Honors Board Meeting


Friday, September 18, 2009

3137 NSF, 1:30—3:00 pm

Present: Frankie McCormick (Chair), Michael Broadway (interim Honors Program Director), Megan Munyan, Stephanie Johnson, Terry Delpier, Jane Milkie, Paul Lang, Russell Prather, Kevin McDonough, Dale Kapla, Georgia Tillotson (Secretary, Honors Program)

Approval of the Agenda and Introductions: Jane Milkie made the motion to accept the agenda. This motion was seconded by Kevin McDonough.

Approval of Minutes: Kevin McDonough moved to accept the September 11, 2009 meeting minutes without amendment, and this motion was seconded by Russ Prather. In reference to the April 24, 2009 meeting minutes (which were approved with amendment as the last board meeting), Frankie McCormick noted that the addition to the minutes of the remarks regarding evaluation of an honors faculty were made prior to the start of that meeting. It was agreed that this reference should be includedin the April 24th minutes but would be referenced as an addendum to the minutes.

Director’s Report: It was noted that only three syllabi were submitted for teaching in winter semester. In addition, a syllabus submitted after the due date was accepted by the Subcommittee for Evaluation of Honors Course Syllabi. It was noted that decisions regarding honors faculty for the winter semester would have to be submitted to the registrar’s office by September 28 when course scheduling materials are due. Since this discussion involved the agenda item, Subcommittee for Evaluation of Honors Course Syllabi, the board decided to move this item up on the agenda and address it prior to the HSO Report.

Subcommittee for Evaluation of Honors Course Syllabi: The subcommittee is chaired by Kevin McDonough. Nell Kupper and Jane Milkie are committee members. All four syllabi were reviewed by the subcommittee. It was their consensus that one syllabus was a good fit with no need of revision. One syllabus was unacceptable. Two syllabi were deemed acceptable but would need some revision. Kevin McDonough will send the recommendations for revision of syllabi to Michael Broadway. Michael Broadway will contact the faculty who have submitted syllabi and let them know the decision and recommendations of the committee.

HSO: There is no news to report since the HSO did not meet in the past week.


Contract Negotiation – Faculty Evaluation: Draft language for the evaluation of honors faculty was included on today’s agenda. It was noted that the faculty contract has not yet been ratified. After ratification, the board should look ahead to the evaluation of honor faculty.

Subcommittee for Evaluation for Honors Course Syllabi: This item was already discussed after the director’s report.

Unfinished Business:

Meeting with CUP/Honors Program Curriculum Proposal: Michael Broadway and Frankie McCormick had the opportunity to speak with members of CUP at their meeting this morning. Members of CUP expressed concern regarding elimination of the honors program’s foreign language requirement. There was also a concern from CUP that bulletin language for the honors courses is too vague and not specific. CUP is willing to work with members of the honors board to develop a good proposal.

Remaining agenda item was tabled, and the meeting was adjourned at 2:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Georgia Tillotson

Honors Program Secretary