Homeschoolers at the Library

Friday, September 9, 2016 @ 1 PM

Would You Want to Live Without Books? Resource List

What We Did This Month

·  This month, we learned a little about books! Focusing on the book You Wouldn’t Want to Live Without Books! by Alex Woolf, we explored some history of books, their importance in our lives, and what life would be like without books.

·  After reading about some of the ways people recorded information in the past, we tried different methods of writing. Clay and craft sticks, chalkboard and chalk, stamps and ink, and paint and quills were available for students to try writing with. Some of these proved easier to use than others! We talked about the advantages and disadvantages of each method, and determined which might be the best to replace modern writing.

·  After exploring record keeper and writing of the past, we brainstormed about books of the future. This was a fun way to see how far books have evolved and where they may be headed.

·  Since the library is full of books, the students went on a scavenger hunt to explore different books available in the Children’s Department. This activity showed just how many things can be found in books and how important books are in our lives. It also helped familiarize the students with the juvenile collection.

·  Our take home craft for this month was to make a unique book suggested in You Wouldn’t Want to Live Without Books! Students had the opportunity to make a scroll, concertina (folded book), or a paperback.

Books Used in This Program

·  You Wouldn’t Want to Live Without Books! by Alex Woolf

·  Book Making and Paper Making: Be Your Own Publisher by Deborah Hufford

·  Children’s Book-A-Day Almanac by Anita Silvey

Additional resources to use at home:

·  Bookmaking crafts can be found at

·  There are several great science titles in the You Wouldn’t Want to Live Without series! You can find the list at

·  Homemade straw quill and ink craft

·  Another quill pen and ink project can be found at

·  A pretty Chinese Scroll craft can be found here

If you are looking for books about books: j002 and j686