Historical Thinking Vocabulary

Historical Thinking Vocabulary

Historical Thinking Vocabulary

Quiz Date: ______

  1. Primary – created at the time of the event; eyewitness account of an event (ex. diary)
  2. Secondary – offers interpretation/analysis of an event by someone who did not witness event (ex. textbook)
  3. Document – evidence that tells of an event/experience; primary or secondary (ex: Constitution, Declaration of Independence)
  4. Source – where/when does a document comes from (ex. excerpt from the Diary of Anne Frank)
  5. Context – people, time period, details, and language to identify a document
  6. Perspective – viewpoint based on experiences, background knowledge, relationships, beliefs, or location
  7. “Say” – text evidence; directly quote from the text
  8. “Mean” – summary or retelling in your own words
  9. “Matter” – significance of fact/quote; describes why evidence is important
  10. Bias – leaning towards one side or another based on feelings, background, experiences, or relationships
  11. APPARTS – Author, Point of View, Purpose, Audience, Reason, Time, Sources
  12. DBQ – “document based question”; a prompt answered with historical documents

Historical Thinking Vocabulary

Quiz Date: ______

  1. Primary – created at the time of the event; eyewitness account of an event (ex. diary)
  2. Secondary – offers interpretation/analysis of an event by someone who did not witness event (ex. textbook)
  3. Document – evidence that tells of an event/experience; primary or secondary (ex: Constitution, Declaration of Independence)
  4. Source – where/when does a document comes from (ex. excerpt from the Diary of Anne Frank)
  5. Context – people, time period, details, and language to identify a document
  6. Perspective – viewpoint based on experiences, background knowledge, relationships, beliefs, or location
  7. “Say” – text evidence; directly quote from the text
  8. “Mean” – summary or retelling in your own words
  9. “Matter” – significance of fact/quote; describes why evidence is important
  10. Bias – leaning towards one side or another based on feelings, background, experiences, or relationships
  11. APPARTS – Author, Point of View, Purpose, Audience, Reason, Time, Sources
  12. DBQ – “document based question”; a prompt answered with historical documents