Rancocas Valley Regional High School NJROTC Booster Club

Monday June 14, 2010

The meeting was called to order at 6pm

Chief Aupperle opened the meeting by discussing his ideas for the booster club.

Cadet James McMillen then discussed some of the unit’s needs and upcoming events. It is estimated that the unit will need to raise approximately $9,000.00 to cover the expenses for numerous events that are planned for the upcoming school year. These events include 4 drill competitions, several field trips, the Military Ball and the annual awards banquet. The unit is also in need of community and environmental events. If anyone has any contacts for such events please let Chief Aupperle know.

New Business


Restaurants: Kelly Ludwig contacted Applebees, TGIF, and Friendly’s. These restaurants will donate a percentage of any sales that are conducted during certain times and dates. Applebees and TGIF require that you present a flyer in order for the unit to receive the money. Theses flyers will be posted on the website for download. It was suggested that Wednesday nights be used for this fund raising event. Dates and times for this event will be announced once they are established.

Avon Sales: This idea was suggested by Randy Krakower. There will be no need to do any door to door sales; it will be done online. More information to follow.

Other events that were discussed included Wawa coupons, bake sales, car washes, and yard sales. The Booster Club is open to any other ideas that anyone may have concerning fund-raising.

ELECTIONS: The following individuals were elected:

President: Kelly Ludwig

Vice President: Denise Byrd

Treasurer: Michelle Schuck

Secretary: Jim McMillen

At Large: Randy Krakower

MEETINGS: It was established that meeting would be held monthly on Monday night at 7pm. The location for each meeting will be determined.

The next meeting will be held on July 12, 2010 at 7pm at Michelle Schuck’s home.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:30pm