Livingston County Middle School

Home of the Cardinals: Reaching Excellence Daily withRigorous, Engaging, Differentiated Learning

1370 US Highway 60 East

Burna, KY 42028

Phone: 270-988-3263

Fax: 270-988-2518



Pin is 0001

Dear Parents/Guardians:

Your child has been a participant in the Title I School-Wide Program during this school year.

The purpose of this questionnaire is to gather information on how well the school communicates with parents of children who receive Title I services. Please take a few minutes to complete the questionnaire. Your feedback will be used to improve parent involvement activities. Suggestions on how we can better help our students at home or at school are welcome.

We will summarize the results from this questionnaire and use the information to improve school programs and parent involvement offerings. For more information, please contact the Title I teacher, Teresa Alsobrook.

Please circle YES or NOand return to LCMS with your child. Thank you for your valuable input.

1.Were you notified that your school would be a schoolwide program?YESNO

2.Did you receive a copy of the Parent Involvement Policy and the Home School YESNO

Learning Compact (registration, Student Agenda, Back To School Fair, Home Visits, etc.)?

3.Were you invited to a meeting to talk about the Title I program? (Curriculum,YESNO

assessment, and expected performance levels – August PTSO meeting)

4.Have you been invited to a parent-teacher conference this year (October, School Day)?YESNO

5.Were you offered information or suggestions as to how to help and support yourYESNO

child’s learning such as monitoring attendance, TV, homework completion, agenda, IC, websites, etc?

6.Have you been asked how the school could improve the parent involvement program?YESNO

7.Were you asked to help design the school’s parent involvement policy (August PTSO)?YESNO

8.Do you receive student progress reports in a timely manner?YESNO

9.Is the information provided to you understandable?YESNO

10.Has the Title I staff been supportive and willing to help?YESNO

11.Has the Title I program been a positive experience for your child?YESNO

12.Has the Title I program provided a variety of learning opportunities for your child?YESNO

13. The academic quality THIS school year has improved since last year.YESNO

14. Parent participation THIS school year has increased since last year.YESNO

15. The school tries to remove barriers that hinder parent participation.YESNO

16. I attended some of the monthly parent involvement activities (PTSO, Parent Academies, Conferences, Volunteering, etc.). YES NO

For questions # 17-18, please check ALL items that apply:

17.Which would be the best source(s) to get information to you about Title I?

___Newspaper___School newsletter___Your child___IC Portal Announcements

___Principal___Classroom Teacher___Other parents___School Webpage

___Twitter___Facebook___One Calls/Texts/Emails___ Marquee___Other (explain)

18. What would help you to be able to attend parent-teacher conferences, parent meetings, and training sessions?

___Child Care ___Transportation ___Time of Meeting (list best day & time) ___Disability Accessibility

___Someone to Read Materials___Interpreter (list language) ___ Nothing needed; can attend as I wish

___Other (explain)

19. Do you have any comments that would help LCMS improve? If so, please list below. Feel free to offer any explanations of items you answered above. Also, please make any comments to help us improve parent involvement or the school in general. Feel free to attach additional sheets with comments if necessary.


