Hinton St George Long Term Programme of Work
The following document outlines how our school will be covering the National Curriculum over a 4 year period (effectively 2 years in Key Stage 1 and 2 years in lower Key Stage 2). This will ensure all the children will receive the full National Curriculum coverage in the time they spend in Key stage 1 and then in Key stage 2 from a different perspective.
Due to our mixed age classes, both classes across will cover the same topic titles taking the learning off at a different level and point of interest that is suitable for the children at each stage (Foundation Stage /Year 1 and Year2/3/4). Foundation Stage will cover the Foundation Stage Curriculum using the topic title as their starting point and using the same topic outcome as the whole school where appropriate. Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 will cover the designated objectives from the National Curriculum outlined below in each topic. Titles for each topic below are at a consultation stage with staff at the moment but will continue to develop over the cycle of the Programme of Work taking into account the pupils’ interest and needs.
We will continue to teach our R.E. lessons discretely and follow the AMV units of work from Baths and Wells.
Science, English, Maths, P.E., Languages and Citizenship will also continue to be taught discretely and planned using the National Curriculum 2014 and Chris Quigley ‘The Essentials Curriculum’. These subjects will be linked in to the topic theme where appropriate but only where tangible links are made. We also continue to use the SEAL units to teach elements of Citizenship programme.Even though the children are currently taught in two classes(Foundation Stage /Year 1 and Year2/3/4), the staff will arrange children in different arrangements to meet the needs of the pupils. An example of this is Science teaching which will be arranged Foundation Stage/Year 1 and Year2 together and then Year 3 and Year 4 together.
Hinton St George Long Term Overview of the National Curriculum – Year A
Topic / KS1 objectives to be covered / KS2 objectives to be covered / Science Coverage / RE CoverageAutumn
Grand Italian Tour / H2: events beyond living memory that are significant nationally or globally
G1: locational Knowledge (world)
G5: geographical vocabulary
G6: geographical Skills / H2: the Roman Empire and its impact on Britain
G1: locational Knowledge (world)
G4: place Knowledge (a region in Italy)
G5: physical geography / Living things and their habitats (KS1 – Yr2 POS)
Seasonal Change (KS1 Yr1 POS)*
A1, A2, A3, A4
DT Week: DD1, DM1, DE1, DC1, DC2, (Food)
M1: singing, M3: listening to music / A1, A2, A3
DT Week: DD1, DM1, DM2, DE1, DC1, DC2, DC3 (Food)
M1: performance, M5: listening to music / Living things and their habitats
(KS2 - Yr4 POS) / What does it mean to belong to Christianity? (B&D)
Not all Child’s Play / H1: changes within living memory / H6: a study of an aspect or theme in British history that extends pupils’ chronological knowledge beyond 1066 / Animals, including humans (KS1 – Yr1 and Yr2 POS)
Seasonal Change (KS1 Yr1 POS)* / Why are some times special? (B&E)
A1, A2, A3, A4
DT Week: DD1, DD2, DM1, DM2,DE2, DT2, (Mechanisms)
M1, M2: playing instruments M4: make and combine sounds / A1, A2,
DT Week: DD1, DD2, DM1, DM2,DE1, DE2, DT2, (Mechanisms)
M1, M2: Improvise and compose music, M3: listen and recall sounds, M4: music notation / Animals, including humans (KS2 – Yr1 and Yr2 POS)
Great British Festival / H2: significant events beyond living memory
G2: locational Knowledge (UK)
G4: physical geography incl. seasonal and daily weather patterns, G5, G6 / H1: changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age
G2: locational knowledge (UK)
G3: locational knowledge (Globe vocabulary) / Light (KS1 Yr1 POS)
Seasonal Change (KS1 Yr1 POS)*
M1, M3, M2, M4
Art Week: A1, A2, A3, A4 / M1, M3, M5, M6
Art Week: A1, A2, A3 / Light (KS2 Yr3 POS)
Rocks (KS2 Yr3 POS)
Hinton St George Long Term Overview of the National Curriculum – Year B
Topic / KS1 objectives to be covered / KS2 objectives to be covered / Science Coverage / RE CoverageAutumn / H2: Significant historical events, people and places in their own locality
G1: locational Knowledge (UK)
G8: aerial photos/maps
G9: local field work, G5, G6 / H2: a local history study
G2: locational Knowledge (UK)
G5: human geography
G8: field work / Materials Y1 POS and Use of Everyday Materials Y2 POS (KS1) / Where do we belong? (B&D)
A1, A2, A3, A4
DD1, DD2, DM1, DM2, DD1, DD2, DT1 DE2 (Structures)
M1: singing, M5: listening to music / A1, A2, A3
DT Week: DD1, DD2, DM1, DM2, DD1, DD2, DT1 DE2, DE3 (Structures)
M1: performance, M5: listening to music / States of Matter(KS2 - Yr4 POS)
Electricity (KS2 - Yr4 POS)
Spring / G1 and G2: locational knowledge
G3: Place knowledge (a small area of the UK / non-European country –Islands)
G7: locational and directional language, G5, G6 / G1 and G2: locational knowledge
G6: maps and atlases etc.
G7: directional language and map skills / Sound (KS1 – Y2 POS)
Plants (KS1 – Y1 POS)
A1, A2, A3
DT Week: DD1, DD2, DM1, DM2, DE1 (Textiles)
M1, M2: playing instruments M4: make and combine sounds / A1, A2,
DT Week: DD1, DD2, DM1, DM2, DE1, DE2 (Textiles)
M1, M2: Improvise and compose music, M3: listen and recall sounds, M4: music notation / Sound (KS2 – Y4 POS)
Plants (KS2 – Y3 POS) / Why are some journeys and places special? (C&E)
Olympic dreams / H3: lives of significant individuals in the past
G5: geographical vocabulary / H8: Ancient Greece
G2: locational knowledge (world)
G3: locational knowledge (Globe positional vocabulary) / Plants (KS1 Y2 POS)
M1, M3, M2, M4
Art Week: A1, A2, A3, A4 / M1, M3, M5, M6
Art Week: A1, A2, A3, / Forces and Magnets (KS2 Y3 POS) / What does it mean to belong to a religion Hinduism? (C&F)
Year C and D Objectives will follow the same rotation but will have a different emphasis and a different topic focus