FOI: Tuesday 28th August
Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2012 7:08 PM
Subject: RE: Tuesday 28th August
Thanks DCLG8 – have a great weekend in Falmouth and see you next week!
Sent: 22 August 2012 18:46
To:MP1; MP2
Cc:[]; MP2; [];[]; DCLG3; DCLG2; DCLG1; DCLG7; DCLG10; DCLG18; Cathy Francis; Philip Cox; DCLG30
Subject: RE: Tuesday 28th August
Hi MP1,
Just to let you know that I've just had a helpful chat with MP2 and I will be arriving at Liskeard at about 1pm on the 28th in time for the proposed meeting with you, Mary and the TT at around 1.45pm.
If you need to contact me over the weekend you can send me an email at this address or phone me on my mobile.
Looking forward to seeing you again on Tuesday afternoon.
Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2012 1:36 PM
To:DCLG8; []
Subject: RE: Tuesday 28th August
We should talk in advance
The Town team along with the efforts of all those who are supporting the work are now really building some momentum in liskeard and it would make sense that you are present at all of the days meetings and activities ?
[]from the TT is leading the agenda for the day but this will include
1 A town team meeting to review the overall plan before the 7pm town meeting
2 The new town shop project and the help we are being offered from Cornwall’s entrepreneurs.
3 Filling the empty shops and the administrative help we need for that ( we’ll need you for this part!)
3 A major operation in October and the planning of that ( we definitely need your and the councils input at this meeting!)
After that will follow the 7pm general town meeting
So in short yes, your attendance is quite marvellously timed….
-----Original Message-----
From: MP1
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2012 8:11 PM
Cc: Cathy Francis; Philip Cox
Subject: RE: Tuesday 28th August
Evening all
As you'll be aware tomorrow is a critical day for Liskeard
Could we possibly talk tomorrow morning to go through the plan for the day?
DCLG8, I know you're coming which is brilliant.....
thanks so much
From: DCLG8
Sent: 22 August 2012 11:53
To: []; MP1
Cc: [];[];[];[];[]; Cathy Francis; Philip Cox; DCLG30; []
Subject: Tuesday 28th August
Hello MP1, [],
Just to let you both know that I am planning to come to Liskeard next Tuesday, 28th August, to meet []and []from Cornwall Council. I hope to be able to come along to the evening meeting too and presume that's OK with you?
Thanks and regards and hope you enjoyed the rest of your holiday, MP1.
From: []
Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2012 4:10 PM
To: []
Cc: [];[];[];[];[];[];[];[];[];[];[];[];[]; DCLG8; [];[];[]; MP1
Subject: Re: Portas Pilot meeting Liskeard 16/8/12
Thank you []. Both Mary and I were really pleased to be able to talk to everyone. It felt like a very productive meeting and I look forward to our next steps together.
On 16 Aug 2012, at 14:47, []wrote:
We did agree that I am happy that it is agreed as an additional bullet point
From: []
Sent: 16 August 2012 14:38
To: []
Cc: [];[];[];[];[];[];[];[];[];[];[];[]; [];DCLG8; [];[];[]; MP1;
Subject: Re: Portas Pilot meeting Liskeard 16/8/12
Dear [],
Thanks very much for chairing the meeting and for this clear and succinct summary.
I believe it was agreed that it will be possible for the Town Team to talk to Mary and get advice from her without filming. This is an important principle to be clear about.
I felt it was a very positive meeting and look forward to the work we can all do together.
Best wishes,
On 16/08/2012 13:18, []:
Thanks everyone for a very useful meeting this morning. As promised here is a brief summary of what was discussed / agreed
Town Team – Structure & remit
* Town Team Executive Board will be formalised in early September and a shadow Board exist now which has the ability to make decisions to ensure expediency
* Meeting to be held 22/8 when bid writing team will handover to delivery team
* Agreed that remit was to engage with local community and stakeholders to create a long term legacy with local ownership
* Need to be flexible and ‘fleet of foot’ and to take account of and align with existing work that was already underway and to take advantages of opportunities as when they arose
* Recognition that everyone involved has a day job to do as well.
