Section Dashboard Indicators Worksheet p. 2
How is your Section doing?
Section Statistics for IEEE ______Section
No. of Members: r Growing r Maintaining r Dropping
Annual Average Retention Rate: r Growing r Maintaining r Dropping
Primary service members seek from your Section*:
*This is based on what members say are the most important one or two (max)
r Green r Yellow r Red
What’s Working:
What’s Not:
Administrative Structure
r Green r Yellow r Red
What’s Working:
What’s Not:
Member Involvement
r Green r Yellow r Red
What’s Working: Conduct activities on a regular basis
What’s Not: % of members who attend events isn’t very high
Member Services
r Green r Yellow r Red
What’s Working:
What’s Not:
Dashboard Key
Green = Meeting key areas identified (e.g. for Leadership rating, has board & committee positions filled with leaders in training; has defined and operating succession plan; has no board positions with indefinite or repeating terms)
Yellow = Missing some elements, but largely on track (e.g. for Leadership rating, has key board & committee positions filled and some volunteers at the committee level with a willingness to step up; has informal succession plan; may have limited recycling within the board)
Red = Missing more than ½ of key elements (e.g. for Leadership rating, has openings on the board & on committees and fewer volunteers than positions in the wings or does not have a succession plan or sees the same faces around the leadership table with officers that accept 2nd, 3rd or even 4th terms)
Guiding Questions to Determine Green, Yellow & Red Rating
Best Practice: A core group of volunteers with an identifiable leader and leaders in the wings
1) Which statement best describes the current board or most recent boards?
r All key positions filled r Most key positions filled r Few/no key positions filled
2) Which statement best describes the make-up of the current board?
r 50% or more are new or people serving their 1st or 2nd term;
r 50% or more have been on the board for more than 2 terms;
r 75% or more have been on the board for more than 2 terms
3) Which statement best describes the current leadership succession plan?
r Catch-as-catch-can r Written, limited implementation r Fully functioning
Administrative Structure
Best Practice: Infrastructure provides appropriate policies and procedures; tracks and reports key metrics; assures continuity through leadership changes and time; and assures Section identity.
1) Prepare financial statements: r Monthly r Quarterly r Bi-annually or less
2) Have: r annual written plan r approved budget
3) Percentage of annual operating budget held in reserves: r 50%+ r 20-49% r <20%
4) Data Management
Operate & maintain membership database: r Yes r No (Note does not maintain database but can run membership reports)
Generate regular reports from the system: r Yes r No
Prepared by Mariner Management & Marketing, 301.725.2508 ,
Section Dashboard Indicators Worksheet p. 2
5) Which if any statistics measuring member involvement are collected for/by the Section?
r Open/click-thru rates on e-letter/email r Website visits
r Volunteer activity r Newsletter readership (e.g., readership survey)
r Individual event attendance r None of the above
r Other: ______
Prepared by Mariner Management & Marketing, 301.725.2508 ,
Section Dashboard Indicators Worksheet p. 2
6) Administrative Function: r Paid staff or equiv from National HQ x All volunteer
7) Operations: r Has written policies & procedures for all key programs and services
rSomewhat current policies and procedures for all most key programs and services
r No written policies & procedures or does not currently follow any policies & procedures
8) Communications (Consider outbound communications but not static channels like website):
r Monthly or more r Only in conjunction with events r Rarely
9) How often do you update your website?
r Monthly or more r Based on events r Rarely r No current website
Member Involvement
Best Practice: High percentage of members actively engaged in the Section by coming to meetings & events, talking to other members formally and informally, stepping up as presenters or facilitators, participating on committees and the board
1) Is membership retention % relative to the national average r Higher r Same r Below
2) Which of the following statements describes the involvement of members in the Section:
r 75% Participates in or attends events regularly (defined as at least quarterly)
r 50% Participates in or attends events regularly
r 25% Participates in or attends events regularly
3) Which of the following statements describes member involvement of members in the Section as volunteers and supporters?
r It's a struggle to get people to volunteer by donating time or resources
r We generally are covered
r We have more volunteers / donations than we need
Member Services
Best Practice: Success isn’t in the length of the list, but that the Section serves the most important need(s) as identified by the members.
1) What do member say is the Section’s primary service?
2) How frequently does the Section deliver on that service?
3) What additional local member services are offered?
4) Are event or program evaluations regularly conducted?
Prepared by Mariner Management & Marketing, 301.725.2508 ,