Holmesburg Fish & Game
Protective Association
General Range Rules
(Applies to AllClubRanges)
- All members and guests are required to read and comply with all rules and are authorized to call attention to rule violations and require compliance.
- All persons utilizing club facilities acknowledge that operating firearms is potentially dangerous. They further acknowledge that there is a lead exposure risk (especially for children and pregnant women) associated with the shooting sports practiced at the club.
- All members and guests must sign in before using any range. All members and guests must wear I.D. badges while using said ranges. Guests must be accompanied by a sponsoring club member while using any range.
- All persons on club ranges are required to utilize eye and ear protection.
- Pointing a firearm anywhere other than down-range and in designated target areas is prohibited.
- Only firearms in good/safe-operating condition may be used.
- Firing armor piercing, tracer or incendiary ammunition is prohibited.
- All firearms must be unloaded and rendered “safe” except when shooting.
- Carrying concealed/holstered firearms on club grounds is prohibited (state permits included).
- No person under the influence of alcohol, narcotics or any substance resulting in impairment may engage in any shooting activity.
- Under no circumstances shall any person shoot at or otherwise harass wildlife on the club grounds/ranges.
- Only one person is permitted per firing position except for teacher/pupil, coach/spotter situations.
- Pointing, cleaning, and/or repairing firearms in the clubhouse is prohibited.
- Obey posted NO-SMOKING zones.
- Violation of any club or range rule may result in the loss of shooting privileges and/or revocation of membership. All violations of safety rules must be documented by a range officer, club executive and/or witness.
- Range officers and club executives have the authority to remove any member or guest from any range for any rule infraction. No arguments will be tolerated.
- Members may petition the Board of Directors to consider any dispute with the ruling of a range officer or club executive, but they must comply with said ruling at the time of the infraction. The decision of the Board of Directors shall be binding on all persons involved.
- Visiting shooters in a sanctioned match are exempted from wearing I.D. badges/guest tags.
- Exceptions to any range or club rule must be allowed by a range officer or club executive and may not inconvenience any other member.
Skeet and Trap Fields
Specific Rules
- All guns will remain unloaded, actions open at all times except while on the pad, preparing to shoot. Break-open shotguns are exempted when in the rack.
- No more than two (2) live shells may be loaded at any station except station eight (8) high and low where only one (1) shell may be loaded.
- Dry firing off the pad at any target is prohibited.
- No person may advance to the next station until the entire squad is prepared to advance.
- No doubles may be fired at station eight (8). All firing must be done from the pad.
- No empty hulls (shells) may be retrieved during registered shoots. Otherwise, shooters may retrieve their empty hulls after the conclusion of their round.
- Only shot shells may be fired on the skeet and trap fields (no single projectile rounds are permitted). Shot size (pellet size) may be no larger than seven and one half (7 1/2).
- Hand throwing birds (clays) is prohibited. All birds must be thrown from the club-provided skeet and trap machines.
Indoor Range
Specific Rules
- All indoor shooters must have a proficiency card issued by a range officer or club executive or be accompanied by a card holding member.
- Solo shooting in the indoor range is prohibited.
- No one is allowed forward of the firing line until all firearms are made safe (actions open, slides back, magazines out, cylinders, gates and bolts open) and benched or boxed. No firearms are to be handled while any person is forward of the firing line.
- Firearms may only be loaded at the firing line after the line has been cleared for shooting.
- Handguns may be loaded with no more than five rounds at a time. Twenty-two (.22) caliber rim-fire rifles are limited to single round load only.
- Holster and/or quick drawing is prohibited.
- Magnum loads and jacketed bullets are prohibited. Only lead bullets may be fired in the indoor range.
- Calibers larger than forty-five (.45) are prohibited.
- The only rifles permitted in the indoor range are twenty-two (.22) caliber rim-fire rifles.
- No black powder firearms may be fired in the indoor range.
- Only paper or cardboard targets may be used indoors. Targets must be appropriate for the shooting discipline being practiced.
- Shooters are responsible for policing their brass and returning benches and target frames to their storage positions.
Outdoor PistolRange
Specific Rules
- No person is allowed forward of the firing line until all firearms are made safe (slides back, magazines out, cylinders/actions open), all firearms benched or boxed and the line is called “safe.”
- Quick and/or holster drawing is prohibited.
