Terms List World War Two


1.  Fascism (F)

2.  Nationalism (K)

3.  Militarism (K)

4.  Totalitarianism (K)

5.  Adolf Hitler – der Führer (F)

6.  Heinrich Himmler – SS (F)

7.  Joseph Goebbels – propaganda minister (F)

8.  Hermann Goering – Luftwaffe (F)

9.  Rudolf Hess – Deputy Führer (K)

10.  Munich / Beer Hall Putsch – 1923 (F)

11.  Mein Kampf (F)

12.  Von Hindenburg (K)

13.  Franz Von Papen (K)

14.  SPD or SDP – the Social Democrat Party (K)

15.  Reichstag Fire of February 1933 and Article 48 (F)

16.  Nuremberg Laws (F)

17.  Knight of the Long Knives (F)

18.  Propaganda (K)

19.  Anschluss (F)

20.  Lebensraum (F)

21.  Blitzkrieg (F)

22.  Wehrmacht (F)

23.  Luftwaffe (K)

24.  Panzer (K)

25.  Eugenics (F)

26.  Social Darwinism (K)

27.  Genocide, Final Solution, Holocaust (F)

28.  Concentration Camp vs. Death Camp (F)

29.  Kristallnacht (F)

30.  SA or Storm Troopers (Sturmabteilung) or Brown Shirts (F)

31.  SS Schutzstaffel (F)

32.  Gestapo (F)

33.  Hitler Youth

34.  Occupation of the Rhineland (F)

35.  Appeasement and the Munich Agreement – “Peace in our Time” (F)

36.  Sudetenland (F)

37.  Rome/Berlin Axis (F)

38.  Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact / Non-Aggression Pact 1939 (F)

39.  Invasion of Poland, September 1st 1939 (F)

40.  U-Boats / Wolf Packs (K)

41.  Battle of Britain (K)

42.  Dunkirk (F)

43.  Erwin Rommel (F)

44.  North Africa (K)

45.  Operation Barbarossa (F)

46.  Stalingrad (F)

47.  D-Day, June 6th 1944, Operation Overlord (F)

48.  Operation Market Garden (F)

49.  Battle of the Bulge (F)

50.  Battle for Berlin (F)

51.  Winston Churchill – “Blood, Toil, Tears, and Sweat” (F)

52.  Bernard Montgomery (F)

53.  Lateran Accord, 1929 (F)

54.  Axis Powers (F)

55.  V.E. Day, May 8th, 1945 (F)

56.  Nuremberg Trials (F)

America and the Pacific:

1.  Tojo and Emperor Hirohito (K)

2.  Yamato (F)

3.  Rape of Nanjing (Nanking) (F)

4.  Panay Incident (F)

5.  Stimson Doctrine (F)

6.  Good Neighbor Policy (F)

7.  Nye Investigation (F)

8.  Neutrality Acts, 1935, 1936, 1937, 1939 (F)

9.  FDR, Quarantine Speech, 1937 (F)

10.  Isolationism (K)

11.  Selective Service Act, 1940 (F)

12.  Smith Act (F)

13.  Lend-Lease (F)

14.  Destroyers for Bases (F)

15.  Cash and Carry (F)

16.  Atlantic Charter (F)

17.  Pearl Harbor, December 7th, 1941 (F)

18.  FDR “a date which will live in infamy” (K)

19.  Japanese Relocation / Internment Camps (F)

20.  “Double V” (F)

21.  Tuskegee Airmen (F)

22.  Secretary of State Hull (K)

23.  War Production Board (F)

24.  Office of Price Administration (F)

25.  Star Flags (K)

26.  War Bonds (K)

27.  Victory Gardens (K)

28.  “Rosie the Riveter” (F)

29.  General Dwight Eisenhower (F)

30.  General George Patton (F)

31.  General Douglas MacArthur (F)

32.  Fleet Admiral Chester Nimitz (F)

33.  Battle of Midway (F)

34.  Battle of Coral Sea (F)

35.  Battle of Iwo Jima (F)

36.  Battle of Okinawa (F)

37.  Kamikaze (F)

38.  Bombing of Tokyo (fire bombing) (F)

39.  J. Robert Oppenheimer (F)

40.  Manhattan Project (F)

41.  Hiroshima / “little boy” and Nagasaki / “fatman” (F)

42.  V.J. Day, August 15th, 1945 (F)

43.  Tokyo Trials (F)

44.  Allied Powers (F)