Clinical Lecturer in Periodontology

Honorary General Dental Practitioner/Specialty Doctor Grade

Periodontology Unit

Department of Restorative Dentistry

Vacancy Ref: 1196687

See page 12 for details of how to apply for the post

Organisational Overview

UCL Eastman Dental Institute (EDI) is a postgraduate dental school with a reputation as a leading centre worldwide, forming part of University College London (UCL).

EDI’s main activities are research and postgraduate education in the field of oral healthcare sciences. Our mission encompasses education, academic enquiry and the advancement of knowledge with the aim of:

·  Benefiting society by encouraging a healthy lifestyle, preventing oral disease, and improving patient care by application of education, research and clinical skills.

·  Providing the highest quality educational and training experiences for graduates on taught and research programmes.

·  Advancing the dental profession.

EDI works closely in the furtherance of its mission with the Eastman Dental Hospital (EDH), part of University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (UCLH) and other local healthcare providers. All clinical academic staff hold honorary appointments with Eastman Dental Hospital, UCLH NHS Foundation Trust.

EDI’s main premises are located at 123 Gray’s Inn Road and at 256 Gray’s Inn Road on the Eastman Dental Hospital site where EDI and EDH share common facilities and have a number of joint clinical / academic departments. Both UCL and UCLH NHS Trust are committed to the redevelopment of the academic and clinical facilities of the Eastman on a new site within the main campus, which will provide an enhanced environment and considerably strengthened links with both parent organisations.

About UCL


UCL is a world class university - one of the UK’s foremost teaching and research institutions. Founded in 1826 to provide higher education for all who could benefit from it, regardless of religion, race or class, UCL is both the oldest and the largest of the various colleges and institutes that make up the University of London. UCL was the first to admit women to higher education on equal terms with men, and also pioneered the teaching of many subjects at university level.

In national research assessment exercises, UCL has been consistently ranked among the top five multi-faculty universities in the UK along with Oxford and Cambridge. Expansion has been particularly rapid in recent years and UCL has merged with a number of nearby institutions as well as opening several major new centres. Several major institutes that merged included the Eastman, the Institute of Neurology, the Institute of Child Health, and the Institute of Ophthalmology. UCL also works with the largest collection of teaching hospitals in the UK.

UCL has over 19,000 students from over 140 countries and employs over 8,000 staff, including 4,000 plus academic staff, covering 72 departments in eight faculties and postgraduate biomedical institutes. UCL’s annual turnover exceeded £560m in the latest financial year.

UCL has the highest number of professors of any university in the UK, an academic community including 35 Fellows of the Royal Society, 22 Fellows of the British Academy, 11 Fellows of the Royal Academy of Engineering and 77 Fellows of the Academy of Medical Sciences. Nobel Prizes have been awarded to 19 academic staff and graduates.

About UCL Eastman Dental Institute (EDI)

EDI was established in 1948 as part of the British Postgraduate Medical Federation, University of London. In 1994 EDI affiliated to UCL and on 1st August 1999 EDI merged.

The Eastman has an international reputation and profile, with many outstanding clinicians, teachers and scientists. The Eastman gained its reputation as a centre for specialist training programmes and specialist dental care.

We have over 60 years experience in the development of first-class education and training, and our graduate teaching and research programmes attract postgraduates from over 50 countries. Currently there are 110 Taught Master’s students, 180 Diploma students and 50 PhD students studying at the Eastman, and there are 150 staff. Eastman Continuing Professional Development (CPD) provides challenging short courses and longer programmes for all members of the dental team in a modern dedicated training facility which includes lecture theatres, seminar rooms and state of the art hands-on skills laboratories. Our education and training activities have been expanded to provide integrated learning pathways linking CPD courses, certificates and diplomas through to masters and specialty training programmes.

A vibrant research culture is matched by excellent research facilities enhanced by wide ranging collaborations with departments and units throughout UCL. EDI’s research programme is focused on the two themes of Microbial Diseases and Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering, with expert support in Biomedical Statistics and Clinical Trials Management. In the RAE 2008 UCL Eastman Dental Institute ranked 3rd in terms of the number of world leading 4* researchers returned, 2nd in terms of the number of highly performing 4* and 3* researchers returned and 2nd in terms of the number of researchers doing work recognized as at the international standard.

