The Pillowcase Project Agenda – March 3rd
1. Introductions (5 minutes)
a. Paid staff: Jim Hagen, Mailen Santa Cruz
b. Americorp Volunteers – Aly Finn, …
c. Volunteer Leaders -
d. YS-Preparedness Team Liaison – Angelica White
2. Distribute Materials (2 minutes)
a. Preparedness Workbook
b. Presentation Outline
c. Presenter’s Guides
d. Local Hazard Guides
e. Local Hazard Activities
f. Local Hazard Resource
g. Pledge/Certificates
h. Local Hazard Quiz
3. Review from last week (5 minutes)
a. Q & A off the Powerpoint
4. Demo of P.P. Introduction – Jim & Mailen (10 minutes) (5 minutes plus 5 minutes for self-evaluation and feedback)
5. Group Study - assigned to two teams (15 minutes)
a. Team A – Introduction & Learn-Practice-Share
b. Team B – Local Hazard – Hurricane Preparedness
In your assigned teams, read and discuss the Presenter’s Guide along with the Presentation Outline and Local Hazard Guide
6. First Teach-backs (40 minutes)
a. Team A – Three Presenters, 1 leader and 2 support (15 minutes plus 5 minutes for self-evaluation and feedback)
b. Team B - Three Presenters, 1 leader and 2 support
(15 minutes plus 5 minutes for self-evaluation and feedback)
7. Coping Skills videos (10 minutes)
8. Wrap-up (3 minutes)
The Pillowcase Project Agenda - March 10th
1. Introductions (2 minutes) - Angelica White
a. Attendance sheet passed out
b. Identify herself, Jim, Adult Vols, Americorps, others
c. Everyone have their Leader materials?
d. Everyone coming next week?
2. Administrative Stuff (2 minutes) - Jim Hagen
i. Pillowcases ordered
ii. Crayola fabric markers ordered
iii. Supplies should be in in 3 weeks
3. Review (6 minutes) – Angelica White
a. Collect today’s attendance sheet
b. Identify, thank and segregate those who presented last week (two groups, those who did, those who will)
c. Ask who remembers and can identify what segments of the outline we practiced (Intro., L-P-S, Local Hazard)
d. Aks what remains on the outline to practice (Coping Skills, General preparedness, Wrap Up)
e. Introduce todays topics – Hurricane Practice Activity “Hurricane Helpers” and Coping Skills (Breathing In Color, Symbol of Strength)
4. New Activity – Hurricane Activity (10 minutes) – Jim Hagen
5. Practice Teach Coping Skills (40 minutes) – Angelica White
a. Assign two teams, each to review Presenter’s Guide for one of the skills for 15 minutes (read for 5, practice for 5, select a team of three to present – those who haven’t yet presented)
b. Return to classroom to present ( 10 minutes each)
6. Watch video of Presentation – Jim Hagen
7. Homework (2 minutes) – Jim Hagen
a. REVIEW General Preparedness and Wrap Up in Presenter’s Guide
b. Draw your own Pillowcase design on a copy of the Thank You letter and bring it in.
8. Wrap Up (2 minutes) – Angelica White
The Pillowcase Project Agenda – March 17
1. Introductions (2 minutes) - Angelica White
a. Paid staff
b. Americorp Volunteers
c. Volunteer Leaders
d. Attendance Sheet – sign in
2. Distribute Materials (2 minutes) - Angelica White
a. Copies of Outlines and Presenter’s Guides are available
3. Q & A from last week (15 minutes) & Art Contest – Jim Hagen
a. Use the masking tape to put your Homework artwork on the East wall.
b. Everyone will have 10 minutes to look at the wall and judge the artwork with two grades – one for educational content/thematic relevance, and one for artwork…. On the drawings, mark a (+) plus for the best content and a (!) exclamation for the best art. We’ll tally those up. Two small prizes to be awarded.
4. Group Study - assigned to several teams (15 minutes) - Angelica White
a. Team A – Emergency Communication Plan
b. Team B – Emergency Contact Card
c. Team C – Emergency Supplies Kite
d. Team D – Pillowcase Demo, The Special Item & Drawing a Special Item
e. Team E – Act Fast Emergencies
5. First Teach-backs (50 minutes) – Jim Hagen
a. Team A – E Three - five Presenters, 1 leader plus support
b. 5 minutes to teach-back, plus 5 minutes for self-evaluation and feedback
6. Leader Nominations (5 minutes) – Angelica White
Based on observed teach-back skills, anonymously write down your Top-10 prospects for Preparedness Leaders. Turn those in.
7. Wrap-up (3 minutes) – Jim Hagen
a. Watch for info from Angelica on Pillowcase Project, and
i. other Preparedness Team efforts including Citizen CPR Leader training.
ii. Next Pillowcase Training Meeting (after break)
b. Enjoy your vacation!
8. Attendance: 19 (over)
The Pillowcase Project Agenda - April 2nd
1. Introductions (3 minutes) - Angelica White
a. Attendance sheet passed out
b. Identify herself, Jim, Adult Vols, Americorps, others
c. Everyone have their Leader materials?
d. Everyone coming next week, Wednesday April 9th?
