Homework Years 3&4 - Term 4, Weeks 3&4, 2017Due: Friday 3Rd November 2017

Homework Years 3&4 - Term 4, Weeks 3&4, 2017Due: Friday 3Rd November 2017

Homework Years 3&4 - Term 4, Weeks 3&4, 2017Due: Friday 3rd November 2017

Reading: Choose a book to read from home, the library or the classroom.
Read every night for 10 minutes.
Goal: I can read every night.
Mon / Tue / Wed / Thurs / Fri
Colour the nights you read or have your parents sign. / Spelling: 5-10 minutes
Goal: I can spell new words to use in my writing.
Choose words from yourspelling list to learn.
Below is a list of spelling activity suggestions:
  1. Write words in a word search
  2. Write your words in sentences
  3. Use your words in a comic strip or cartoon
  4. Use ‘Look, say, cover, write and check’ to spell words.
New words are given at the beginning of each week. Spelling tests are held every week on Friday and at the end of term. / Grid Choice One: Well-being and Health
Goal: Understanding the four step process to solving a worrying problem at school.
Illustrate the four steps (below):
Work through
Move On
Grid Choice Two: Religion
Goal: I can list the formal prayers I know.
Brainstorm a list of all the prayers you know e.g. Hail Mary. / Grid Choice Three: Mathematics
Goal: I can learn times-tables and related division facts.
Make a set of cards for the 3 times tables (with related division facts) or a times table you are having difficulty with. Put the question on one card and the answer on another. Mix up the cards and then place in order - matching the question with the answer.
Remember: By the end of Year 3 it is hoped you know 0s, 1s, 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s (and related division facts) off by heart.
/ Grid Choice Four: Literacy
Goal: I can find where the full stops and capital letters should be in a paragraph.
Rewrite the paragraph below. Add punctuation (full stops) and capital letters where appropriate.
My dog, Scruffy is old he has a white fur that is getting very thin he cannot see very well and cannot hear us calling him he is still happy and wags his tail when we cuddle or feed him
Rewrite this paragraph putting in all the full stops that are missing. Do Capital letters come after full stops?
Grid Choice Five: Healthy Living
Goal: I can make choices to improve or maintain my physical and mental health.
Choose one or more of the activities:
-walk to school
-climb the stairs
-practise your sport at home
-Be the first to say hello to people you know at school and smile
-Paint a picture of your favourite place to be / Grid Choice Six: Technology
Goal: I can practise Maths skills using Mathletics.
Log into Mathletics using the username and password given to you by your teacher

Have a go at LIVE MATHS
Focus: Number patterns / Grid Choice Seven: Inquiry/Art
Goal: I know what the tall ships looked like that arrived in New South Wales (First Fleet):
Collect pictures of the tall ships as on 3TD Blog (link above) and make a collage.
Draw a tall ship.
Describe a tall ship in a paragraph.