January30/31, 2016 4thSunday after Epiphany
1 Corinthians 13:4-5 “Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful.” Love is the greatest of the three “theological virtues” because God is Love. That is why love is the fulfillment of the Law, because the Law is the reflection of God's being and God is love. St. Paul urges the Corinthians to grow in love, to grow up into the image of Christ who demonstrates what love looks like with His sacrifice on the cross. For love always seeks the good of the other, always seeks to serve, to give, to bless.
A MEASURE OF OUR LOVEAttendance:Saturday(Jan. 23)6 p.m. = 74;Sunday(Jan. 24)8 a.m. =97;Sunday (Jan. 24) 10:30 a.m. = 129; Total for the weekend= 300; Sunday School (2’s) = 2;(3 yrs to 8th grade) = 24; High School = 4; Adult Bible Class =40; Morning Mingle = 9; Thursday Bible Class = .
Contributions: Envelopes $7,996; Plate $276; Birthday $80; Connect $689; School Tuition $3,791.08; School Registration $110; ECC Tuition $6,989.54;Hall Rental $125; Insurance Payment (water damage) $6,967.73; Total General Fund Deposit = $27,024.35. Other Designated Giving: Chapel $38.86;
Total Designated Fund Deposit $38.86.
GF/Connect Financial Update
Income Update / 14/15 YTD Actuals / 15/16 YTD Actuals / % Change / 15/16 YTD Budget (15% increase on envelopes) / Projected Miss if no changeConnect Loan Balance = $1,560,199.82
Income Update
Envelope and Plate / $198,430 / $213,640 / 7.7% / $228,194 / ($28,984)
Connect Envelopes / $44,917 / $39,137 / -12.9% / $44,917 / ($9,620)
Unbudgeted/Unexpected Maintenance Costs
Incident / Cost / Contributed To-DateTree Clean Up / $1,250 / $1,250
Termite Mitigation / $1,250 / $1,250
Air Conditioner Compressor / $2,550 / $2,550
Elevator Fire Monitoring / $1,771 / $1,771
Fence Repair / $2,528 / $2,528
Air Duct Fire Alarm Unit / TBD / $1,890
TOTAL / $9,349 / $11,239
Who’s Who at St. Paul’s
New, interested in a particular function or getting involved?
Have a question? Here’s who to talk to at St. Paul’s:
Pastor: Rev. Mitchel Schuessler, 553-3133
Church Secretary: Kathy Brumm, 667-6681
School: K-8 – Dr. Bruce McLaughlin, Principal, 667-6314;
School Secretary: Linda Craig, 667-6314
Early Childhood Center (Day Care): Michelle Warner, 667-2173
Church Council Chairman: – Rod Repp, 618-505-0718
Board of Elders: Alan Kilzer, Head Elder, 667-8263
Board of Stewardship & Finance: Jason Kesterson, 407-0304
Financial Secretary: Karen Missey, 830-7535
Bookkeeper: Cheryl Chrusciel,
Board of Evangelism: Penny Schuessler, 322-9824
Board of Christian Education: Laurel West, 667-3859
Board of Christian Day School: Adam Lilienkamp, 334-4065
Board of Trustees: Todd Moore, 779-3444
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML): Shirley Schmitt
Youth Group: [7th-12th grade] Rachael Beckemeyer, 367-2463
Head Usher: Seth Schaefer, 345-6487
Altar Guild: Jeanette Gindler, 667-6852 and Debbie Wittenberg, 667-7357
Choirs:Family Choir – Ted Fedder, 667-6250
Glorious Day/Praise Team – Tom Rampold 667-8771
Men’s Ministry: Pastor Schuessler,
Holy Smokers: Dave Meyer, 667-1347
Confirmation Class: Pastor Schuessler, 553-3133
Helping Hands [funeral dinners, social ministry needs]: Donna Ponce 667-6148, Shirley Schnoeker, 667-6368.