Film scheduling
* A lot of activity next week in relation to empty shops 28/8 and 29/8
* Optomen to provide a schedule of likely future filming dates so that people can put in diaries etc
* Recognition that not all meetings will / should be filmed and that some individuals would not want to be filmed
Mary’s support
* Mary will support locally by offering expertise and advise but will also act as an advocate for Liskeard in her discussion with key organisations / personnel both regionally / nationally to try to get further offers resource / support for Liskeard
Communications and Operational Working
* Weekly teleconference calls will be scheduled with key parties – Town Team, Optomen and others as appropriate
* Each party would identify a recognised point of contact (TT –[], Optomen –[] - who will also liaise with MPs team) ) whose role was to be involved in a regular teleconferences calls and to feed in / back to their parent body
* Key principle was one of ‘no surprises’ to any party
* Everyone to be aware of media interest locally / nationally and to be thoughtful and respectful in all communications – whatever the media used
Empty Shops
* Significant work required in next few days
* TT to feed in current thoughts / views after meeting on 22/8
* TT to commission []to offer expertise and support
* Public meeting planned for 28/8 and follow up on 29/8 with likely press coverage
* MP to speak to []
* Recognition that Liskeard likely to have a number of USPs!
* TT to share previous work on ‘branding’ with MP
Hopefully I’ve covered everything – if I have missed any key issues or misinterpreted what was agreed please let me know asap. I think I have copied this to all there were present / invited – if not please forward as appropriate
Kind regards
Cornwall Council
From: []
Sent: 16 August 2012 08:36
To: [][][][][][][][][][][][][]; []
Cc: DCLG8; []
Subject: RE:
Aagh! Sent before finished, so trying again:
Update on TT structure & remit
Film & Mary schedule until completion
Mary's support offer to TT
Agreeing a way to work together
Establishing communication routes
Reflects govt advice & what Optomen have suggested needs to be discussed and hopefully covers key points at this stage.
From: []
To: [][][][][][][][][][][][][]; []
Cc: DCLG8; []
Subject: RE:
Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2012 08:29:34 +0100
Mary has just over an hour for this meeting. Suggested items are:
Update on Town Team structure & remit
Film and Mary schedule until completion
Mary's support offer to TT
Agreeing a way to work together
From: []
To: [][][][][][][][][][][][][];
Cc: DCLG8; []; []
Subject: RE:
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2012 17:20:52 +0100
Dear all,
Thank you to those who have indicated their availability. As it is past office hours and we've not heard whether DCLG representative from Cornwall is able to attend either date, I suggest we opt for Thursday at 10am to give strongest opportunity for this to take place.
If anyone would like to offer to arrange a venue and let this group know that would be appreciated.
[]- I think you said you would be able to ensure Chamber were involved if Thursday?
From: []
To: [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
CC: DCLG8>; MP1; [];[]
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2012 13:21:19 +0100
Dear all,
It has become clear that there's a need to resolve some communications issues between Town Team and Optomen / Mary Portas to ensure we are able to take forward the bid agenda. We have been asking for an off camera meeting, which is now a possibility.
The invite here includes all those already appointed to the executive board and those from the bid team who have remained involved.
[][]- appreciate you may not be able to make this but please if you could send representation eg. []and [] who are involved with working groups?
Times offered are Wed after 8pm or Thursday before 4pm. Currently DCLG are looking to send a rep so their availability will be a key factor in deciding the timing.
As this is short notice, wanted to give heads up and will contact again with time set.
Portas Pilot meeting Liskeard 16/8/12
Sent: Friday, August 24, 2012 7:02 PM
Cc:[];[]; DCLG8; [];[];[]
Subject: RE: Portas Pilot meeting Liskeard 16/8/12
Hi []
I hear it’s your stag weekend – have a brilliant time!
