FLRC Board of Trustees Meeting
February 14th, 2015 at 9:30 a.m.
9:30 A.M. President Mike Nanson called the meeting to order. Board members in attendance were; Ralph Rossknecht, Mark Robben, Mark MacDonald, Randy Taylor, Sherry Ploor, Al Bannon & Vic Dykstra. Absent: Kathi Pearce
Lake Members Comments and Communication-
Tom Rupers commented on what a great meeting the Solutions Team and State Agencies had Thursday February 12, 2015 held at the FLRC clubhouse.
*Approval of the minutes
Mark MacDonald made a motion to approve the minutes from the January 10th, 2015 monthly board meeting; Al Bannon seconded the motion. The January 10th, 2015 minutes were approved unanimously without any changes.
*Additions to the Agenda by Board members
Employee Reports
Amanda Graham- Office Manager
· Receiving: Annual Dues- $13,272. Total Receiving for month of February $14,271.88, mainly from dues income.
· Voicemail: Voicemail Box set up through Kall8. Can be accessed from anywhere with PIN, and messages are forwarded to email.
· Website: “Joomla is the software that your website is built on. We had to repair some Joomla files in order to be able to make changes and access the administrator functions. We hired a Joomla specialist for this, who also fixed some of the security vulnerabilities and cleaned up. We were then able to update the calendar, add the articles and get {Member’s} user account enabled.
o We are able to make changes like these; however, major structural changes to the overall look or adding new pages would be difficult. A major update of the website is also advisable; however, this might "break things", and a total overhaul or rebuild may be necessary requiring the website to be offline.
o My recommendation is that we gather all the changes that you want to make to the look or functionality of the website, and then we do the major update and changes all at once. This overhaul may fall outside of the scope of the $50/month maintenance and we could give you a quote based on both an optimistic and "worst case" scenario.
o If you or the board members have any questions about this, please feel free to contact the FLRC office. Steve is also happy to come up for a face-to-face meeting with the Board if you would prefer.
There was discussion by the board members about developing the FLRC website and making it more user friendly so members will be drawn to easily navigable and relevant website. The Board will meet for a work session to discuss what changes they would like to see in the website before the March 14th board meeting then a meeting will be set up with Clatskanie Computers.
· Board meeting Summary: After each monthly board meeting Amanda will put together and send out a short, 1-2 page summary of the monthly board meeting to the membership to help keep all members informed.
Travis Graham – Buildings and Grounds
· Projects: We have been working on several projects. We finished the rebuild and maintenance on lift station number 4. During an inspection we found both pumps to be in need of repair and some broken pipes. Both pumps got rebuilt and the pipes replaced the lift station is now working great and should be trouble free for the next 4 years until it will be due for maintenance again.
· Water Plant: We met with the guys from Total Automation Group. They came out to see our operation and see what they could offer to help us automate the water plant in the future. This would allow us to monitor the water plant 24/7 remotely. Saving the lake many man hours and improve water quality. TAG will give us a bid to what services they can help us automate.
· Repairs: We have been working on several repairs in the community lodge. The old propane heater has been replaced with new electric heaters. After removing the old heater we found that most of the musty smell has gone away. We painted inside the community lodge with the help of several volunteers. We will be steam cleaning the carpets next week this should remove the rest of the old smell. The community center is starting to look like a more inviting space. Thank you to Dave Stratford, Nusaybah Bey, and other volunteers whom helped with the transformation of the community lodge.
· Waste Water Plant: We have been working on cleaning out the old storage shed at the waste plant. The building is unsafe and falling down. It will not be cost effective to repair it. So we have relocated the stuff inside down to the water plant, and are going to tear it down next week. With the building gone it is going to make the driveway bigger and grant better access for big trucks down at the water plant when we need to do maintenance.
· Mechanical: We have been having many mechanical issues with the blue boat. I have repaired it a few times and also had it in the shop for repair. It is currently broke down again, we are working on the current repair. We have been looking in to other options. Having a working boat is very important at the lake because when something comes up and we need it we need it right then. The Chevy Colorado truck was in the shop for some repairs it had a few sensors go out and the abs break system had an issue, also the driver’s side seat belt was faulty. All of the repairs are taken care of. It is normal for a truck to have most of these issues when it gets higher in mileage. The Colorado is just about to 150,000 miles. It is in great shape now and should go for many more miles. The Ford truck is limping along it always has some small repair needed its getting old and tired but we are making due for now it will need replaced soon.
· Water: The water plant has been running really good. We had four days last week we couldn’t make water due to the creek being too dirty with all the heavy rain. The tank was about a third full after four days, that’s great. Thank you to the members who have been turning off the water when they are not at the lake! We are looking into ways to make water even when the creek is to dirty. I will have more on this when we figure out what it’s going to take.
· Weather Station: Buildings and Grounds is looking into make FLRC an official weather station.
Total water made for the month of January 2015 531,790 gal
Total rain for January 2015 7.75 inches
Board Reports
· Legal & Special – Al Bannon
o Moving ahead with the name change process and looking into the steps involved amending the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws.
