December 3, 2014
Meeting Called to Order at 7 PM
Board Members in attendance: Jen Ziolkowski, Jodi Benson, Christine DeZao, Lisa Levine, Jennifer Mancini, Kara Pizza, Lisa Tubbs and Jamie Vento.
Board Members absent: none
Principal’s Comments
- Request to move Weird Hair Day from 12/23 to a half day in the spring was approved.
- District-wide benchmarking for four subjects was discussed. Benchmarking against curriculum expectations will be done again in April.
- Lengthy discussion was held regarding 3rd – 5th grade lunch and recess, focusing on December 2, 2014 and the letter sent home to parents outlining global student discipline measures taken.
Board of Education Report
- Dr. Freid announced he will be leaving the district as of June 30, 2015 due to the New Jersey superintendent salary cap.
- Contract negotiations will begin soon.
- Power lines discussions continue.
President’s Report
- A memorial plaque for Sheree Monetti has been placed by the Hilldale playground. A moment of silence will be observed at 2015 Field Day.
- Thanksgiving Bread Pudding Fundraiser successful. Will repeat fundraiser for winter holidays.
- Yankee Candle & Wrapping Paper Fundraisers have concluded.
- Planning is underway for a 2015 calendar raffle.
- Thank you to all the parents who volunteered for the Book Fair. Proceeds will pay for next year’s Scholastic magazine subscriptions that are used in the classroom. Spring book fair will be Buy 1 – Get 1 Free.
- Events committee, led by Melissa Jones, will be holding a Magic Show event on January 23, 2015. Details to follow. Another event is being planned for March 2015.
- Fall enrichment had 105 registrations. Deadline for winter enrichment registrations is Friday, December 19th.
- A “sticker” material will be placed on the front entrance windows that will render the windows shatterproof. The sticker will also prevent those outside from seeing into the school.
- The dumpster enclosure will be completed soon.
- Hot Lunch for January/February will close 12/14 with payments due 12/16 at 3PM. Parents are reminded that there will be no exceptions to the deadlines. PLEASE print out your child’s lunch tickets and send them to school on the appropriate day!
- The art room, music room and the multi-purpose room will have air conditioning installed in spring 2015.
General Discussion
- Comments Box has been added to the PTC website. The goal is to gather ideas about ways to improve student success at Hilldale School.
- Donated posters and books from the Book Fair are in the Resource Room.
- Homework Free night is scheduled during PARC testing. Can it be rescheduled?
- An in-school event to benefit Homeless Bus is being coordinated.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:35 PM