- The safety lights and buzzer must be employed when anyone goes forward of the firing line.
- Firearms may only be loaded at the firing line after the line has been cleared for shooting.
- Firearms may be loaded with no more than five (5) live rounds at a time.
- All target backers must measure 24 inches square – no larger and no smaller.
- The target must be secured in the center of the backer. Only one target per backer is permitted.
- The portable target frame may not be lowered from its fixed position and rounds fired at the portable frame must impact the backstop-berm. The portable target frame may not be placed nearer than 15 yards from the firing line.
- Bench resting is prohibited unless the shooter is firing at 25 yards or further.
- Magnum pistol loads may be fired only from positions nineteen (19) through twenty-four (24) inclusive.
- Only single-projectile loads may be discharged on the pistol range.
- Only approved paper targets may be utilized except for those targets approved for a specific shooting discipline.
- All shooters are responsible for returning targets and policing their own area, both at the firing line and the target area.
Outdoor Rifle Range
Specific Rules
- All targets must be positioned so that bullets strike the backstop/berm. Pay particular attention to how your targets are mounted at 25 and 50 yards. Targets should also be positioned so as to avoid shooting the target frames. Pistol shooters using the rifle range while the pistol range is engaged by an outside agency must be especially mindful of this regulation.
- The safety lights and buzzer must be employed when anyone goes forward of the firing line.
- The firing zone is defined to be the area between the most forward, red line and the forward, yellow line. The safety zone is the area between the two yellow lines.
- When the firing line is cleared (all slides, bolts, levers, cylinders actions open – ramrods in the barrel of black powder firearms) all persons must remain behind the firing zone, except when posting/maintaining targets. Upon returning, all persons must pass through the firing zone and remain in the safety zone until the line is cleared for firing. No firearm may be handled while any person(s) are downrange.
- Muzzles must be forward of the firing line when the firearm is discharged.
- The rifle range is restricted to single-round loading. Shooters wishing to load multiple rounds in order to practice a specific shooting discipline (such as high-powered or Military Rifle timed and rapid-fire shooting, or rim-fire silhouette shooting) must obtain permission from a range officer or club executive. Permission to load multiple rounds is valid for that session only.
- Only single projectiles (no shot) maybe fired on the rifle range. Shotguns may be used if firing slugs or sabots.
- Those shooting modern/cartridge rifles and/or single-shot pistols should utilize all positions on the right side of the rifle range before using the positions on the left side. Positions on the left-most side of the range and the black powder loading bench should be left available for black powder shooters whenever possible.
- All shooters are responsible for returning target frames and wedges, and must police their area at both the firing and target positions.
- Only approved paper targets may be utilized except for those targets approved for a specific shooting discipline (e.g. metallic silhouettes may be placed in the traps provided for .22 rimfire only).
Black Powder Skirmish Division
SpecificRange Rules
- All shooters must have a proficiency card or be accompanied by a proficiency card holding member.
- Absolutely no smoking within fifteen (15) feet of the concrete pad.
- Bulk powder at the loading table must be in an approved container which must remain closed when not in use.
- Mixing black powder grades or mixing with modern powders is prohibited.
- Black powder shooting boxes and/or bulk powder are prohibited at the firing line. Pre-measured loads are permitted when carried in a covered cartridge box or similar container.
- Shooters may test different loads, but measuring from bulk cans must be done on the loading bench or before coming to the club.
- Always keep the muzzle pointed away from your face.
- Before loading on the firing line, two caps must be fired. The first cap must be fired from the shoulder with the muzzle pointed down range at the backstop. The second cap is fired at the ground forward of the concrete pad to make sure the muzzle is clear.
- When capping, the muzzle must be pointed down-range with the firearm remaining as parallel to the ground as possible.
- When loading, do not thumb bullets and do not place any part of the hand over the top of the ramrod.
- Muzzles must be forward of the firing line when the firearm is discharged
- After firing and before leaving the firing line, you must snap two caps in the same manor as described in rule eight (8) above.
- Fouled firearms that will not discharge must be kept at the firing line and pointed at the backstop. An adapted fire extinguisher or CO2 capsule should then be used to expel the charge and projectile. If the apparatus is not available or the procedure fails, the barrel must be flooded before attempting to pull the projectile.