· Treasurer – Mark Robben
o FLRC is 1/3 of the way through the fiscal year and 40% of the budget has already been spent. The majority of expenses going to Dredging and spoils, Water and Wastewater.
o The finance committee is working on a variety of issues, updating the 2006 Reserve Study, which should be done every year, the worksheets are prepared for the board members to complete and return to the finance committee for the 2015-2016 budget year, reviewing operations vs. capital expenses, budget numbers are calculated and totaled correctly.
o The 12/13 and 13/14 audits have been reviewed and the numbers are correct. FLRC is on track and good with a few minor adjustments being made.
o Mark Robben will get the updated audit and P& L posted to the website by the end of February.
o Discussion about the budget and how it needs to be based on the correct number of dues paying lots. The finance committee will figure out what the correct number of FLRC dues paying lots is.
o The timeline for 2015-2016 ‘Budget Worksheets’ that Mark Robben is distributing to the board members is as follows… Board members will return their worksheets to the Finance committee on or before the April 11th, 2015 board meeting, the finance committee will have tentative budget by the May 16th, 2015 and get any clarifications from the board members at that meeting. June 13th, 2015 board meeting the finance committee will present the 2015/2016 budget to the board members for approval. Any adjustments or recommendations from the board the finance committee will consider and then make the final presentation to the board for approval at the July 11th, 2015 board meeting so that it can be included in the 2015-2016 Annual meeting mailing.
· Communications – Kathi Pearce
o Emails
· A total of two (2) emails were sent in January with an overall open rate of 48.46%.
Message Subject Line / Date Sent / % OpenedDecember 13th Board of Trustees Draft Minutes / 1/8/15 / 45.5%
Saturday, Feb 7th Fishhawk Lake Mahjong Night / 1/26/15 / 51.3%
o Questions for Kathi about how many members are on the email distribution list and how many member households do the emails go to?
· Buildings and Grounds –Mike Nanson
January Projects
1. Renewal of North shore Spoil pond land lease with ODF (expires 2019), met with Dept. of Forestry.
2. Placed rock at Fish Ladder (fence repair in the works).
3. Dredge along Island and main channel.
4. Continued with lake lowering (per Weed Committee motion (started refill end of JAN)).
5. Storm & debris clean up (ongoing).
6. Repaired/overhauled Sewage Lift Station #4.
7. Met with Automation vendor TAG for advice.
8. Boat motor repair-fixed, but aging.
9. Chevy Colorado repair.
10. Community Lodge interior paint.
11. Removed propane heater in Community Lodge and installed electric to meet code.
1. Fence on Fish Ladder.
2. Design for Automation of Utilities/Systems.
3. Present updated Utility Connection Standards (March Board Meeting)
4. #1 clear well pump overhaul.
Future Projects
1. Updated As-build drawings for systems.
2. Greenleaf Tree Service Proposal
3. Asphalt Repairs (developing 2015 scope and pricing).
4. Remaining timbers on Boxler Bridge.
5. Reserve Study update/review.
6. Automation of our water & sewer plants.
7. eReporting for sewer plant.
8. Annual dredge maintenance.
9. Fence at water tower and water plant to meet Federal Regulations.
· Personnel & Vice President – Randy Taylor
o Continuing to work on defining the roles and goals of each employees position
Committee Reports
· Project Solutions (FHPS) – Vic Dykstra
o Recap of the agency meeting on Thursday. Vic presented due to a death in Jeff Busch’s family. Thank you to ALL of the volunteers that pitched in to help out!
o Dan Carey (division of state lands) at one point suggested removing the dam. ODFW stated they too would like that.
o Once again the "trigger point" of being forced to update was mentioned. Keith Mills said as long as we are moving forward that should not happen. However reaching a 30% total volume on a project could trigger this with ODFW.
o Other than that short discussion it well.
o The meeting lasted 3 hours.
o In the end Greg Apke head of Fish Passage ODFW asked for stream calculations so he can have his Engineers look at our situation. He has in mind a modern approach to the fish ladder. He also asked for the PSU team to work with the ODFW Engineers. We will make that contact.
o Keith Mills ODWR suggested we put a plan in place to move rock and gravel from the upper areas near the bridge to be released in high turbidity flows below the dam. DSL and ODFW agreed. No permits required by DSL or WR just want to be in the loop.
o DSL also said no permits required from his office for the fish ladder project but wants to be included as we progress. He will consider any plan sent for catch basins on creeks prior to the lake.
o PSU is sending 3 teams Sunday to consider senior projects on various areas around the lake.
The meeting ended on high note with a lot of positive progress made. The next step is to record and track the costs that have already been expended on this project, number of volunteer hours worked to meet grant matching requirements.
· Weed Committee – Randy Taylor
o The Annual Conference for the Western Aquatic Plant Management Society is scheduled for the 30th of March through the 1st of April. It's a three-day conference (obviously) with much of the actual learning opportunities on the second and third day. I have attached a copy of their preliminary schedule.
o We have voted to pay for two individuals to attend this conference. Travis will be one of our people attending and we have one open spot. The weed committee has been told about the opportunity. We need to register prior to the 2nd of March.
o We are no longer in "draw down" mode. The main thing we learned over the two months we tried to keep the lake down is that it's VERY difficult to do! In order to keep the fish ladder functioning and because of the limited outlet volume any rain quickly refills the lake.