A Short History of
1985-'86 While in 1985-86 a Community Services Victoria/Office of Intellectual Disability Services (C.S.V./O.I.D.S.)working party discussed the allocation of $200,000 for the establishment of citizen advocacy programs in Victoria and there was quickening of efforts of various working groups like that formed by Norplan to be in a position to receive funding, there had been discussions as early as 1980-81 by the Consultative Council on Intellectual Disability set-up by the State Government (Lib - Country Parties) and chaired by (Chris?) Borthwick on developments needed in services for people with intellectual disability including the concept of funding citizen advocacy.
There were also State/Commonwealth consultations taking place on the same subject at this time.
Norplan, predominantly a parents' organisation, which had been active in furthering the establishment of day training centres and other Services under community management in the north-east region commissioned a group as early as about 1983 led by Pauline Butler, Barbara Folwell, Harvey Beith and Jill Steeart to develop a steering committee which would lead to the establishment of a citizen advocacy program in the region. Others involved in the early stages were Elaine Nyberg, Chris Aicher, Pat Ferguson S. Kelly and Kay Bays (O.I.D.S.)
June $17,000 establishment grant and $40,000 for recurrent expenses for the year 1986-87 from O.I.D.S.
Nov.- Employment of David Hird as Coordinator (30 hours per week) and Pam Hutchison as administrative assistant for one day a week and move to the "shopfront" building in Watsonia.
Apr.-1987 Chris Elliott joined the staff as part-time (20 hours per week) assistant coordinator.
May Efforts to recruit advocates began in earnest - presentations to various groups, articles in local newspaper and talk on local radio.
July Resignation of David. Hird
May-Sept At about this time, ten potential advocates had been recruited and commenced orientation.
Sept- The program had been variously called Norplan Citizen Advocacy, Northern Citizen Advocacy and Citizen Advocacy North-East Region. It was incorporated as North East Citizen Advocacy Inc. in September 1987 and at the inaugural meeting on 14 December 1987,
The committee included Michael Bullock (to March 1988), Margaret Finch, Harley Beith, Pauline Butler and
Jill Steeart elected as Chairperson
Barbara Folwell elected as Secretary
Angela Orwin elected as Treasurer
Oct. Herb Young appointed full-time coordinator
Sep.-Oct. First matches, Justin and Dawn, Cheryl and Kathy, Jackie and Danielle. Gordon and John Cole)
April 1988 Chris Elliot resigned.
May ' Cheryl Miller replaced Chris Elliott as part-time assistant coordinator
June ' John Cole joined the committee.
Nov. Rita Grogan, Trish Phillips and Paul Ferguson joined committee. First payment of Commonwealth grant bringing total funding for 1988-89 to $71,500
Feb. 1989 Resignation of Herb Young and Angela Orwin and John Cole elected as treasurer.
Cheryl Miller appointed full-time coordinator.
June Commonwealth/State funding for 1989-90 - $97,000 (approx. 50-50).
Tania Zapparoni and Maureen Gilbert appointed part-time assistant co-coordinators 20 hours per week each.
Aug. Gordon Garrard appointed to committee of management (C.O.M.)
Oct. At the A.G.M. (adjourned from September) C.O.M. elected John Cole, Chairperson Stuart Fraser, Secretary Trish Phillips, Michael Moody, Lorraine Mammama, Paul Ferguson, Treasurer ,Gordon Garrard
Jan. 1990 Office moved to 455 Upper Heidelberg Road, Heidelberg
May Cheryl Miller resigned
June ' Tania Zapparoni resigned
May-Jul. Maureen Gilbert increases hours from 20 to 30 hours per week.
Aug. Maureen Gilbert resigned.
Josie Prioletti and Robert Pratt appointed as joint full-time coordinators.
Nov. A.G.M. elected Frances Donovan, Melinda Mockridge, Gordon Garrard, Colin Jensen, Stuart Fraser, Trish Phillips, John Cole and Kathrine Bergman to the C.O.M.
Dec.' End of State Government funding.
