St Francis of Assisi Catholic Primary School
Job Description
Class Teacher
Job Title: Classroom Teacher
Grade: MPS - UPS
Accountable to: Headteacher
Employment Duties
This job description will be reviewed at least annually and any changes will be subject to consultation.
General Requirements and Functions
- To carry out the general and specific professional duties of teachers as set out in Part X, sections 58-61, of the Teacher’s Pay and Conditions Document 2012 and the Teachers’ Standards as set out in Annex 2 of the Teachers’ Pay and Condition Document 2012
- The post requires the teaching of pupils in the age range 4-11 years
- To be responsible for the pastoral care of a class and providing high quality teaching and learning experiences for assigned pupils through the school’s RE curriculum, and the National Curriculum core and foundation subjects
- Provide subject leadership and expertise in assigned area(s)
- You are responsible to the Headteacher, or in her absence, the Deputy Headteacher
Professional Duties and Principal Accountabilities
The Catholic Ethos
As a teacher in this Catholic school the post holder is expected to have regard for and contribute to the Catholic ethos by:
- Assisting the headteacher in maintaining and developing all that is distinctive in the nature of our Catholic school
- Participate fully in the Catholic Life of the school
- Promoting and integrating the school’s Christian values into every aspect of learning, teaching and school life
- Providing a model for the children of the Christian behavior we expect and teach through the daily living out of Gospel values
- Actively involving the children in exploring, expressing and demonstrating their faith
- Allocating an area of the classroom as a focus for reflection/prayer and an RE display which reflects the Liturgical Year and/or the current theme
- Help ensure that the school co-operates with the wider church community in its life and mission
Teaching and Classroom Practice
- Ensure the highest possible quality learning environment in the classroom, which reflects the Catholic nature of the school;
- Ensure that all teaching and learning is conducted in an atmosphere of affirmation, encouragement, realistic challenge and sensitive reflection;
- Set high expectations which inspire, motivate and challenge the children;
- Provide the highest possible standards of teaching, learning, spiritual and moral development of the children in your charge;
- Set goals that stretch and challenge children of all backgrounds, abilities and dispositions;
- Plan programmes of work matched to individual needs of the children and within the school’s agreed policies and schemes of work, in collaboration with year group colleagues and teams. Produce written records of such planning in line with school policy;
- Employ a range of teaching methods to engage, motivate and support the children, based on knowledge and understanding of how children learn
- Make effective learning resources accessible to the children and ensuring these are properly stored and cared for
- Assess, record and report each pupil’s progress systematically, in line with current school procedures and use the results to inform planning;
- Give children regular feedback, encourage children to respond to this feedback and guide them to reflect on and assess their own learning
- Ensure the safeguarding and welfare of all pupils, together with their pastoral care
- Share and support the corporate responsibility for the well-being, education and discipline of all pupils
- Frequently, positively evaluate your own teaching to consolidate strengths and improve effectiveness when appropriate
Other Professional Requirements
- Contribute to the ideas within the implementation of the School Development Plan.
- Encourage parents in their role as first educators of their children and ensure effective communication with parents is maintained.
- Establish and maintain effective working relationships with professional colleagues, acknowledging the need for mutual support;
- Participate as required in meetings with professional colleagues and parents, in respect of the duties and responsibilities of your post;
- Have a secure knowledge and understanding of all subjects taught;
- Take responsibility for your own professional development and on-going formation, including the deepening of subject knowledge and understanding and related pedagogy;
- Safeguard self from the destructive dangers of over-work and at all times seek to retain a healthy balance in your professional and personal life;
- Contribute to discussions, meetings and management systems necessary to ensure co-ordination of the work of the school as a whole;
- Be familiar with all school policies including safeguarding procedures, health and safety policies and current SEN code of practice.
- Help to develop the school as an evangelising, catechetical and educational community.
The Application of this Job Description
- Annually the post holder will identify priorities from within the principalaccountabilities as the foci of his/her professional development. These priorities will form part of the performance objectives for Appraisal. The post holder will agree and set objectives with the assigned reviewer in line with the School Performance Management Policy, will contribute to the review of performance against objectives set and will discuss and identify professional development needs.
Signed______(Class Teacher)Date______