Friday Focus…..September 02, 2016
Holloway Eagles Edition
Bulletin Boards: New boards should be displayed on the 1st of each month. Start focusing on a thematic bulletin board that reflects your lesson plans. All boards should be complete.
Rules and Procedures: Please continue to teach rules andprocedures. Students have been doing well and we want to keep the momentum going. The noise level in the cafeteria must continue to be monitored. Students should not yell and scream while eating in the cafeteria. Students should always have their shirttails in. Also, students shouldwalk to the right side of the hallway with their hands off of the walls. Make sure you are sending home the out of uniform notice if students are out of compliance with the uniform policy.
Health Room: Students must have a health room pass. If the student is sent because of an accident that occurred in the classroom resulting in an injury, you must complete an accident form.
Duty Schedules: Be on time for all scheduled duties. Substitutes are responsible for covering your duty stations when you are absent. Be sure to leave specific instructions in your sub plans. Also don’t forget to notify an administrator if you will be out for the day.
Schedules: Please submit a copy of your daily schedule if you have not done so. Schedules should be posted outside of your classroom. Please make sure you are adhering to your printed schedule. Time is of essence and we don’t have any instructional time to waste.
Back on Track: Please do not send busy work for back on track students. Students who are assigned to back on track should receive the same assignments as the students who are in your classroom. This will ensure that back on track students will not miss out on their academics, and you will not have any missing grades. Sending worksheets and assigning multiple pages is unacceptable.
Sunshine: The yearly fee for the sunshine club is $20.00. Please see Ms. N. Wilder for more information. Please join and help spread the sunshine.
PTA Membership: If you have not joined, please do so to support the PTA. They do wonderful things for the students and teachers during the year. The fee is $6.00. Please include this in your weekly newsletter as well.
Grade Level Planning: Tuesdays are set aside for grade level planning. A PLCIA should be turned in weekly to reflect the topics discussed during planning. Please submit a list of the two field trips for your grade level along with dates.
Reading Resources:
- Go to
- Enter your username and password
- Click the Academic Affairs icon
- Click the C & I Documents and Resources Icon
- Under the right-hand “Other Resources” column, click on the folder called “Resources from Reading Meetings August 18 and 19, 2016”
- Download items to your computer to save, email or print.
Open House: Open House is scheduled for Tuesday, September 13th. A Title I parent meeting will be held at 5:00 p.m. A PTA meeting will begin at 5:30 p.m. and parents can visit the classroom from 6:00 p.m.-6:30 p.m. Please make plans to attend.
Fall Cookie Dough Fundraiser: PTO will be selling cookie dough. We will have an assembly on Friday, September 9th at 1:45 a.m. to kick off the fundraiser.
Phone Calls: Teachers, please notify the office when you are expecting a call from a parent so we will know where to forward the call.
Progress Reports: Progress Reports will be sent home on Thursday, Sept. 8th. Reports are due Tuesday, September 6th by 4:00 p.m. for review. Grades should be entered weekly. Comments can be handwritten or typed. They are due for review in the office on Wednesday, August 31st.
Lesson Plans: All lesson plans should be submitted for the next week on Friday by 8:30 a.m. Please submit a copy to Mrs. Pope and Mrs. Wiggins for review. Please use the lesson template provided by Mrs. Wiggins and Mrs. Pope.
Newsletters: A copy of your weekly newsletter should be placed in the binder outside of Dr. Dennis’ door.
Attendance: September is student attendance month. Please began to motivate your students about attending school daily. Please send your daily attendance folder to the office each day. Please remember to post your attendance each morning by 8:20 a.m. Also, please send up your attendance folder each morning by 8:30a.m.
Remind 101/Class Dojo: Remind 101 and Class Dojo is a great way to inform parents by text of any class announcements, pictures, or assignments.
Grants: Please consider writing a grant using the sites and Proposals should be completed between Sept. 1st- Nov. 15th. Please refer to the email that was forwarded to you on 8/29/16.
Ice Cream: Ice cream orders can be picked up between 1:30 p.m.-2:00 p.m. each day.
PST: Students in grades K-12 who are experiencing difficulty academically or behaviorally should be referred to the Problem Solving Team. Parents must be notified that a student has been referred to PST. Please make sure you send home the necessary paperwork and retain a copy for documentation.
Teachers need to examine their STAR data and DIBELS data. Data helps to drive your instruction and plan for intervention and small group instruction.
Mrs. Pope will meet with grades K-2 on Thursday, September 8thduring your planning time to discuss DIBELS data.
The next PST will be held on Thursday, Sept. 22nd.
Cafeteria: DO NOT leave students in the cafeteria to sweep, mop, or wash tables. All students should exit the cafeteria with the teacher. Students should not be left unattended for long periods of time in the cafeteria. If you need to leave your students unattended, please partner with a teacher and have them listen out for students. Please monitor the noise level in the cafeteria.
Jason’s Deli: Holloway’s Night at Jason’s Deli will be Tuesday, November 1st. Our school will receive a percentage all money made.
Teacher’s Lounge: When anyone eat in the lounge or use the microwave, please clean up behind yourself.
EDUCATE ALABAMA: New and returning teachers need to log on to the following website and update or create a profile.
After updating or creating your profile you need to go to the following website and select Metra Turner as the primary evaluator and Constance Dennis as the secondary evaluator. Please complete your self-assessment. Administrators will meet with new teachers at a time to be scheduled to discuss EDUCATE ALABAMA. .