Subject / Number of hours per day / Topics to be covered in the syllabus / Topics to be covered as extra learning
Economics / 1 ½ hours / Introductory chapter, consumer’s equilibrium, demand, elasticity of demand, numerical of these two chapters, production, production function, law of variable proportion - operation and reasons, value based questions from these chapters. / Read the newspaper everyday and track the price of gold, also the exchange rate of $ vs. rupee. Study if there is any relationship between the gold price and change in the exchange rate.
PURPOSE: This study will help the students appreciate the chapter on exchange rate which is all about current economic events. The study will empower them to understand the currency rates, value of exports and imports
Accountancy / 1 ½ hours / Syllabus covered till 4th May 2013 / To go through the Business section of the newspapers, watch the share price of 10 companies
Business studies / 1 ½ hours
Hindi / 1 hour / Lesson Bhakthin, poems Pathang, Atma parichay, Jaldi jaldi din dhalthi hai, Silver wedding.
Sanchar Madhyam, essay writing, letter writing, feature writing. / Works of Harivamshi Rai Bacchan, Mahadevi Verma, Nibhandh Sangraha, Prem Chand ki Kahaniyan. (All these reading material are available in the library which the student can get issued for the vacation)
Informatics practices / 1 ½ hours / Thorough revision of XI Standard portions. Then do self learning of the Java & SQL portions of class XII( You can do it , its just repetitions of XI portions with few additions).
Daily Spend minimum 30Mnts to answer the given home work questions. / Complete the project work ( Except Database connection) & prepare the soft cpy of documentation
Prepare notes on latest trends and technology in IT.
Mathematics / 2 hours / Learning all the formulae in Trigonometry
Revise the chapters in Class XI:
Relations and functions, Conic section, Permutation and combination, Probability and vectors / Extra problems and value based questions from matrices, determinants, differentiability, and continuity.
Physics / 2 hours / Revise the topics already taught / Study the following topics, according to the instruction received in the class room.
1.  Current and electricity
2.  EM induction
3.  EM waves
4.  Ray optics
5.  Dual nature of matter and radiation
6.  Atoms and nuclei
Chemistry / 2 hours / Revise chapters already taught
Practice the textual questions / Go through the 8th chapter- D and F block elements
Identify the topic for the investigative project and collect the information relevant to it.
Biology / 2 hours / Chapters sexual reproduction in flowering plants and human reproduction, reproductive health / 1.Collect any 10 previous board question papers
2.Organisms and population
3. Eco system
4. Bio diversity
5. Environmental issues
6. Prepare an investigatory project report on any topic related to issues in Biology.
Students to collect the information from different sources to enrich the knowledge of above said chapters to update their knowledge with respect to above topics.
Computer Science / 2 hours / Understand the program logic properly- & study the program by writing, then try it out in system
* Spend minimum 30 Mnts to do the home work and exercises at the back of the book.
* Do self study of the (Last) Get chapter Networking and communication(You can do it). / * Do the project work & prepare the soft copy .
Identify and prepare notes on latest trends and technologies in the IT field

·  Each student has to spend every day minimum 06 hours to study during the vacation

·  Split the 06 hours into three slots of 4 + 1+1 hours

·  Getting up early in the morning and going early to bed will help in keeping to the time schedule

·  Be in touch with your teachers and discuss with them regarding the progress you make

·  In case of any difficulty in keeping up with the schedule, again be in touch with your faculty

·  Use your vacation time fruitfully. 06 hours of study and 8 hours of sleep still leaves you with enough time to play and relax. Do all the three effectively!