St. Paul’s PTL: Karen Kilzer, 667-8263 and Jenni Kaffer, 709-6824
Prayer Chain: Adeline Amen, 667-2549 and Debbie Wittenberg, 667-7357
A "BLESSING CALENDAR" has been created by the LWML for the month of February with the "Blessing Offerings" going to the youth attending the National Youth Gathering. For each day in February, there is a fact about the "gathering," a Bible verse, and an opportunity to place an offering in for the "Blessings" given to you. All members of the congregation are encouraged to participate. The calendars are in the Narthex on the LWML table. At the end of the month, simply give your "Blessing Offerings" to Shirley Rood, treasurer of the LWML, or to any LWML member.
31 / 8:00 am Worship /HC9:15 am Sunday School &
Adult Bible Class
10:30 am Worship
1 / 6:30 pm Walking
2 / 9:45 am Morning Mingle
3:30 pm Staff Meeting
6:30 pm PTL Meeting
7:00 pm Elders Meeting
3 / 8:30 am Chapel
9:45 am Women Bible Study
1:00 pm Preschool Chapel
4:30 pm Confirmation
6:30 pm Nominations Committee Meeting
4 / 2:00 pm Bible Study
2:00 p.m. Pictorial Directory Pictures
6:30 pm Walking
5 / 2:00 p.m. Pictorial Directory Pictures
6 / 10:00 a.m. Pictorial Directory Pictures
6:00 pm Worship with HC
7 / 8:00 am Worship/HC
9:15 a.m. Sunday School/Bible Class
10:30 am Worship
1:30 pm Fountains Worship
3:00 pm LWML Zone Prayer Service, St. Paul's, Troy
Saturday January30 – 6:00 p.m.:Acolyte:Bryson Brown;Elder: Sam Italiano; Ushers: Brion Boeshans, Kevin Campe, Sam Italiano and Seth Schaefer; Greeters: Rod & Beth Repp;Organist: Yvonne Rieger; Altar Guild:Fran Kohl and Pat Moore.
Sunday, January31 – 8:00 a.m.:Acolyte: Joe Walls;Elders: Alan Kilzer and Nathan Reese; Ushers: Mike Hampton, Brett Sollberger and Whitey White; Greeter: Sheryl Moore; Organist: Jo White; Altar Guild: Fran Kohl and Pat Moore.
Sunday, January31 – 10:30 a.m.:Acolyte: Hannah Norris; Ushers: Randy Jones, Ryan Kaffer, Jason Kesterson and Mark Schlemer; Greeters:Mike & Irene Merchant;Organist: Jo White; Bulletin Collator: Wittenberg Family.
Saturday, Feb. 6 – 6:00 p.m.:Acolyte:TBA; Elder:Sam Italiano; Ushers:Brion Boeshans, Kevin Campe, Sam Italiano and Seth Schaefer;Greeters:Jim & Shirley Rood;Organist:Jo White; Altar Guild:Adeline Amen and Grace Cottingham.
Sunday, Feb. 7 – 8:00 a.m.:Acolyte:Logan DiRosa; Elders:Alan Kilzer and Matt Tschudy; Ushers:Jacob Doyle, Steve Doyle, Ted Flath and Whitey White; Greeter:Bonnie Levo; Organist:Jo White.
Sunday, Feb. 7 – 10:30 a.m.:Acolyte:Anna Reese; Ushers:Ted Fedder, Jeff Fiudo, Randy Jones and Tim Wittenberg; Greeters:Ruth Schmitt and Dorothy Taake; Organist:; Jo White; Bulletin Collator:Linda Eckert; Altar Guild:Adeline Amen and Grace Cottingham.
Jan.30: Chelsea Gavlick, Brylee Proffitt, Laura Weatherspoon
31: Ava Leitschuh, Kevin Wilderman
Feb. 1: Dean James, Todd Kenison
2: Caleb Tschudy
3: Laura Boudreauz, Imogen Graddy
4: Kathy Brumm, Cheryl Chrusciel
5:Brooklyn Boeshans, Ted Fedder, Lindsay Jones,
John Leitschuh, Amelia McGrievy
PRAYERS FOR:Carol Aumann, Aaron Bohnenstiehl,Pam Brannon, Dana Daniels, Jeff Erlich, Sarah Frey,Sandy Gritzmacher, Norma Horton, Juanita James,Karen Kull, Connie Liter,Nathan Mallette, Roger Pense,Alicia Rayner, Tina Sahs,Cheryl Schaefer,John Schmidt, DaleSchnoeker,Will Weeks, Lorene Wehmeyer,Jim Welch, Fred Wolf, and Sarah Woodruff.
