Honors 10 Syllabus
Mrs. Lindley
Course Description:
Honors English 10 is a writing intensive class for the highly motivated student. Students will analyze approximately six major works of American Literature and be responsible for writing a formal response to each. An independent book project will be completed the first two quarters culminating into a research project in the third quarter. Oral presentations will be a key part of the curricula. Skill development for the OGT, ACT and SAT will be studied.
Grading Policy:
The student’s grade will be determined by a variety of means. This will vary dependant upon the state standard being focused on at that time and the focus of the text that is being studied.
Grades are weighted in the following percentages:
· 20% of the student’s grade will be from the vocabulary assessments based on the Word Within a Word vocabulary program.
· 20% of the student’s grade will be from formative assessments (homework, reading checks…)
· 60% of the student’s grade will be from summative assessments (end of unit assessments, speeches, essays…)
Here are some of the general grading guidelines:
· In the first nine weeks, the summer reading assessment will be factored into the grade. (25 point summative grade)
· Approximately every three weeks a writing assignment will be due. (Points vary dependant upon depth of project)
· A self-selected book project will be due at the end of each of the first two quarters. Every project leads to the culminating research paper during the third quarter. (50 points each quarter)
· At the conclusion of each novel study, there will be either an objective test or self-created project. (Points vary)
· Homework will be given most nights; sometimes a homework check of 10-15 points will be assessed. Many times this will be in the form of a reading quiz.
· A research paper will be completed in the second semester. (Cumulative formative activities lead up to this)
· All formal writing assignments will be submitted to turnitin.com. All students must turn in a hard copy of the assignment on the teacher assigned due date and then submit the assignment to turnitin.com. The expectation is for the student to submit to turnitin.com on the day that the assignment is due in class; however, a grace period of one week after the assignment due date is given for submission to turnitin.com. This grace period should cover any technology difficulties that may arise. Non-submission of assignments to turnitin.com will result in disciplinary action through the administrative office. Non-submission of assignments will result in a “0”.
Please keep the following information in mind as you complete your assignments:
· Traditionally in education earning a grade of an “A” means excellent work, “B” means good work, “C” means average work, “D” means below average work and “F” means your work is failing the essential requirements. Thus, before you turn something in, ask yourself, is this excellent work? Is this good work? Or, is this average work? Have I simply “just met” all of the requirements? This may help you determine if you need to put more time and effort into your assignment or project.
· Further, with every assignment you are earning the points toward the grade. Essentially, you begin each assignment with a “0” and earn your way to your desired grade through the effort, skill, and accuracy of your assignment.
*********** At all times, the learner must remember that this is an Honors course; therefore, the expectations are high for all work turned in, class participation is a must, and behavior always focuses on a positive education environment. All work must look professional – I reserve the right not to grade something based on appearance and legibility.
Late Work Policy:
At the discretion of the teacher, late summative work will be accepted. Typically, each day an assignment is turned in late there will be a deduction of a letter grade from the final assessed grade. This policy does not take into account weekends or extended breaks – a teacher conference will determine the amount of points, if any, available at that point. Formative assignments may be turned in late to check for understanding, but are not awarded credit past the due date.
Make-Up Work Policy:
1. One day to make-up work per one-day absence.
2. All work must be made up before school, after school or during a study hall period. Work will NEVER be made up during class time.
3. Anything not made up in the allotted time period results in a “0”.
4. If you are present the day an assignment is announced, but absent the day it is due, you must submit the work when you return.
5. Students are responsible for checking the class calendar or emailing me for information on missed assignments. Upon returning from an absence, students are asked to see me prior to the beginning of the school day, so we can thoroughly discuss the make-up work without disrupting other students’ class time.
6. If you are at school at any point the day an assignment is due, even if you are absent during our class, the assignment is still due that day.
Online Grades:
Grades will be updated weekly. Lengthy assignments may take more time to input. Assignments that have not been made up will have a “0” as the grade. Students are responsible for checking their grades online for accuracy.
Class Rules:
1. School rules are strictly followed in this class. Please refer to the school handbook for more information. (Yes, this does include dress codeJ )
2. Be in your seat when the bell rings – if not, you are tardy. Remain in your seat until the dismissal bell rings. This is respectful, allows you to hear the essential informational and keeps general order in class.
3. Raise your hand and wait your turn to speak.
4. Be respectful – treat others as you would like to be treated.
5. Overall, do not disrupt my teaching or anyone else’s learning.
6. At ALL times you must be working on language arts.
7. There is to be absolutely NO WHINING! You decided to sign up for Honors English and now you need to complete the workload of the Honors English student.