Jan. 1991 John Cole elected as S.L.P. (Staff Liaison Person). Office bearers to constitute Exec Sub. Committee. John Moran and Peter Malcolm appointed to C.O.M.
Nov. A.G.M. elected S. Fraser, Chairperson K. Bergman, Secretary M. Mockridge, P. Malcolm, David Bamfield, G. Garrard, Rod Foster and J. Cole Treasurer (also S.L.P. and C.A.V.R.U. nominee) to the C.O.M.
Apr. 1992 From April 1991 there were eleven matches (including one re-match) and seven discontinuations taking the total from 29 to 33.
Nov. A.G.M. elected S. Fraser, K. Bergman, M. Mockridge, P. Malcolm, G. Garrard, J. Cole, Margaret Bartlett and Lorna Archer to the C.O.M.
Feb. 1993 Moved premises temporarily to Beetham Parade, Rosanna
May ' Moved premises built with Federal funds for a Community Group Hub at Turnham Avenue, Rosanna
Received Commonwealth funding to cover rent at new premises halting decline in reserves for equipment replacement.
Nov. Josie Prioletti commenced annual leave plus 12 months' leave without pay.
A.G.M. elected S. Fraser, K. Bergman, G. Garrard, P. Malcolm, M. Barlett and M. Mockridge to the C.O.M.
Dec. From April 1993 4 new matches and 3 discontinuation took total to 42.
Jan. 1994 Juliet Gavens appointed as part-time (35 hours per week) coordinator for a period of 12 months. Teresa Benich appointed as part-time (20 hours per week) assistant coordinator for a period of 12 months (from casual administrative assistant averaging 10 hours per week).
Feb Decided Juliet to concentrate initially on getting to know proteges and advocates and what is involved as coordinator especially at first the requirements of follow-along and support of matches.
Mar. Lucy Benich appointed to C.O.M.
National Citizen Advocacy Conference in Sydney
Stuart Fraser,John Cole, Kate Bergman, Luci & Terri Benich attended
May Jackie Finch appointed to C.O.M.
Nov. Kate Bergman, President John Cole, Treasurer Luci Benich, Melinda Mockridge, Peter Malcolm, Gordon Garrard, Jackie Finch, Stuart and Margaret did not seek re-election
Nov. Josie Prioletti resigned - having decided to continue in her new career as a caterer.
Jan. 1995 Juliet accepted continuing as coordinator full-time ie. 40 hours per week, and Terri decided to revert to admin. assistant working 10 hours per week.
March Wine & Cheese Night, with NECA Wine for sale as findraising effort
June Juliet Gavens resigned.
Aug. Terri Benich resigned - to take up a full-time position.
Sept. Marianne Deerson appointed full-time coordinator.
Andree Preston appointed admin. assistant at an average of 10 hours per week.
Difficulties experienced with restructuring of the building and move to smaller office accommodation.at Turnham Ave.
Oct. COM decides to have a CAPE in 1996
Dec. AGM - Kate Bergman, President John Cole, Secretary Wendy Doran, Treasurer Gordon Garrard, Melinda Mockridge, Jackie Finch, Minute Taker Peter Malcolm, Terri Benich
Jan. ‘96 Andree Preston resigned to take up full time study
Feb. Rita Lam was employed as new Admin Assistant
March ’ Citizen Advocacy Program Evaluation
The CAPE.team existed of:
· Barbara Page Hanify Team leader mentored by Zana Lutfiyya.
· Zana Lutfiyya (report writer)
· Barbara Sebok (coordinator Sydney program)
· Donna Rhall (coordinator Sydney program)
· Gill Rimmer (coordinator Launceston program)
· Eric Jones (steering Committee Sunshine Coast C.A.)
· National Citizen Advocacy Conference in Melbourne.
Kate Bergman, John Cole, Gordon Gerrard and Marianne Deerson attended.
· Two-day workshop by Zana Lutfiyya and John Murphy for interested coordinators in Victoria
Oct. Citizen Advocacy Victorian Resource Unit closed due to inability to form a new constitution and organise membership.