In addition to this Tuesday and Wednesday, Mary is currently planning to be in Liskeard in the week of 17th September, 8th October and 20th October. She is also hoping to be there for the big town clean up idea at the end of October (exact date tbc)
We hope to film all the developments preceding the days with Mary on our small camera / minimal crew.
Is that what you were asking me for? What other information do you think might be helpful?
All the best
(berocca always cures my hangovers…. See you on Tuesday!)
Sent: 24 August 2012 10:13
Cc:[];[]; DCLG8
Subject: RE: Portas Pilot meeting Liskeard 16/8/12
Thanks - I think it wil help us all as we move forward with this ambitious project. In relation to the forward filming schedule have you any idea when you can let us have that as diaries in the Autumn are rapidly filling
Mary and MP1 in Liskeard next week
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2012 4:18 PM
To:MP2; []; Cathy Francis
Cc:[];[]; DCLG1; DCLG2; DCLG7; DCLG10
Subject: RE: Mary and MP1 in Liskeard next week
Hi MP2,
Just to say that the agenda looks fine to me, thanks, but that I see the evening meeting as very much a Yellow Door and Optomen event, so I will be sitting quietly in the back and don't feel it appropriate for me to be filmed please.[]from Cornwall Council feels the same.
See you on Tuesdayand I hope to catch up with MP1 later.
Best wishes
Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2012 6:56 PM
Cc:DCLG8; []
Subject: Mary and MP1 in Liskeard next week
Hi []and Town Team.
I hope your meeting tonight goes well and you make some good progress despite the long agenda! I’ve caught up with DCLG8 and agreed a joined plan of action for the day. Also, as mentioned earlier to [], it would be really helpful if you could copy me in to your feedback from tonight with DCLG8 too.
Regarding the plan for 28 August, I hope these timings work for you all, but let me know if not. We are slightly subject to train times at this end though:
Tuesday 28 August:
1:45pm Town Team Meeting with MP1 and DCLG8
5.30pm Social Enterprise groups (e.g Eden, Fifteen, RIO) and Town Team meeting to discuss Mary’s idea for your Liskeard Town Shop and the ‘big clear up’. (with MP1 and DCLG8)
7pm Town Meeting (Filmed by Optomen)
I also promised to share with you the press release which was sent by Optomen to both the Cornish Times and Cornish Guardian which will be printed on Friday (see below). It would be really great if you could share the messages too with your networks and volunteer Cornwall and time bank.
Best regards.
***** PRESS RELEASE ******
Its been three months now since Liskeard won its status as one of the nation’s twelve first Portas Pilot towns and Mary’s spent much of that time getting to know the town, its people and their ambitions for Liskeard. She’s talked to the Town Team, the Mayor, the local Council, the Chief Executive of Cornwall Council, local entrepreneurs, local shopkeepers and residents. Mary is now inviting the whole town to join her and Liskeard town team for a meeting in the public hall, at 7pm on Tuesday 28th August. If you care about Liskeard please come along and get involved, Mary needs help from people who are passionate about the town, and have a stake in its future.
Mary is working with the Town Team to help fulfil the promise of their bid, including a drive to fill the empty shops in the town centre. Mary has had an incredibly positive response so far.She believes there is a real wealth of talent in Liskeard, and is hoping that every shop that opens will bring more people into the town, helping create a really strong and vibrant high street.
Mary and her team at her London agency Yellowdoor have been working with the town team on a vision for Liskeard, and on August 28th they will pitch her ideas for Liskeard, a way for the town to define itself as a unique destination in South East Cornwall. She also wants to issue a call to arms – she has an idea she’d like every single person living in and around Liskeard to be involved with.
Finally, Mary and the town team welcome anyone who is interested in voicing their opinions. Giving communities a greater say is one of the corner stones of The Portas Review.
****** PRESS RELEASE ******
Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2012 2:03 PM
Subject: RE: Liskeard
Yes please DCLG8!
I’d like to discuss logistics with you and what the current plan is, plus joining up for feedback post the exec board meeting tonight – I understand []is giving you a readout.
