignment will be stamped along with that day’s date on your calendar.
  • It is your responsibility to keep this calendar until the end of the month when it will be collected.
  • If you have a late assignment, please hand in together your calendar and the assignment and place it in your period’s bin in the back of the room. It is your responsibility to pick it up the next day.
  1. Assignments Posted Online
  • Each day the homework will be updated for that night on a shared Google Docs page with the other 8th grade teachers. A link to this will be on my website. To get there, open up the LDhome page. Click on “Middle School” then under “Faculty” click on “Weimer” then “Homework”.

Late Assignments (Labs and Projects):

  • Each day a lab or project is late 5% will deducted from the score that would have originally have been received
  • 11th period the same day an assignment is due counts as 5% off
  • If an assignment is handed in by the end of the marking period, no more than 50% will be taken off
  • Labs or projects not handed in or completed by the end of the marking period will become a zero (students will be reminded a few times prior to this that the assignment is missing).

Class Absences:

When you return to school after an absence, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed and make them up based on the number of days you were absent. Here are the 3 things to do when you come back after an absence:

  1. Missed Papers: Check the file folder in the back of the room. Look under the day(s) of the week that you missed and pick up those sheets.
  2. Missed Homework: Check the “Stamped Homework” binder on the front bulletin board for any homework assignments you may have missed.

Honors Physical Science Course Outline

The Nature of Science

What is inquiry?

Scientific Method

Lab Safety




Unit 2: Motion

Unit 3: Forces

Unit 4: Work and Machines

Unit 5: Energy


Unit 6: Matter

Unit 7: Atoms and the Periodic Table

Unit 8: Chemical Bonding

Unit 9: Chemical Reactions

Unit 10: Organic Chemistry

Mrs. Weimer’s Class Expectations

Students are expected to adhere to the LDMS Code of Conduct as well as the following classroom expectations. I see it as my responsibility to set up my students for success beyond the middle school both academically and personally by practicing the following habits:

  1. BE PUNCTUAL. Have materials out, have pencils sharpened, and be seated right away. Begin working on the bellwork before being told to do so.
  1. BE PREPARED. Bring all materials to class for each day. If you need to borrow a pencil or paper, do so before class begins.
  1. BE RESPECTFUL. The “Golden Rule” is my motto: “do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. Follow all class and school rules. Do not talk while I am teaching or giving instructions. If you have something to share, wait until you are acknowledged and then share. When doing class work, work quietly and be mindful of others. Take care of classroom materials. Students will not touch materials for labs or lessons until instructed to do so.Messing with lab materials or being off task during lab may result in a score of zero, and a call home.
  1. BE RESPONSIBLE. Do all your class work and turn it in on time. If you are absent, be sure to check the absent bin, learn what you missed, and complete any assignments by the timeline given.
  1. BE ORGANIZED. Know where your materials are. Know what you need to do. Present your work legible and neatly.
  1. BE AN ACHIEVER. Do your best in everything. Try your hardest. Aim for success. Get involved and ask questions.

Consequences for disrespectful behavior:Rewards:

  1. First offense: Verbal warning1. Selection for student of the week
  2. Second offense: Lunch detention2. The satisfaction of learning!
  3. Third offense: Office notified/phone call home

Turn over for parents 

Parents - please complete this side…

Student Name:______

I have reviewed the syllabus and classroom guidelines for eighth grade science.

(parent signature)______

Does your son or daughter have internet access at home? yes no

Because we are partners in your child’s education, completing this section will help me effectively communicate with you.

Contact Information(please modify as necessary)

Home Phone Number: ______

Mother’s Name: ______

Cell #:______

Email: ______

Father’s Name: ______

Cell #: ______


Sometimes I find the need to contact home whether it is for positive or negative news. Please answer the following:

The best time to contact our family is: ______

The best way to contact us is via: ______

The person(s) you would prefer Mrs. Weimer to contact: ______

Periodically I will be e-mailing out a newsletter with updates on what is going on in science class. Would you like to receive these monthly e-mails (please check one)?

_____YESE-mail address: ______


Use the space below to share with me any information you feel could be of value to me about your child (not required):