8. Any work done through collaboration or collusion without my permission is academic dishonesty. One can be expelled from college due to colluding with another and turning in the assignments. If you are to work on any assignment within a group, it will be assigned as such.
9. Extended Learning Opportunities are assigned in this class. The ELO will be served directly after school in the After School Study Center. The ELO can be based on missing homework, low test/quiz scores, needed remediation, etc. The work must be done. It is easiest to do it to your best ability the first time.
10. You will never, ever, ever, state in class how much you dislike a book while we are reading it – for every book/reading you are to determine its literary merit and author purpose. Your feelings about the book can be discussed once we conclude.
Textbooks and Supplemental Materials:
* Word Within A Word Vocabulary Workbook
* The Crucible
* The Scarlet Letter
* The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass
* Of Mice and Men
* The Great Gatsby
Research paper self-selections
*Denotes the texts that will be purchased by the student. Students should purchase their books from the school book store to ensure that the correct edition is purchased. New, clean (non-highlighted) texts are required. Grades will be taken for textual interaction.
Note: Because young adults want to read texts that are relevant to their lives, self-selection of texts is an important part of this class. Each nine weeks, students are required to independently read one self-selected text in addition to the major literary works studied in class. Parents: In order to support your child through this process, please assume a vested interest in what she or he chooses to read throughout the school year. All self-selected texts should be previewed and discussed to ensure an appropriate choice.
*Students who qualify for free and reduced lunches are waived the fee for the supplemental books. Eligible students may get their books from Mrs. Wolf in the school library.
Required Supplies:
1. A three ring binder to hold all class work.
2. Always have an abundance of loose-leaf paper.
3. Lined 3X5 index cards will be used on a regular basis for notes and quizzes.
Twitter will be used to send out quick messages and information.
Please do not direct message me – this is for one way communication only.
You may follow my school account @MelissaLindley2
If you prefer to receive my tweets quickly, send a text message to 40404 and put “Follow @MelissaLindley2” in the subject line. You will receive confirmation that you are following @MelissaLindley2. You will now receive any and all of my posts via text message.
Office hours: Monday-Friday mornings 7-7:30; after school until 3:00 or by appointment
Advice from previous year’s students:
“Always do the reading – she will know!”
“Do not procrastinate!”
“Make sure you choose something you are interested in for your book projects – or it will be a long year!”
“Complete the online study guides.”
“Act well your part, there all honor lies.”
“Spoon River Anthology”
Edgar Lee Masters
Turnitin.com Student User Instructions
To create an account:
1) Go to turnitin.com
2) In the upper right hand corner is a login box. Below the login box is the link to create an account. Click the link.
3) The next page will give instructions on how to create an account. Ignore these instructions since they are created for instructors. Students need to go to the bottom right column labeled New Users and click Sign up for Turnitin.
4) The next step is to create an account. Under the Create an Account heading select student since you are a student user.
5) This step will take you to creating an account. Please fill in all of the required information. Your class ID number and class password will be assigned by your instructor. Make sure you use a legitimate email account to create your turnitin.com account. You can use this to check originality reports and as your digital receipt for submission. Be sure to agree to the terms and limitations at the bottom of the page to complete the account creation.
To enroll in a class: (if you already have an account)
1) Login to turnitin.com with your username and password.
2) Click on enroll in a class on the student homepage.
3) Enter the class ID and enrollment password for the new class.
4) Click submit to enroll in the class and add it to your homepage.
When logged in, you will need to know the class enrollment information below:
Honors English 10 – Period 4/4a
Class ID: 8343727
Password: write
Honors English 10 – Period 7
Class ID: 8343733
Password: write
CONTRACT (to be submitted by Friday, August 29, 2014)
Name ______
As a student, I have read and understand the Honors 10 class policies and agree to comply with said policies recognizing the consequences of any infringement upon these rules. I understand it is my responsibility to do all assignments in a timely manner. I am responsible for obtaining the supplemental books used for this class; these books may be purchased in the school book store or elsewhere if I choose. Further, I understand that in order to earn credit for writing assignments, I must submit them to turnitin.com.
Student Signature______Date ______
Student email ______
Student turnitin.com username______
Student turnitin.com password______
As a parent/guardian, I have read and understand the Honors 10 class policies and recognize that my son/daughter is fully responsible for his/her actions in this class. I understand it is my child’s responsibility to turn in all assignments in a timely manner. I understand that the student is responsible for purchasing or borrowing the supplemental novels used within this class and for submitting writing assignments to turnitin.com.
(Please print legibly)
Parent/Guardian Name______Date ______
Signature ______
Parent email ______
Number ______