Sent: 22 August 2012 14:02
Subject: RE: Liskeard
Hi MP2,
Thanks for this.MP1 has since sent me a message suggesting he and I speak. Would you like me to call you too?
Best wishes
Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2012 12:39 PM
Subject: Liskeard
Hope all is well!
I left you a voicemail a bit earlier today, but thought I’d follow up with an email as it may be easier to pick my phone number off here than a voicemail.
It would be great to talk through a potential plan for Liskeard and what your availability is, so please do give me a call when you get a minute.
All the best.
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2012 3:49 PM
Subject: RE: FW:
Hi []
Thanks for your msg. Yes the meeting won’t be filmed. We don’t even have to film a summary of the meeting with anyone – we can just get a catch up with Mary afterwards. I’m keen to make this as simple and straight forward as possible.
In order to avoid misunderstandings or last minute disappointment I thought I’d clarify that while Mary would prefer to meet after 8pm on Wednesday, we can cancel/move her appointments in the morning if it makes things easier. But as I mentioned to you yesterday evening, she’s at a meeting from 1pm on Thursday – so really we’ve got weds eve or thurs morning. I hope that doesn’t cause any inconvenience.
Thanks x
Sent: 14 August 2012 13:31
Subject: FW:
After all that, forgot to copy you in!
Your original message talks about a meet including the Town Council, what I assume you mean to be Traders Association and theTown Team - but the Town Team includes all of these! This message should cover most bases but if there are others you expected to be involved please let me know.
I have been asked to confirm this is off camera meeting but I think you have covered that in your previous email?
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2012 2:46 PM
Cc:DCLG8; [];[]; []
Subject: RE: RE:
Hi []
I wish I was on holiday too!
Hopefully we will work together and have more opportunities to meet everyone who is unable to attend.
Mary has 1 hour and 15 minutes for the meeting. I hope this is enough time?
Would you like to suggest an agenda? Mary is keen to hear your concerns, talk about how we can work together, agree a way forward in terms of communication and decision-making and finally, agree on how we work together on empty shops and set out deadlines. Do you think there’s anything else? It would be helpful to know so we get through all the points…
Do you think it might be useful for someone to chair the meeting?
We’ve not invited anyone to attend the meeting. So if it’s ok with you, from our side it will be me, Mary and []. []is unfortunately unable to join us. She’s had very very sad news in her family.
Thanks again for organising.
I look forward to it.
[] x
Sent: 14 August 2012 23:51
Cc:DCLG8; []
Subject: RE:
Suffering a bit from August and people on holiday I think, so not everyone has responded. All three Cornwall Councillors are copied in to anything relating to Town Team Exec Board as they have yet to officially nominate a representative but wouldn't expect them all to attend. So, not a huge group really!
Those expected so far:
Waiting to hear from potential three others including DCLG & Traders Association. In addition, as []is on holiday, Cornwall Council may choose to send an alternative.
Please can you advise who you have invited to join us.
From: []
To: [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
CC:DCLG8; MP1; [][];[]; []; []
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2012 17:33:54 +0100
Subject: RE: RE:
Hi []
Thanks for your message. 10am works well for Mary. Could you please let us know who will be able to attend?
Thanks so much for organising this, especially considering you had to coordinate so many people.
We’ve just called []and they would be happy to host us. They have the lounge and the function room available. Once we know how many people are attending we can confirm a room – but in order not to clog up everyone’s inbox, I suggest we just ask at reception on arrival?
Mary and I look forward to seeing you all.
Best wishes
Optomen and Liskeard
Sent: Monday, August 13, 2012 6:16 PM
Cc:MP1; Cathy Francis; []; DCLG6; DCLG3; DCLG2; DCLG7; DCLG10; []; []
Subject: Re: Optomen and Liskeard
Please would you call our main number and ask for me. We're on [].
Any problems I will also be on my mobile.
I look forward to it. Thanks.
On 13 Aug 2012, at 16:02, DCLG8 wrote: