Eastern Kentucky University – Energy Education Curriculum Project, Spring 2011
Energy Awareness Survey
1. Many energy scientists and economists believe the world is facing an energy crisis due to a variety of factors including resource depletion, health issues, environmental impacts, and international obligations to reduce CO2 emissions. Which of the following statements most reflects your perspective? (Circle one):
a) Urgent: I participate in and support actions to reduce energy consumption.
b) Important: I support actions to reduce energy consumption.
c) Neutral: I’m not sure it’s important, I would like to know more.
d) Skeptical: This issue is exaggerated; I don’t support actions to reduce energy use.
e) Indifferent: It’s not something I worry about.
2. What is your general attitude toward energy conservation? (Circle one):
a) Very positive – I actively save energy and believe I can make a difference
b) Aware and positive – I think it is important and try to save energy when possible
c) Partly aware – I take some action and occasionally pass on information to others
d) Neutral – I may occasionally try to save energy when I think about it
e) Indifferent – It’s not something I worry about
3. How aware are you of the environmental impact of energy use? (Circle one):
a) Very – I actively follow issues and seek out opportunities to learn more
b) Mostly – I regularly follow news media and sometimes investigate in more detail
c) Aware – I follow current issues and know what the concerns are
d) Somewhat – I am aware of the debate, but am not yet convinced
e) Unaware – I am not aware of the environmental impacts
4. What is your level of awareness of energy costs? (Circle one):
Unaware Somewhat Aware Mostly Very
5. What is your level of awareness of energy waste? (Circle one):
Unaware Somewhat Aware Mostly Very
6. A pound of coal burned to generate a kilowatt of electricity creates how many pounds of CO2, on average? _____
7. Do you know the current cost of gas? (Circle one):
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Eastern Kentucky University – Energy Education Curriculum Project, Spring 2011
a) Yes: ______$/gallon
b) Maybe: ______$/gallon
c) No
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Eastern Kentucky University – Energy Education Curriculum Project, Spring 2011
8. Do you know the current cost of electricity? (Circle one):
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Eastern Kentucky University – Energy Education Curriculum Project, Spring 2011
a) Yes: _____¢/kw
b) Maybe: _____¢/kw
c) No
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Eastern Kentucky University – Energy Education Curriculum Project, Spring 2011
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Eastern Kentucky University – Energy Education Curriculum Project, Spring 2011
9. What is a good temperature for a refrigerator, in your opinion: ______ºF
10. What is a good temperature for a freezer, in your opinion: ______ºF
11. What is a good temperature for a water heater, in your opinion: ______ºF
12. Which type of light bulb has the lowest lifespan cost for equivalent lumens (light output)?
Halogen / Incandescent / Compact Florescent / LED13. Which of the following electric devices are in your house:
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Eastern Kentucky University – Energy Education Curriculum Project, Spring 2011
c Desktop PC
c Laptop or Notebook PC
c DVD Player or VCR
c Portable vacuum cleaner
c TV
c Stereo
c Cell Phone
c Cordless Phone
c Washing machine
c Tumble dryer
c Dishwasher
c Water Heater
c Iron
c Hairdryer
c Hair Straightener
c Portable heater
c Microwave
c Electric oven
c Food processor
c Mixer/blender
c Refrigerator (with freezer)
c Freezer (separate from fridge)
c Air conditioner
c Toaster
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Eastern Kentucky University – Energy Education Curriculum Project, Spring 2011
14. From the list above, list which 4 electronic devices, in your opinion, are responsible for the most energy consumption in your home:
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Eastern Kentucky University – Energy Education Curriculum Project, Spring 2011
a) ______
b) ______
c) ______
d) ______
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Eastern Kentucky University – Energy Education Curriculum Project, Spring 2011
15. How often do you leave lights on in rooms when there’s nobody in the room? Circle one:Never / Occasionally / Sometimes / Most of the time / Always
16. How often do you leave the battery charger of an electronic device plugged in once the battery is charged? Circle one:
Never / Occasionally / Sometimes / Most of the time / Always
17. How often do you leave your computer on when it’s not being used? Circle one:
Never / Occasionally / Sometimes / Most of the time / Always
18. How often do you keep your electronic devices on standby (i.e. DVD player, computer monitor, computer speakers)? Circle one:
Never / Occasionally / Sometimes / Most of the time / Always
19. How often do you actively ask people to conserve energy? Circle one:
Never / Occasionally / Sometimes / Most of the time / Always
20. How motivated are you to save energy? Circle one:
Not at all / Slightly / Somewhat / Very / Extremely
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