The Aztec Worldview: An Introduction


[E]ven we who have seen these things with our own eyes, are yet so amazed and so unable to comprehend their reality.

~ Hernan Cortés: Excerpt from Second Letter to Charles V, (1520)

Your Task . . .

You and your team will work together to create a presentation of your team's concept of the Aztec Worldview. Each member of your team will be assigned one specific element on which to focus. You will use the links provided as well as other resources (textbooks, web pages, etc.) to become experts on your roles.

By completing this critical challenge, you should achieve the following goals:

1) Understand the key elements of the Aztec worldview

2) Understand how the Aztec Worldview shaped their society’s decisions

3) Use the power of the Internet for advanced exploration

4) Create a product that is both appealing and informative

5) Work with team mates to determine a combined action plan.


Explore the pages that are labeled 'Background Information' and decide on which element of worldview you would like to become an expert. Your teacher will use this information to place you in a research group.

Your choices include:

Worldview Element / Guiding Question(s)
human nature / Are humans naturally good or naturally bad?
equality with others / Should all people be treated equally? Do some people deserve special treatment?
responsibilities to others / Do they care for themselves? Do they care for others? Who comes first?
sources of ethical wisdom / Where do they look for guidance and understanding about what is right and wrong? Who/what provides directions and answers?
relationships of humans with nature / Should nature be used to benefit humans? Should nature be preserved?
relationship between the individual and the state / Are the rights of the individual and freedom more important than the society? Are the rights of society and safety more important than the rights of the individual?
the good life / Do they strive for accomplishments and make goals? Do they live just to have fun and enjoy themselves?

Step 1: Background Information

These sites are important because they will provide basic information about the Aztecs. Explore these sites together and decide in which element of worldview each member will become an expert. These articles may also be helpful in your expert research!

·  Aztecs: Fierce Wanderers

·  The Ancient Aztecs

·  Aztec Gold

Step 2: Key Words

Your group should develop a list of key words for each element of worldview. These words should be used by in search engines when students are completing research.

You may use the Keyword Organizer to organize your group’s keywords.

Step 3: Experts

Each student will learn about one element of the Aztec worldview.

Ø  Use your Aztec Worldview Rubric to guide your work.

Ø  Remember to include the URLs of the pages from which you take information, as well as the dates on which it was found in your Reference Record, so you can return to it and use it in a bibliography.

Ø  Read through the links provided below. Make notes on information relevant to your topic using the Information Gathering Organizer.

·  Farming and Agriculture

·  Ancient Mesoamerica

·  The Aztec Gods

·  Religious Beliefs

·  Aztec Religion

·  Aztec Gods and Goddesses

·  Sources of the Aztec Law

·  Aztecs: Trade, Economy, and Merchants

·  Introduction to the Aztec Calendar

·  The Aztec Calendar: The Pointer

·  The Mesoamerican Ball Game

·  Aztec Schooling

·  Education and Moral Values

Step 4: Preparing the Presentation

·  With your group, prepare an oral presentation outlining your research findings. Your presentation should be geared toward an “uneducated audience,” or people who do not have as much knowledge about the Aztec worldview as you do.

·  Your group presentation should include a powerpoint. However, you are expected to share information that does not exist on the presentation itself (ie. Do not simply read your powerpoint. You classmates can read.)

·  You are responsible for presenting your own expert knowledge (1-2 slides), and you will be marked independently of the rest of your group.

·  Your portion of the presentation must be brief (2-3 minutes).

Step 5: Conclusion

When you have done finished gathering and sharing your information, as a group, discuss answers to the following questions.

1.  What conclusions can you draw about what was important to the Aztec society?

2.  How does the Aztecs’ manipulation of their geographic world reflect their world view?

3.  What effect did their beliefs they held about the gods and the natural world have on their way of life?

4.  What beliefs guided their actions as a society?

5.  What do you think the Aztecs considered important? What values do you think they held?