Nov. AGM - Kate Bergman (President) Susan Murphy (Secretary) Gordon Gerrard & Peter Malcolm, (John Cole did not stand for re-election)
Note: Chris Watson joined the COM in Feb. ‘97
David Bertazzon joined the COM in March ‘97 as Treasurer
May 1997 Fundamental Beliefs in CA Workshop in Sunbury, attended by all Victorian CA Programs
June ‘ Marianne participates on CAPE team in W.A.
Leader A.J. Hildebrandt
July Wolf Wolfensberger & Susan Thomas Workshop: ‘Social Advocacy’
Marianne attended.
Aug NECA Board Planning Day –Strategies & Goals , facilitated by John Armstrong
Feb. ‘98 Marianne participates on CAPE team in NSW
March 100th Match Celebration in Yarra Park
April Wine & Cheese Night, with NECA Wine for sale as a fundraising effort.
Oct AGM : Kate Bergman, Susan Murphy, Peter Malcolm, Clare Nugent, David Bertazzon, Gordon Garrard, Santo Consolino, Graeme Williams, Trevor Wise
NECA Brochure Launch at AGM with new Logo. Launched by Rod Quantock
May 99 Marianne Deerson resigns
June Kylie Alchin Coordinator – June 99 / Oct 2000
July Woolongong CA Seminar – attended by Kylie Alchin
Oct AGM Santo CONSOLINO President, David BERTAZZON Treasurer, Kate BERGMAN Secretary , Gordon GARRARD, Trevor WISE, Sarah Jane LEFFERS, Leana WILLIAMSON
Nov Clare Nugent commissions NECA Coffee Mugs to be made by a Fitzroy potter
Oct 2000 AGM JIM DUNCAN Treasurer, Stella ARGENT, Soula DIMOULAS, Jen,, DEURWAARDER, Kristan, BAKER . Natalie HUMAN, Gordon, GARRARD, Kate BERGMAN Secretary ,Santo CONSOLINO President
Dec Coordinator position split into a two-day and a three-day workload.
Sarah Jane Leffers 2 days dec 2000/ june 2003
Bert Pratt three days dec 2000 –June 2007
Oct 2001 AGM Kate BERGMAN, President, JIM DUNCAN Treasurer, Soula DIMOULAS Secretary, Gordon GARRARD Stella, ARGENT Rebecca DAVISON Jen DEURWAARDER Natalie HUMAN Andrew STRAFFORD
April 2002 Board Training Day – by Barbara Page Hanify
May NECA Video produced featuring the Matches
· Wayne & Kristen
· Gordon & John ‘
· Jenny, Ron & Kate
Oct AGM Natalie WALKER President, David DYSON Treasurer Soula DIMOULAS Secretary Emma ALDERSEA Stella ARGENT Gordon GARRARD Rebecca DAVISON Paul MONTEITH
Celebration of Matches Party invitation for all current Matches to attend.
June 2003 Sarah Jane Leffers resigns
Oct AGM - Natalie WALKER President ,David DYSON Treasurer, Emma ALDERSEA
Secretary ,Stella ARGENT, Soula DIMOULAS ,Rebecca DAVISON ,Gordon GARRARD
Feb 2004 Dept of FaCSIA Section 14K Audit conducted by Dept Staff
July Job Descriptions changed to - Coordinator three days
Program Manager two days
Kate Bergman employed as Program Manger 15.2 hours July 2004 –
Sept Capricorn CA National Conference attended by:
COM – Rebecca Davison & Emma Aldersea
Staff – Kate Bergman & Bert Pratt
Oct AGM - Emma ALDERSEA President, David DYSON Treasurer, Rebecca DAVISON Secretary ,Laura JUDD, Gordon GARRARD, Clare NUGENT, Stella ARGENT ,Lynda DEAN
Sept 2005 Tom Doody Workshop - South Aust CA -
Attended by Kate Bergman & Bert Pratt
Oct AGM President: David Dyson, Secretary: Laura Judd, Treasurer: Jim Duncan, Gordon Gerrard, Stella Argent, Emma Aldersea, Clare Nugent, Paul Monteith
Feb 2006 Sunbury Workshop 2 day live in event
Attended by members of South Aust CA, NECA and Sunbury CA.