PRAY FOR ALL those that are serving in the military: Nate Alvis, Aimee Alvstad (Korea), Carolyn Brynildsen,Jared Brynildsen,Brad Converse,Amanda Koldway, Cole Long, Chris Payne, Kelly Sawielski,Daniel Schorfheideand Ian Sikes.
We are always glad to pray for the needs of your family, friends, co-workers and others in our worship services. Normally, we will include a request for four weeks. If you would like prayers to continue beyond four weeks, please renew your request. You may call or email the church office.
SOUPER BOWL SUNDAY – During January the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League and Sunday School has beencollecting SOUP and SALTINE CRACKERS for Ministries Unlimited in Troy, IL and Concordia Seminary Food Bank, St. Louis, MO. You will find a basket in the narthex for your donations. As the congregation members leave worship on Super Bowl weekend, February 6th & 7th, you will be invited to give $1.00 per person to help hungry and hurting people. All donations will be sent directly to Ministries Unlimited, Concordia Seminary Food Bank and LCFS Food Pantry in Hardin, IL.
HOST/HOSTESS FOR PICTURE CHECK IN: We are still in need of a few people to sign up to be a host/hostess at the picture taking this week, Feb. 4-6 and next week, Feb. 11-13. Contact Rachael Beckemyer if you are interested: 618-367-2463 or email her at . Thank you.
BABY BOTTLE FUNDRAISER 2016 –the deadline for baby bottles is February 6, 2016! YOU can return the bottles to the basket in the narthex or bring it to the church office. Mosaic Women’s Health Center thanks you for the support.
OnDeck This Week at Saint Paul’s
Saint Paul’s Lutheran Church, School and ECC Troy, IllinoisChurch Phone: 618-667-6681 School Phone: 618-667-6314
January3031, 2016
WE WELCOME ALL WHO WORSHIP AT ST. PAUL’S.We pray that God will bless your worship with us. Please register your attendance on the pad at the end of the pew after the offering. As a member of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LC-MS), St. Paul’s practices close communion. We believe that receiving the Lord’s Supper together shows a common confession of faith in all areas of doctrine (not just in Communion).
If you are a member of a LC-MS congregation in good standing, you are invited to receive communion. If you are not a member of a LC-MS congregation, please talk with the pastor or an elder prior to the service. The elders are the gentlemen that are wearing the “ELDER” badges.
We offer both the common cup and individual up to those who commune. The center individual cups are white grape juicefor those who are not able to have wine.Children are welcome to come forward with their family to receive a blessing. We celebrate the Lord’s Supper in every Saturday service, in the Sunday 8:00 a.m. on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sunday, and in the Sunday 10:30 a.m. on the 2nd and 4th Sunday.
New or visiting today? Please be sure to sign our Guest Register in the narthex. You’ll findplenty of useful information in this OnDeck (published weekly). You may also go to and find the monthly newsletter and other information about the church, school and daycare.
NOMINATING COMMITTEE“Are you interested in serving as an officer or board member at St. Paul’s? The nominating committee is currently meeting to nominate candidates for the 2016 elections to be held at the April voters’ meeting. If you are interested in serving on a board or as an officer or would like more information please contact Jacob Doyle at 618-334-3871 or .”
PICTORIAL DIRECTORY: St. Paul’s is partnering with Lifetouch for a new picture book/directory in 2016. Lifetouch is providing the directory at no cost to our church. Every family photographed receives a complimentary directory and an 8x10 portrait. You can sign up forphotography online at our church website at and click on the “special notices” tab and follow the link or call our office 667-6681.
There has been another day added, February 11, to schedule your picture appointment for your convenience.