JLAB 2012


Cadet Merit/Demerit, Flag Policy

Wayne Memorial High School JROTC – Wayne, MI

Here at Wayne Memorial High School, we use a merit, demerit, and flag policy which is included in our SOP.

Cadets may receive merits for outstanding performance of duty above and beyond what is expected of all cadets. Merits are also given when completing detail, general cleaning of the JROTC area, maintenance and/or cleaning of weapons, equipment & facilities, assisting the instructor with duties, recovery of JROTC property, volunteering to assist in JROTC activities, and duties proposed by the cadet or instructor that benefit’s the program or cadet.

Demerits are given to cadets for minor and/or serious violations. This includes ISS and OSS (In School Suspension and Out of School Suspension), violations of classroom policy, violation of school policy; such as dress code, conduct unbecoming of a cadet, destruction or loss of uniform or JROTC items, a serious breach of conduct like fighting, and insubordination.

Our flag policy consists of two things, Academic flags and Disciplinary flags. Academic flags are given to cadets whom have received a failing grade in any class. Disciplinary flags are given to cadets who have been suspended in school, out of school and/or have received five demerits or more. They receive demerits equal to the number of days suspended, at the instructor’s discretion. Disciplinary & Academically flagged cadets are not allowed to participate on any team or be promoted, and will be removed from their current leadership position. Disciplinary flagged cadets may be removed from the flag roster by working of their demerits by completing beneficial tasks such as those in which a cadet would receive a merit. Academically flagged cadets may be removed in the fourth week of the following marking period, or upon passing all classes at the end of the marking period.

This policy keeps cadets from getting suspended or failing a class by rewarding them with incentives, such as promotions. With this policy enforced our program runs more smoothly, efficiently and we have more successes.