Oct AGM President: David Dyson, Secretary: Laura Judd, Treasurer: Jim Duncan, Gordon Gerrard, Stella Argent, Emma Aldersea, Clare Nugent, Paul Monteith
Dec Sydney National CA Forum – attended by members & staff of most CA Programs in Australia, to discuss issues with the NDAP reform process.
April 2007 Melbourne National CA Forum - hosted by NECA
Attended by members & staff of most CA Programs in Australia, to discuss issues with the NDAP reform process.
June Bert Pratt retires
July Geoff McLean appointed as Coordinator – 3 days
July Capricorn CA Workshop presented by John Armstrong
Attended by Geoff McLean & Kate Bergman
July VDAN National Advocacy Conference - Melbourne. Inaugural meeting of all programs funded by the NDAP
Sept Launceston CA Conference
Kate Bergman attended
Oct AGM- David Dyson president , Lance Bishop, Bert Pratt., Emma Aldersea,. Dominic Chiaravalloti, Jim Duncan treasurer, Laura Moorfield, Stella Argent, Julie O’Neill,
Oct 2008 VDAN National Advocacy Conference- Melbourne , for all programs funded by NDAP
AGM - Dominic Chiaravalloti president, David DYSON treasurer ,Debbie TORI secretary, Stella ARGENT ,Julie O’NEILL, Bert PRATT
Dec Office moves to Gabonia Ave Watsonia
Feb 2009 C.A. Conference in Adelaide
Attended by Geoff McLean, Kate Bergman, Dom Chiaravallito, Debbie Tori Julie O’Neill
Dept of FaHCSIA Section 14K Audit conducted by Dept Staff
Oct AGM -Dominic Chiaravalloti president, David DYSON treasurer , Bert PRATT secretary, Stella ARGENT ,Julie O’NEILL,
Nov Strengthening Disability Advocacy Conference run by DANA in Canberra attended by Kate Bergman
Feb 2010 Launceston CAPE . Geoff McLean on evaluation Team
April Lynda Dean rejoins Committee
May CA National Workshop two-day workshop run by NECA for national CA programs
Oct AGM - Dominic Chiaravalloti president, David DYSON treasurer , Bert PRATT secretary, Stella ARGENT ,Julie O’NEILL, , Lynda DEAN
March 2011 DARU Victorian Disability Advocacy Conference attended by Geoff McLean & Kate Bergman
April Clare Nugent – rejoins Committee
May Pamela Yensch appointed as Coordinator for 18 hours per week due to increased funding by Federal Dept of FaHCSIA
Sept International Social Role Valorisation Conference in Canberra, Attended by Geoff McLean , Kate Bergman, Pamela Yensch, Bert Pratt, Clare Nugent
CA National Network meeting in Canberra – Pamela Yensch presents information on how to prepare for the Quality Assurance Audits that will be conducted in 2012/3 by an External Auditors against the new Disability Advocacy Standards.
Oct AGM -Lynda DEAN president, David DYSON treasurer , Bert PRATT secretary, Stella ARGENT ,Julie O’NEILL, , Dominic Chiaravalloti, Clare NUGENT
March 2012 DARU Victorian Disability Advocacy Conference attended by Geoff McLean, Kate Bergman & Pamela Yensch
April Strategic Planning Meeting for CoM members - to design a five-year Strategic Plan
Phil Middleton joined Committee
DANA Conference in Canberra, attended by Kate Bergman
May Karen Major joins Committee
June QA Workshop – two day workshop run by NECA for Vic & Tas programs
June 27 2012 Geoff McLean ( Senior Coordinator)passed away.
August NECA Quality Framework adopted by CoM
Oct Natasha Schickerling - Assistant Coordinator appointed
AGM 2012 – David Dyson did not renominate, after 10 years’ service as Treasurer.
-Committee elected – Lynda DEAN president, Bert Pratt secretary, Karen Major Treasurer, Clare NUGENT, Stella ARGENT, Dominic Chiaravalotti
Abbreviated History