2. Administrative Stuff (5 minutes) - Jim Hagen
i. Pillowcases arrived, Crayola fabric markers ordered, another week?
ii. An interactive online self-study training will wrap up your training. Log on to to take the training and quizzes. Homework – take the online training this week!
iii. Online resources are at for you to access, download, print, etc.
iv. America’s PrepareAthon – Wednesday afternoon, April 30th possible presentation date for a Pillowcase Project tied to America’s PrepareAthon. Angelica will coordinate with you on a team to present that day. The audience is being determined, but possibly will be home-school students. This date ties in with our national America’s PrepareAthon effort with FEMA. Classroom is reserved 3-5PM.
v. Community Preparedness group on Volunteer Connection Please log in and check out the Community Preparedness information. Information on our projects will be available on this site.
vi. Leader Nominations – the most nominated Leaders will each select two teammates later today for teach-backs. The vote was tallied and the top seven were:
1. Raymond B.
2. Austin N.
3. Jonathan C.
4. Michael H.
5. Lisette K.
6. Zach P.
7. Kayla R.
3. Review (6 minutes) – Angelica White
a. Collect today’s attendance sheet (write names on pieces of paper)
b. Ask who remembers: the words in the tag line L-P-S
c. Ask: What are the ten Hazards in the project
d. Ask: Which hazard is included in all PP presentations
4. New Activity (60 minutes) – Angelica White
a. Select 7 teams (Leaders take turns picking names from the bowl, including Angelica)
b. Teach-backs (take 15 minutes – read, talk & practice the material):
i. Nominated Leaders will supervise a teach-back on a segment of their choice
ii. Another member will be identified to lead the teach-back
iii. Return to classroom to present (5 minutes each)
5. Homework (2 minutes) – Jim Hagen
a. Online training
b. Draw your own Pillowcase design (again) and bring it in for another contest.
c. Check your calendars to be available April 30
d. Check out the Volunteer Connection Community Preparedness group.
e. If you have log on problems contact Patty for Volunteer Connection and Jim for ymiclassroom right away
6. Misc. (12 minutes)
7. Wrap Up (2 minutes) – Angelica White
The Pillowcase Project Agenda - April 9th (r.2)
1. Introductions (5 minutes) - Angelica White
a. Attendance sheet passed out
b. Identify herself, Jim, Adult Vols, Americorps, others
c. Everyone have their Leader materials?
d. Next week, Wednesday April 16th practice presentation on Wildfire
e. Following week, April 23 practice presentation on Hurricanes
f. First event April 30, Hurricane presentation for America’s PrepareAthon. Angelica will coordinate with you on a team to present that day. Classroom is reserved 3-5PM.
2. Administrative Stuff (10 minutes) - Jim Hagen
a. Reporting method to be tested by Jim later today.
b. Crayola fabric markers ordered, another week? Jim will call.
c. Turn in your codes to Jim from the interactive, online self-study (Homework was to…Log on to to take the training and quizzes. Homework – take the online training this week!)
d. Did you succeed in logging on to Community Preparedness group on Volunteer Connection? Get the names of those with technical issues.
e. Presentation teams – ad hoc teams will be needed for training. Who will be available for a presentation:
April 23 3:30 – 5:00 PM @ Chapter TPP-Hurricane (sim)
1. ________________________________________
2. ________________________________________
3. ________________________________________
4. ________________________________________
5. ________________________________________
6. ________________________________________
7. ________________________________________
8. ________________________________________
9. ________________________________________
10. ________________________________________
April 30 3:30 – 5:00 PM @ Chapter TPP-Hurricanes (real)
11. ________________________________________
12. ________________________________________
13. ________________________________________
14. ________________________________________
15. ________________________________________
16. ________________________________________
17. ________________________________________
18. ________________________________________
19. ________________________________________
3. Review (5 minutes) – Angelica White
a. Collect today’s attendance sheet
b. Collect Pillowcase artwork (again) for Jim.
c. Ask – East Coast Hurricane season is ( June) through (November)
d. Ask: - Hurricane Watch anticipates hurricane/tropical storm winds within (48) hours.
e. Ask: - Hurricane Warning anticipates hurricane/tropical storm winds within (36) hours.
f. Ask: - TS winds are between (39 – 73) mph while Hurricane winds are higher.
4. New Activity (60 minutes) – Angelica White
a. Select today’s practice presentation teams.
b. Teach-backs from Wildfire Hazard (take 15 minutes – read, talk & practice the material):
i. Nominated Leaders will supervise a teach-back on a segment of their choice
ii. Another pair of members will be identified to co-lead the teach-back
iii. Return to classroom to present (5 minutes each)
5. Homework (2 minutes) – Jim Hagen
a. If not yet done, complete the online training and email in the Code by Friday.
b. If not yet done, check out the Volunteer Connection Community Preparedness group.
c. Review the Hurricane and Wildfire resource info and activities.
6. Misc. (2 minutes) – Jim Hagen
a. Online resources are at for you to access, download, print, etc.
b. Do you all have a clean, presentable Red Cross shirt? Bring and wear it the next few meetings.
7. Wrap Up (2 minutes) – Angelica White