EDI submitted 42.40 FTE academic staff for assessment representing over 90% of all eligible academic staff - a submission percentage that compares highly favourably with other institutions and that truly reflects the breadth of excellence of all our staff. The Institute achieved the 2nd highest “research power” score in Dentistry, calculated by multiplying research quality by the volume of staff submitted.

The Eastman is also renowned for innovation in developing new clinical techniques and products, including diagnostics markers, therapeutic treatments and dental materials. The Eastman has played a prominent role in pioneering the introduction of new clinical disciplines, as well as creating new academic units.

Education and research activities are supported by a modern Information Centre with excellent computing facilities as well as recently refurbished seminar and lecture rooms incorporating latest technologies.

Together the Eastman Dental Institute and Eastman Dental Hospital form a leading specialist centre for oral health care sciences. The Eastman provides first class patient care, graduate teaching, and advanced research serving the needs of the local, national and international graduate dental community.

About UCLH NHS Foundation Trust and Eastman Dental Hospital (EDH)

University College London Hospitals (UCLH) NHS Foundation Trust is one of the largest and most complex public sector organisations in the UK. It has played a leading role in the reform of the NHS, by becoming one of the first NHS Foundation Trusts as of 1st July 2004. The Trust has recently completed the first phase of a new Hospital, an ambitious £422m project and is developing further phases, of which one is the relocation of EDH. UCLH has around a 1,000 beds. The Trust provides high quality accident and emergency, general medical and general surgical services to the people who live, work and take recreation in north central London. In addition the hospital group is home to many specialist services which attract patients from all over the UK. The Trust employs 6,200 staff who treat close to 60,000 patients per annum in hospital either as inpatients or day cases, and also sees nearly 500,000 outpatients each year. The Trust includes the Acute and Specialist Hospitals Board.

EDH functions as a Directorate within the Specialist Hospitals Board of UCLH. The activities of the Directorate include outpatient care and inpatient care as well multidisciplinary and interface clinics in a range of clinical settings and with partner organisations. The majority of outpatient care is provided from the Eastman Dental Hospital in 256 Grays Inn Road with inpatient and day case work being undertaken on the main UCLH campus. The Directorate provides trauma cover for surrounding hospitals, namely the Royal Free Hospital, the Whittington Hospital, St Mary’s Hospital and Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children.


Successes in education include:

§ First dental school to receive the Queen’s Anniversary Prize for Higher and Further Education.

§ Higher Education Funding Council Teaching Assessment Exercise score 23.

§ Focus is exclusively on specialist education and training: the greatest focus of postgraduate dental education in Europe.

§ Over 10,000 dentists from 18 countries registered for on-line continuing professional development (CPD) with the British Dental Journal.

§ 2,500 dentists and dental care professionals engaged in CPD learning on campus.

§ Over 350 postgraduates from 30 countries enrolled on University-accredited programmes on campus.

§ UCL-EDI staff have authored more than 55 textbooks - amongst the largest number per head of staff worldwide.

§ Staff are on Advisory Boards of several journals - Acta-Oto-Laryngologica, Archives of Oral Biology, British Dental Journal, British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, BMC Oral Health, Cell Biochemistry and Function, China Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Clinical Oral Implants Research, Cochrane Collaboration Oral Health Group, Endodontic Practice, Endodontology, European Journal of Orthodontics, Evidence Based Dentistry, Inflammation Research, International Journal of Dental Hygiene, International Journal of Endodontics, International Endodontic Journal, International Journal of Oncology, International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry, International Journal of Prosthodontics, Journal of Biomaterials Applications, Journal of Clinical Periodontology, Journal of Dental Research, Journal of Dentistry, Journal of Endodontics, Journal of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Journal of Oral Pathology and Medicine, Journal of Orthodontics, Journal of Periodontal Research, Microbiology, Oral Biosciences & Medicine, Oral Diseases, and Oral Oncology.

