HollandMiddle School Bands

Welcome to the band! You will be taking part in an exciting, challenging, and rewarding year of musical experiences this year. Please return the last page of this packet with contact and medical forms filled out at our first rehearsal! Detailed information about our music programs can be found on the HMS web site by clicking on the links under the Activities tab at the top.


  1. Immediately following homeroom and do not interfere with regular classes.
  1. Rehearsals will always be on the same day of the week regardless of the 6-day schedule.
  1. Students should set up their instruments at their band seat when they arrive at school before going to homeroom andsee me if they have a problem with their instrument, need a reed, or have other questions that shouldn’t take time away from rehearsal.
  1. No student will be excused from band to see another teacher without seeing Mr.Frank first with a pass from that teacher! You must come even if you do not have your instrument!
  1. Instruments should be stored securely in their cases in the band room storage cabinets after band and should remain there until students pick them up to take home after school. Cases should be clearly labeled for identification.
  1. ALWAYS KEEP A PENCIL IN YOUR MUSIC FOLDER OR CASE. Mark band music for directions at each rehearsal in PENCIL ONLY!!


  1. It is important that students attend a small group music lesson once a week to work on individual student needs which can not be met in the time of the large ensemble rehearsals. You must schedule a make-up lesson with Mr. Frank if you can not attend at your regular group time.
  1. Students must see their classroom teacher before coming to lessons.
  1. Lessons will always be scheduled for the same time each week so that the class rotation only affects missing one subject every 6 weeks. See Mr. Frank if you have a conflict with any particular class so that he can schedule you for a make-up lesson at a better time.
  1. Students will receive 1 point for each lesson toward their assessment score. Five lessons in a row will earn students a prize reward. All students will be invited to a pizza and ice cream party on June 4thfor $3. Attending 80% of your lessons reduces your cost to $2 and 90% reduces cost to $1. Perfect attendance will earn a free pizza party!


Assessments in October will determine the band, seating, and lesson group placement. It is important for students to attend the lessons leading up to the assessment so that they will be prepared for the things they need to know and what to practice. More specific information about assessments will come home with students within the next two weeks.

Students must attend all performances.

Our first performance (see attached information) will be Friday night, Oct.10th. I must know in writing prior to performance if you have conflict with this date. This will be a real marching band experience! We will combine our bands with the Richboro Middle School band and the C.R. South Marching Band to perform the pre-game show for the Council Rock SouthHS football game. (I will send home more details about report time, music, dress, etc.)

Winter Concert – Jan. 15th (Snow make-up date Jan. 21)

Spring Concert – May 20th

Please feel free to contact me by phone (215- 944-2759) or email () at anytime. I’m looking forward to a great year of music and working with all of you!

Mitchell Frank

HollandMiddle School

Band Director
