
Homework Grading Rubric

Marking Period ______

Completing homework is your chance to show that you can independently apply the skills that you learned in class. It is important to complete your homework by yourself. If you have difficulty, it is necessary for you to contact me to let me know so that we can work out a plan to facilitate understanding. Plagiarism and copying of homework will not be tolerated. It is important for me to assess what you can do and where you encounter difficulties. Always contact me if you have any questions. I check email between 7 and 8 P.M each evening. After you email me at , make sure that you check back for my answer. Unless otherwise directed by me, homework is due on the night it is assigned via Google Docs. I will accept no Untitled Documents. Homework not submitted by the night it is assigned, will be considered late. Use the MLA heading on all work submitted.

Self-Evaluation Criteria / Always
9-10 / Frequently
6-8 / Sometimes
3-5 / Rarely Never
1-2 0
1. My homework is labeled by assignment, period # and date.
2. My homework is completed each night and handed in or emailed on time.
3 . I proofread my h/w for errors and correct them.
4. I send all required homework to Mrs. Sullivan at or hand it in by placing it in the cubby provided for my class.
5. I complete my homework using Google Docs. If I handwrite my homework, there are no “holes” attached or torn perforations.
6. If I am absent, I access my homework on the class website
7. My homework is complete and neat. I use cursive writing and rulers for underlining
8 . I have integrity and submit only work I have completed myself.
9 . I use the MLA Heading on all assignments.
10. I contact Mrs. Sullivan if I have any questions about my assignment.
11. If I forget a worksheet at school, I access it by going to Mrs. Sullivan’s website at and print it out or complete it online.