Homework Menu for KS1

To allow you to manage your time, there will be one homework task to complete every two weeks. Please complete a range of tasks.

We would like children to experience a range of tasks so please pick a mix from different rows and you can link them to the termly topic.

Task style / Task 1 / Tasks 2 / Tasks 3 / Tasks 4 / Tasks 5 / Tasks 6
I enjoy reading,
writing &
speaking / Find out as much as you can about Fen Skating in the local area. / Read 5 books from a range of genres e.g. information book, poetry, story, play etc. Which was your favourite and why? / Find out about the Chinese New Year 2018. / Visit the library and find fiction or non-fiction books about the Arctic. Share the books with family. / Learn a winter themed poem by heart and perform to the class. / Research why we give eggs at Easter. Write about what you have found out.
Mathematical and scientific
I enjoy working
with numbers & science based learning / Time – what time do you get up? Go to school? Go to bed? Draw and write the times for each one. / Set up a pretend food shop at home. Give each item a price and ask your family to buy different items from your shop. Can you add the coins together? / Learn your 2x 5x and 10x tables / Numbers in the environment – what numbers do you see every day? House numbers? Bus numbers? Write a list. / Go on a walk and try to identify different trees. Can you collect leaves to identify the trees? / Can you design a protective box for an Easter egg? Think about the different types of materials you could use and why?
I enjoy painting,
drawing &
visualizing / Create a Spring picture, drawing or collage. / Draw a picture of Spring flowers. / Make a world map showing the continents and oceans of the world. / Create a pop up picture based on your favourite book. / Create an Arctic landscape picture/ model with Arctic animals. / Make an Easter card that represents the Christian theme of Easter.
I enjoy doing
activities / Make a setting for your favourite traditional tale. It could be a castle, a room, a cottage. / Go for a walk with your family and spot signs of Spring. / Make some pancakes at home. / ‘Random acts of kindness day’ is on 17.2.18.
What acts of kindness have you shown? / Make a Mother’s Day card for Mothering Sunday. / Decorate a hard -boiled egg.
Worksheet downloaded from school website / Maths based: / English based: / English based:
Write out a recipe for pancakes. / Geography based: / Phonics based: / Easter - How do people celebrate Easter around the world?
Handing in/ sharing dates / By Friday
19th January / By Friday 2nd February / By Friday 16th February / By Friday 2nd March / By Friday 16th March / By Thursday 29th March