Honors Biology
Room Number: 603
Tutoring: Wednesdays 3:45-4:45 pm
Biology is a course required for graduation from high school by the state of North Carolina. There is a state End-of-Course test that all students must take. We will be working hard to help each student be successful in this course. The state now requires that all students be "proficient" on the End-of-Course Biology test in order to pass the course.
This course is FAST-PACED and requires students to read ahead, and constantly review study materials.
**Active Listening is a big part of this course. Talking, chatter, and being off-task does not warrant the instructor to repeat herself.**
Standard 1.1-1.3: The Cell
Standard 3.1-3.4: Genetics
Standard 4.1-4.2: Molecular Biology
Standard 2.1-2.2: Ecology
Textbook: Glencoe Science Biology: The Dynamics of Life
Green EOC coach book
Edmodo (for submitting assignments electronically)
Pens and pencils
1”-1.5” 3-ring binder Colored pencils/Markers/Highlighters
Loose leaf paperDividers
Technology: ability to receive email and internet access in order to check teacher website for updated information and assignment due dates.
Grading Scale / Grade DistributionA / 92.5% - 100% / Class/Homework / 5%
B / 84.5% - 92.4% / Tests/Projects/
Class Participation / 40%
C / 76.5% - 84.4% / Laboratory Work/WebQuests / 25%
D / 69.5% - 76.4% / Quizzes / 30%
F / <69.4%
V. Grading
In order to be successful in this course, you MUST do well on exams
**The Class Participation Grade is subject to change throughout the semester. It is weighed as 3 test grades. It is evaluated by student performance, participation, and conduct. To be successful in this course, it is imperative that students display respect for others, academic intelligence, and good conduct.
Grade Dispersal:
1st semester: 1st 9-week period = 40%,
2nd 9-week period =40%
EOC Exam = 20%, students must receive a 3 to have their grades elevate
2nd semester: 3rd 9-week period = 40%,
4th 9-week period =40%
EOC Exam = 20%, students must receive a 3 to have their grades elevated
a)Reading and Class Notes
b)Online forum and discussion: Any persons banned for improper conduct will receive a zero for any/all activities
c)Laboratory Activities
d)Tests/Projects: students will receive 1 week’s prior notice of tests/exams
e)Notebook/Biology book: Each student is given one biology work-book per unit (four total). It is their responsibility to keep up with these books.
f)Quizzes: You should be prepared for a quiz everyday.
Honors Projects (at least 1 month prior notice):
All students will be assigned two (2) Honor’s Projects. One of those projects is a cumulative Portfolio that is given two (2) months prior to the due date. THESE ASSIGNMENTS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED LATE. They count as two (2) test/project grades.
It is expected that the work you do will be your own, whether on a test, homework, or lab report. When you collaborate in groups, you are expected to discuss ideas and help each other to clarify your understanding of concepts. You may collect data together on labs. But when you write down answers to questions, they should be your own answers, reflecting YOUR understanding and knowledge. Copying someone else’s work is called cheating and is not allowed. This is the same expectation for projects. Copying from books or the internet is called plagiarism. Your work will be scanned for plagiarism and the consequence is a 0 on the assignment.
Instructional time is valuable and students are expected to be in class unless there is a valid excuse. Examples of excused absences are: student illness, doctor/dental appointments, illness in the family, death in the family, suspension, and religious holidays. A note from the parent/guardian is needed each time a student is absent. If a student does not bring a note, the absence will be marked as unexcused. Students must place the original note in the drop box in the main office as soon as possible. (Teachers are not responsible for turning in absentee notes for students, nor do the notes need to be signed by any teacher.)
If a student misses more than 50% of a class period, the student will be considered absentfor that class. A student is considered skipping when: The student is seen on campus and not in class, the student is not in class or on a field trip or the student is not in class and not on the sign-in/out list.Students missing 5 or more absences are subject to failing (regardless of grade earned) at the instructor’s discretion.
3rd Absence: Parent Contact
5th Absence: Parents, guidance, and administration will be notified and documented.
Student is in jeopardy of failing class if excuse notes are not presented and make up work is not completed.
6th Absence and beyond: FAILED COURSE
Tardies 1-3 = warning
Tardies 4 & above = time out, ISS/OSS
1-5: Warning
6th: Time Out and Parent Contact
7th: Full Period Suspension and Discipline Referral
8th: OSS or SaturdayAcademy to make up time missed
9th and Up: OSS
Be Prepared (bring your book notebook, homework, pen and pencil to each class.)
Be On Time (don’t be tardy; turn in assignments when they are due; late work might be worth partial credit.)
Be “Present” (pay attention in class; share your ideas, thoughts, and brilliant insights!)
Be Respectful (treat other people and the room itself with consideration.)
Be Honest (do your own work with pride; tell the truth)
Regardless of age, all students are expected to act in a mature manner. This class is not a playground, or social arena. If you are not able to comply, you will be asked to leave!
Cell phone issues:
1)Understand that very few students are able to resist texting during class so do not be surprised if you get a phone call or email if your student is using a cell phone during class time in any capacity (texting, accepting calls, checking email, etc).
2)The office is more than happy to take messages/instructions and then pass them on to your children. Please do not call or text students while they are in class.
3)Students will only receive one warning concerning cell phones. Afterwards, the phone will be confiscated and you will be notified.
4)Students should not possess headphones or ear buds in the school building for safety reasons: classrooms, hallway, or cafeteria.
Safety in the Laboratory
In Biology you will frequently perform laboratory activities. While no human activity is completely risk free, if you use common sense and a bit of scientific sense, you will encounter no problems.
These safety rules apply to all laboratory activities. For your personal safety and that of your classmates, you must follow these safety rules in order to participate in laboratory activities.
1. Perform laboratory work only when your teacher is present. Unauthorized or unsupervised laboratory experimenting is not allowed.
2. Always read and think about eachlaboratory assignment before starting.
3. Know the location and use of all safety equipment in your laboratory. These should include the safety shower, eye wash, first-aid kit, fire extinguisher, and blanket.
- Clear your bench top of all unnecessary material such as books and clothing before starting your work.
5. Avoid unnecessary movement and talk in the laboratory.
6. Never taste laboratory materials. Gum, food, or drinks should not be brought into the laboratory.
7. Any laboratory accident, however small, should be reported immediately to your teacher.
8. Return equipment and chemicals to their designated locations.
Make Up work/Extra Credit
Students who have an excused absence (illness, death, etc.) are expected to make up the assignment in the equivalent amount of time that they were out. For example, if you were absent one day, you have one day to make up work.
It is NOT the responsibility of the instructor to remind students to make up work.
Students who waste time or “forget” to turn in assignments will receive a zero.
Extra Credit is not given in this course.
Please note:
- It is the responsibility of the student and parents to read this syllabus
- Progress reports are printed every 2-3 weeks.
- Parents should check parent portal on a weekly/bi-weekly basis in the instance that students may fail to bring progress reports home.
- Rules are not subject to change due to academic negligence (parents do NOT have the ability to request that the instructor bend rules or omit grades)
- Parents are free to e-mail me any time at to schedule a face-to-face conference.
- Students who lack respect and manners will be excused from the class. This disrupts the learning environment for others. I cannot be effective in instruction if I am constantly having to discipline and reprimand students. Please govern yourselves accordingly!
- Students hold complete responsibility for turning in work. “I forgot” is not an excuse, and late assignments will NOT be accepted without a valid physician’s note.
Student Signature: ______Printed Name: ______
Parent Signature: ______Printed Name: ______
There will be an online version of this syllabus in the instance that it becomes lost.