Historic Landmarks Foundation of Indiana Grant and Loan Programs

Preserving historic landmarks requires research, restoration skills, commitment, enthusiasm--and money. Historic Landmarks Foundation of Indiana knows that the latter commodity can be hard to find for endangered structures, often long vacant and dilapidated. We designed our grant and loan programs to help local preservation organizations in saving and restoring historic places. We keep the paperwork to a minimum, and in most programs we welcome applications as needs arise (two grant programs have more structured deadlines).
To learn more about Historic Landmarks Foundation’s grants and loans or to request a more in-depth brochure covering the programs, contact the Historic Landmarks regional office that serves your community.

Indiana Preservation Grants
Historic Landmarks’ Indiana Preservation Grants are available to nonprofit organizations for professional architectural and engineering feasibility studies and other preservation consulting services, as well as organizational development and fundraising projects. The grants may not be used for physical restoration work. Historic Landmarks Foundation makes Indiana Preservation Grants on a four-to-one matching basis, with four dollars from us matching each local cash dollar. We will fund 80% of the total project cost up to $2,500.

Historic Preservation Education Grants
Historic Landmarks Foundation and the Indiana Humanities Council make grants of up to $2,000 for educational projects related to historic properties in Indiana. Eligible projects include lectures, workshops, conferences, production of audiovisual materials, heritage and cultural tourism programs, and educational publications. Proposals for Heritage Preservation Education Grants are due in early March each year. Completed applications are due in April, and grant awards are announced in May. Online applications are available at For more information, contact Historic Landmarks’ Director of Heritage Education and Information, 317-639-4534 or 800-450-4534 or email .

Legal Defense Grants
While Historic Landmarks regards legal action as a last resort, we recognize that it is sometimes required to save endangered structures and support preservation processes. Nonprofit preservation organizations may request grants of up to $2,000 for legal fees to defend or compel conformance with a local preservation ordinance, enforce protective covenants, or seek an injunction to prevent the demolition of a historic building. Historic Landmarks’ Legal Defense Grants cover 80% of the total cost of legal counsel up to $2,000.