Course Description:

This course is designed to provide the Iron Worker student withan understanding of the history of the union. Major topics covered in this course include factors leading to the birth of the union and the major historic events occurring since the birth of the union.

Course Objective:

The objective of this course is to enable a student to explain the history of the Ironworkers union.

Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

  • Describe the factors leading to the birth of the union.
  • Describe the birth of the union and the major events occurring up through the 1930s.
  • Describe the major events occurring during the 1940s and 1950s.
  • Describe the major events occurring during the 1960s and 1970s.
  • Describe the major events occurring from the 1970s to the present.

Target Audience:

This course is designed for apprentices and journeymen.

Length of Course:

This course is designed to be offered during a total of 34 hours of classroom instruction with several hours of outside reading and completion of assignments also required. Course sessions may be conducted during evenings in blocks of 3 or 4 hours or may be conducted during all day sessions. Given the time required for students to learn this information, it is recommended that all day courses include classroom sessions of no more than a 3 to 4-hour block in the morning and a 3 to 4-hour block in the afternoon.

Location of the Course:

All classes will be held at the facilities used by the local union.

Instructor Information:

The instructor for this course is a journeyman Iron Worker with an understanding of the history of the union, who is able to discuss all of the topics covered in this course, and who has been trained as an instructor.

Course Materials:

  • A History of the Iron Workers Union(1896-2006)
  • A History of the Iron Workers Union (1896-2006) Instructor Guide (for instructors only)
  • A History of the Iron Workers Union (1896-2006) CD ROM (for instructors only)
  • Assignment Sheets (in the Student Workbook)
  • Tests(in the instructor Guide)

Course Assignments:

There is at least one assignment sheet for each unit of instruction plus the questions imbedded in the units. Students will complete these assignment sheets prior to and/or during class as determined by the instructor. Students will be expected to write a research paper, complete a case study or interview a labor leader as one or more of their assignments.

Course Grading Criteria:

To successfully complete this course, the student must complete all of the Assignment Sheetsand pass the knowledge test.

Course Attendance:

All course sessions are mandatory and while missed time can be made up, missing a course session will affect your ability to successfully complete this course. Speak with the instructor to arrange make-up time if necessary.

Course Schedule:

NOTE: The following Course Schedule is set up for blocks or classes 3 hours in length. If your course sessions are more or less than 3 hours, you will need to adjust the number of sessions accordingly.


Session 1Introductions

Review of the course syllabus including the course objectives

Discussion of classroom and outside assignments

Factors leading to the birth of the union

Lecture and discussion

Session 2The birth of the union

Lecture and discussion

Session 3The turbulent years 1906-1912

Lecture and discussion

Session 4The conspiracy trials and aftermath

The beginning of the Morin era

Lecture and discussion

Session 5The Depression and a new deal for labor – 1930-1940

Lecture and discussion

Session 6World War II and post-war struggles – 1941-1952

Lectureand discussion

Session 7Ironworkers grow in the 1950s

John H. Lyons

Lecture and discussion

Session 8The tradition continues 1977-1988

Lecture and discussion

Session 9Pathways to the 21st century

Lecture and discussion

Session 10We will never forget

Lecture and discussion

Session 11Final examination

Course summary