- Balls may only be pulled with a ball pulling rope and rod while the muzzle is pointed at a tree trunk (on the berm) on the left side of the range.
- The safety lights and buzzer must be employed when anyone goes forward of the firing line.
- The firing zone is defined to be the area between the most forward, red line and the forward, yellow line. The safety zone is the area between the two yellow lines.
- When the firing line is cleared, all persons must remain in or behind the safety zone, except when down range posting/maintaining targets. Upon returning, all persons must pass through the firing zone and remain in or behind the safety zone until the line is cleared for firing. No firearm may be handled while any person(s) are downrange.
- Use NSS-A or club approved targets only. When using breakable targets, all debris must be policed.
Black Powder Primitive Division
SpecificRange Rules
- All shooters must have a proficiency card or be accompanied by a proficiency card holding member.
- Absolutely no smoking within fifteen (15) feet of the concrete pad.
- Bulk powder at the loading table must be in an approved container which must remain closed when not in use.
- Mixing black powder grades or mixing with modern powders is prohibited.
- Black powder shooting boxes and/or bulk powder are prohibited at the firing line. Pre-measured loads are permitted. Loading directly from horns, cans or flasks is prohibited.
- Shooters may test different loads, measuring from bulk cans must be done on the loading bench or before coming to the club.
- All muzzleloaders having a main charge and ball in the barrel are considered loaded!
- When loading, do not place any part of the hand over the top of the ramrod or muzzle.
- Separate powder measures must be used when loading the main charge. Pre-measured and pan charges are excepted.
- Only Main Charges may be loaded behind the firing line at the loading table.
- When loading, hammer(s) must be down, and the frizzen forward with it’s cover in place. The action must be in this same configuration when the line is called “safe” or when pulling balls.
- Flintlock shooters must use a safety shade.
- Priming and/or capping may only be done on the firing line.
- Always keep the muzzle pointed away from your face. The muzzle must be pointed straight up when moving between the loading table and the firing line.
- The safety lights and buzzer must be employed when anyone goes forward of the firing line.
- The firing zone is defined to be the area between the most forward, red line and the forward, yellow line. The safety zone is the area between the two yellow lines.
- When the firing line is cleared (ramrods must be in the barrel of black powder firearms) all persons must remain behind the firing zone, except when posting/maintaining targets. Upon returning, all persons must pass through the firing zone and remain in the safety zone until the line is cleared for firing. No firearm may be handled while any person(s) are downrange.
- Muzzles must be forward of the firing line when the firearm is discharged
- Balls may only be pulled with a ball pulling rope and rod while the muzzle is pointed at a tree trunk (on the berm) on the left side of the range.
- Use approved targets only. When using breakable targets, all debris must be policed.
Black Powder Pistol
Specific Rules
- All shooters must have a proficiency card or be accompanied by a proficiency card holding member.
- Absolutely no smoking within fifteen (15) feet of the concrete pad or loading area.
- All black powder pistols (revolvers and muzzleloaders, flintlock, percussion or cap and ball) may only be fired on the outdoor pistol range.
- Safety shields must be secured immediately to the left and right of the black powder pistol shooter’s firing position.
- Muzzle loaders and revolvers may only be loaded at the firing line when using pre-measured charges.
- No bulk powder is permitted at the firing line. Pre-measured charges and pan chargers are permitted, but must be secured before firing.
- Shooting boxes containing bulk powder are prohibited at the firing line. Shooting boxes containing bulk powder may be kept in an area behind the firing line, but they must remain closed when not attended.
- Firearms may only be capped or primed just prior to firing. Loading of spare revolver cylinders is prohibited.
- Handgun loading stands are required when loading muzzleloaders and revolvers where cylinders are loaded in the gun. When cylinders are removed and loaded in a separate press, a handgun loading stand is not required. The surface of projectiles in loaded cylinders must be lubed/waxed to prevent simultaneous discharge (crossfires).
- All containers must be kept closed after priming and/or capping. Pre-measured charges, pan-chargers and caps must also be kept safe from exposure to all combustion and/or embers.
- Fouled or otherwise inoperable firearms must be made safe/operable before attempting to load and/or fire.
- Pre-measured charge containers may only be refilled away from the firing line, in the loading area.
- The safety lights and buzzer must be employed when anyone goes forward of the firing line.