The popularity of the Eastman as a centre for graduate study in all of the programmes derives from the close personal contact with enthusiastic clinicians who are interested in the latest techniques for treatment, undiluted by the presence of undergraduate students. The training is therefore intense, and of a very high quality, focused and practical, and with UK Specialist Advisory Committee approval where relevant. The team of teachers at EDI has a mixture of clinical practice and academic backgrounds and has a progressive, hard-working, friendly and collaborative attitude. All teaching staff are active in their field of dentistry and can demonstrate as well as describe what they teach. All clinical units have a strong teaching and clinical record. The Eastman is recognised within UCL as a model of good practice.

Graduates find their special interests, individual needs and abilities readily identified and catered for and supported by intense practical training, participative seminars, didactic teaching and individual tutorial contact with teachers - many of international standing.

The Institute offers the following methods of study:

§  Diplomas and Certificates

§  Master of Science (MSc)

§  Master of Clinical Dentistry (MClinDent)

§  Professional Doctorates (DDent)

§  Memberships & Fellowships of the Royal Colleges

§  Specialty Training

§  Continuing Professional Development

As part of UCL we have access to a broad range of courses and programmes of study to cater for individuals personal development needs. Staff are encouraged to take part in continuing professional development.


Successes in research include:

§ Research income in five years c. £10 million.

§ 65% of grants are from Research Councils and Charities.

§ Research collaborations with high quality research teams within UCL and in other prestigious universities in UK and internationally.

§ 29% of research publications have impact factors greater than the top dentistry journal.

§ Research findings published in high impact journals – including all five highest Dentistry journals - Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine, Journal of Dental Research, Periodontology 2000, Oral Oncology; and Journal of Clinical Periodontology, as well as many leading journals in allied scientific and clinical fields, including Advanced Functional Materials, American Journal of Human Genetics, American Journal of Medical Genetics, Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, Biomaterials, Bone, Cell, Chemistry of Materials, Clinical and Experimental Immunology, European Journal of Surgical Oncology, Immunology, Infection and Immunity, Journal of Bacteriology, Journal of Infectious Disease, Nature Genetics, Nature Molecular Structural Biology, and Science.

§ 12 patent applications filed and five licenses granted to industry.

§ Journals based at UCL-EDI over the past few years, have included Archives of Oral Biology, Biofilms, International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry, Journal of Biomaterials Applications, Journal of Clinical Periodontology, Journal of Periodontal Research, Oral Diseases, and Oral Oncology.

The research environment is particularly rich with opportunities for both clinical translational research, as well as basic science in collaboration with the research divisions within the Institute as well as the wider UCL community. As well as having direct access to patients attending the Eastman Dental Hospital, the Eastman Clinical Investigation Centre (ECIC) has its own database of healthy volunteers. The Hospital's patient base is derived from a multi-cultural population referred by dentists throughout the Thames basin and from further afield. The Eastman has given the highest priority to Good Clinical Practice in maintaining its academic excellence and reputation. Basic research is organised within the framework of two multidisciplinary research divisions, Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering (BTE) and Microbial Diseases (MD), which interface directly with the clinical divisions and are aligned to UCL’s research strategy for Biomedicine which identifies the thematic areas of Tissue Engineering/Regenerative Medicine and Infection and Immunity as core components.

Administrative Structure

Eastman Dental Institute comprises:

·  Biomaterials & Tissue Engineering (Biomaterials, Biomedical Informatics, Cell Biology and Tissue Engineering)

·  Clinical Research (including the Eastman Clinical Investigation Centre)

·  Craniofacial Growth & Development (Orthodontics and Paediatric Dentistry)

·  Eastman Continuing Professional Development

·  Maxillofacial Medicine and Surgery (Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Special Care Dentistry and Radiology)

·  Microbial Diseases (Microbiology and Cellular Microbiology)

·  Restorative Dentistry (Prosthodontics, Endodontics and Periodontology).

The Hospital has schools dedicated to high quality training of members of the dental team including Dental Nurses, Hygienists, Therapists and Dental Technicians.

The Department of Restorative Dentistry

The hallmark of the Restorative Dentistry at the Eastman is the combination of excellence in patient care, advanced training and translational research. The art and science is closely intertwined with basic science in the daily efforts and has the restorative needs of our patients as our core objective. All members emphasize teamwork among academic staff, clinical staff, technical staff, graduates and administrative staff as the way to achieve their professional mission.