Holiday Homework – Secondary 3, 4 and 5

Bold: Inference, Underlined: Evidence, Normal text: Explanation.

Russia: Yishun Town 3E MYE’08

Secondary 4B/5B, 4F (Holiday HW) 3ABCD (Preparation for Week 2 Test):

1a / Study Source A
What does the source show about Stalin’s collectivisation? Explain your answer. / [5]
The source shows that Stalin’s collectivization policy had improved the peasants’ standard of living.This can be seen from the painting that the peasants were having a good time in a party at a collective farm. This meant that the peasants had more than sufficient food and resources for mere survival and had surplus for gathering and party. In addition, the peasants seem well-dressed and the house in the background seems to be of a decent standard. Furthermore, the painting shows that there was ample food around. All these show that Stalin’s plan had succeeded in raising the standard of living for the peasants.
1b / Study Source B
Why was the article published? Explain your answer. / [6]
The article was published in a British newspaper to raise the awareness of the British public to the intense suffering Stalin’s policy of collectivization had brought to the peasants. This can be seen in the source which states that “It is literally true that whole villages have been exiled. I saw myself a group of some twenty peasants being marched off under escort. This is so common a sight that it no longer arouses even curiosity.”He also wanted to stress the fact that the policy had no support from the peasantsand this can be seen from the source which mentions that “How are things with you?” I asked one old man. He looked around anxiously to see that no soldiers were about. “We have nothing, absolutely nothing. They have taken everything away.”Hence, the article was published to warn the British public of the danger of communism as the article had shown to the public all the dangers and negative consequences that communism could bring. In addition, the article was published to discredit Stalin and communism.
1c / Study Sources C and D
How different are the sources in showing the collectivisation policy? Explain your answer. / [7]
Common point of comparison: Boxed, Evidence: Underlined, Linking words: Bold
Pick 1 Difference AND 1 Similarity:
Source C and D differ in showing the problems of the policy.Source C shows that the collective farms had ‘their inefficiencies and initial resistances’. However, Source D shows that the policy encountered problems liked famine and this can be seen from the source which states that “over 5 million peasants died of starvation”.
Source C and D differ in showing the positive outcomes of the policy.In Source C, it states that collectivization had led to the mechanization of farming and this can be seen from the source which mentions that “Collectivisation also meant the introduction of machines into the countryside”.On the other hand, Source D shows that new methods were introduced to farming and this can be seen from the source which states that “New methods of farming were introduced which did achieve a substantial increase in production.”
Source C and D are similar in showing the production had increased. In Source C, it states that “The collective farms, despite their inefficiencies and initial resistance, did grow more food than the tiny, privately owned holdings had done.”Similarly,Source D states that collectivization was a success and that it did achieve “a substantial increase in production in 1937.”
Source C and D are different in tone.Source C is an extract from a biography on Stalin. As such, the source seems to be highly partial to Stalin by emphasizing mainly on the positive aspects of the collectivization policy. This can be seen from the source when it stresses the success of the policy in increasing food production and that “the countryside was transformed” as a result of the policy. It appears biased by highlighting the successes and positive impacts of the policy.However, Source D is an extract from a history textbook which gives a more balance account of the policy. The source highlights the positive impact of the policy by stating that it ‘did achieve a substantial increase in production in 1937’ as well as the negative impacts by showing that ‘the cost in human life and suffering was enormous’.As Source D is a history textbook, it is more objective and balanced in its account for its educational purpose. Source C, on the other hand, is more biased and only stressed the successes of the policies since it is a biography on Stalin. (Good conclusion)