
Stage 2Review Request - Notes on completing attached form

1. Guidance Notes

Before completing this form, please read GEAR Section H: Academic Appeals:

Please ensure you understand the applicable grounds of appeal before completing the form.

2. Advice and Guidance

You are strongly advised to seek independent advice on the completion of your appeal form before submitting it. Advice and guidance can be obtained from the University of Brighton Students’ Union, telephone 01273 642876.

3. Requirement to provide supporting evidence

Whilst you must complete the form giving a clear explanation of the circumstances that relate to your ground of appeal, this needs to be supported by relevant independent evidence. In the case of “mitigating circumstances” this needs to be supported by a medical certificate or letter from a medical practitioner or doctor, death certificate, letter from a counsellor or other third party confirmation such as a police report (see GEAR B 6.3.6). Please note that evidence from friends and family is not considered to be independent and may not be sufficient to support your appeal. You should normally submit all applicable evidence at the same time as your appeal is submitted. In exceptional circumstances, where medical evidence is still awaited, your Stage 2 Review Request form should be submitted together with details of the medical professional concerned and an estimated timescale for the receipt of medical evidence. (If sending evidence electronically it must either be in Word or pdf format).

4. Admissible Grounds of request for Review

These are set out at GEAR section H 9.1. In brief they are that “relevant procedures” were not followed during Stage 1, that the outcome of Stage 1 was “manifestly unreasonable” on the basis of the evidence available at the time and that “new material evidence” is now available which you were unable for good reason to supply when stage 1 was considered.

5. Prescribed form

Your appeal must be submitted on the prescribed form.

6. Timescale for submission

Your appeal must be submitted not later than 14 calendar days from the date of notification of the Stage 1 outcome. Please see GEAR section H 4 for further details. Note that you cannot request a Stage 2 review where the outcome of Stage 1 was that your case should be referred back to the Examination Board for reconsideration (i.e. your Stage 1 Appeal was upheld) neither can you submit a Stage 2 appeal if your Stage 1 appeal is still under consideration, or if you have not submitted a Stage 1 appeal.

7. Methods of submission

By emailYour appeal should be submitted from your university email account to

If you choose to submit from a different account then a scanned copy of the signed form must be included.

By postIf you are submitting your appeal by post to:

Appeals and Complaints Office, Room 209c, University of Brighton, Mithras House, Lewes Road, Brighton BN2 4AT

(Please retain a copy for your records and obtain proof of postage).

By handAs above. (Please make sure you retain a copy).


This form should be completed under the University’s General Examination and Assessment Regulations for Taught Courses (‘GEAR’), section H, or the BM BS Programme, Examination and Assessment Regulations (‘PEAR’) for the Brighton and Sussex Medical School, section H.

(You must complete all sections of this form)

YEAR OF STUDY / 1/2/3/4/Final (delete as appropriate)
SCHOOL (this is the School in which the course is based)
(delete as appropriate) / Full-time/part-time
(delete as appropriate)
Postal address for correspondence
(including post code)
E-mail address
Date of Stage 1 Outcome
Results you wish to appeal. Please include details of all modules or assessments which you wish to appeal.
Module Number / Module Title
Please continue on a separate sheet of paper if necessary
Grounds for appeal (see ‘GEAR’ or ‘PEAR’, section H).
Please enter X in the applicable box below.(Note: Your Stage 2 Review Request will not be considered if you do not indicate any of the three grounds for review)
That relevant procedures were not followed during the Stage 1 Appeal.
That the outcome of the Stage 1 Appeal was manifestly unreasonable on the basis of the evidence available at that time.
That new material evidence has been provided which for good reason you were unable to supply when the Stage 1 Appeal was considered.

Continued overleaf

Please give details of the appeal in the applicable boxes below (you may attach continuation sheets if necessary).
1) That relevant procedures were not followed during the Stage 1 Appeal.
1.1. Please give details of the procedures which you state were not followed during Stage 1:
1.2 Please state why you believe this affected the outcome of the Stage 1 Appeal:
2) That the outcome of the Stage 1 Appeal was manifestly unreasonable on the basis of the evidence available at that time.
2.1 Please state the basis on which you believe the outcome was unreasonable.
3) That new material evidence has been provided which for good reason you were unable to supply when the Stage 1 Appeal was considered.
3.1 Please explain how you believe this new evidence is likely to lead to a different outcome
3.2 Please explain why you did not produce this evidence for consideration at Stage 1.

Signature ...... Date ......

Version 5–1.10.15